2.42 Balance plans

Discussion in 'General' started by Trickster, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    From Trickster's perspective, the pub scene does not exist.

    If you assume that no one is playing, then you never have to join pubs and you don't have to worry about the balance on those empty pubs. That does logically follow if you start with that assumption.

    And who knows, maybe he's right. I'm not so prideful that I don't at least entertain the idea that I'm wrong.

    But I hope he's wrong...
  2. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Honestly, whether I'm totally right or totally wrong, I don't feel it makes a great deal of difference either way. For the record, I'm totally open to doing balance patches in the first few weeks after a release, I just feel that doing them 2-3 months later is inappropriate.
  3. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Updated the initial OP. Unless anyone has any further thoughts, I'm going to start work on the scripts in the next week.
  4. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    add at least 2 extra clips for uml, as it stands it can hardly take out 6 plates compo with the amount of missiles it carries.

    also the anti vehicle mgs need help, a lot of help
  5. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    "Player Bio Interval" "1" //time inbetween each infliction of damage to players

    Hopefully you remember to increase this 2, otherwise it will just do 300 damage over those 30 seconds.

    What you planned for mgs sounds good, I don't think they should be more effective than a rifleman(except if they have .50 caliber maybe). I mean they do help and you can get kills with them, so they don't need a lot of help unlike what fn says.

    I don't quite understand what fn is saying about uml though, if they have 6 plates of compo that would mean you got another weapon the tank. UML shouldn't be a solo use weapon I think. I still think the missile needs to move just a bit faster, that's all.

    Looking forward to the next patch.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
  6. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    i said anti-vehicle mgs, so i dunno what you're on about with "more effective than a rifleman" unless you mean sticky bombs, but even that doesnt make any sense.

    i am saying that uml used to knock out one side of full compo with 12 shots (or a full clip of dual uml). now it takes 3-4 clips of uml to take that out. this makes uml heavies useless because all be heavies have to do is spin around once or twice and the nf heavy runs out of ammo. the BE heavy, on the other hand has a lower profile and can easily tbone an nf heavy so they only have to worry about one side... in short, uml used to be the damage dealer for NF, now it isn't and nothing yet has replaced it.
  7. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    Lazybum is referring to this:

    Though I agree anti-vehicle MGs need a buff of some kind, anything really.
  8. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    u gon kill ugl again so that an entire load cant even take out a ref
  9. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Yeah I misread what you wrote fn, I thought you said just vehicle mgs. Yeah the one that are for anti-tank need a little something.

    Looking at the scripts DU and HE tipped bullets do the same damage, 40 a second. You can actually use dps when it comes to mgs because they pretty much instant hit. I think if DU cycle time was reduced to .1 instead of .15 it would be pretty good as a physics secondary weapon. It would have a increase to 60 dps but would also heat up quite fast too, 20 heat every second.

    I don't know about DU HMG though. I don't feel like apcs should be able to kill tanks, maybe just annoy them. DU HMG does the same damage as HE cannon at the moment, 66 per second. So it is probably fine.

    HE tipped bullets I noticed that they aren't actually explosive, it mentions they were changed to just penetrate armor for some reason? Anyways I'm not too sure what HE MG could use, I just feel like it should remain as slow firing weapon. Maybe just increase heat by 1 or 2 and damage by like 5? I mean chemistry also has HE cannon( which is getting a nerf) and UML( which is getting a slight buff) soooooooo it really doesn't much.

    Looking at the scripts, I don't see why it would take so many missiles from UML to damage a composite heavy. Composite has no special resistance to missiles( also why does reactive only affect infantry rockets and not vehicle ones?). UML also does 60 a hit. plus has a faster fire time than HE. It should only take 8 missile, well maybe 9-10 because it regens a bit.
  10. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    Another approach would be to lower the heat output of anti vehicle MGs.
    At the minute they cant really be used as a secondary because they cause uber fast overheat with pretty much any engine
  11. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Outta curiosity, are you gonna wait til end of December/early January when candles and beerdude finish the port to update the scripts? Or can we have them earlier to have something to play with in the meantime? Sorry if I sound like a pain.
  12. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    I'd worry more about the population, than anything else.
  13. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    No I understand, I was just curious is all.
  14. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    Im guessing youve just pulled this estimate out of thin air?
  15. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Last time I asked it was you that said there's no estimate.

    Wealthysoup confirmed for infiltrator!
  16. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I'm sorry if that sounded presumptuous, I remember when candles first mentioned it he said it would be like a month or something and not a year like it was for orangebox, the 2007 engine.

    Edit: My bad, it was trickster saying something.http://forums.empiresmod.com/showpost.php?p=458653&postcount=109

    Still if this does look like something that might take a few months instead of a few weeks I would like to see new scripts as a christmas gift. Pretty please Santa?
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  17. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    New scripts will take me like 30 minutes to do, but we have no real way of testing them, that's the main issue. The test versions just don't work. And on top of that, no-one is really playing at the moment anyway, so it might be worth holding back.

    The original plan was that we'd release a patch at Christmas "no matter what". That was pretty much set in stone within the development forums and yeah, they included the scripts. But "no matter what" didn't really take into account the game not working at all. I don't think any of us envisaged this being even a fraction of the problem that it's turned out to be. I don't joke when I say that it has single handedly killed the current population of Empires.

    It's difficult for me to be objective seeing as I don't really play any more, but in my mind the game is basically on hiatus until we fix this issue. In the past 14 days, the population of Empires has spent a grand total of 15 minutes above the 20 player mark. I really don't feel like it's worth releasing a patch for so few people when it's something we can hold back for a larger patch.
  18. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Lazy, while I do not want to critique you in any way here, but frrm my experience, asking about any balance update is absolutely pointless. You'll only end up more bitter about nothing changing.
  19. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    "Nobody does anything so I'm not going to do anything myself."
  20. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Sweet jesus, trickster, dont fucking delay that any further. I dont want to get into specific of what gets fixed when, but you know shit tends to go down south, and chances are, for whatever reason, you wont be able/whatever and the balance will be delayed even further.

    Pretty much noone plays. True, but in my eyes, there is also noone left to care if stuff gets broken even more. The few people that do can at least give a bit of an insight into the changes. Even if the game gets fixed and not crash, we won't win people back with broken balance.

    You dont have to screw around with those Emgs and shotguns and whatnot. A simple,current update would do for now. Also, dont be afraid to scrap weapons. Nfar2, for example, was never good and considering how aiming is now a hindrance rather than a bonus, it may just never be.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013

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