Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Candles, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    so 1.75billion people support terrorism? interesting, tell me more ...
  2. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    perhaps not, but if you start naming famous antisemite terrorist suporting imams those guys are fucking rockstars among most moderate muslims... The cognitive dissidence amongst so called moderates is astounding. Its a game of tolerating the intolerable and public pretence... The only cure i see is a forced reformation of the western muslim church.
  3. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i heard the muslims in gaza are the most antisemitic. and this even tho israelis only try to be their best friends.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
  4. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    Palestinians get a pass on hating the israeli government if that is what you mean...
    they are under occupation, at least in my book. But they are not JUST muslims... They are persecuted for being palestinian.

    also how do you internally justify using palestinians 'hating the jewz' is cool because some jews are mean to them but westerners 'slightly critiquing' the muslim faith in practise because people want them killed based on that ideology?
    if that is your argument. If it isnt id like to know what you did mean with that lat post
  5. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i do not think its "cool" or "just" to hate no matter who - well at least not arbitrary groups. ofc depending on why it might be understandable to hate individuals for individual reasons.

    its just things you conveniently leave out when explaining the reasons why the narrative works for muslims.
    the year daesh formed also only coincidentially is the same as the coalition of the willing unleashed shock and awe on iraq (no shit that was the mission name)
    your guys explanation is monocausal, "hurr durr islam" and incredibly single sided. yes it plays a role, a minor role. about as much as being rich connected to having skin cut of your weiner.

    the whole region is a smoldering conflict of geopolitical interests since i have no fucking clue when. you only pick the last events to find someone responsible. but thats not how it works, thats not how conflicts work, thats not how escalation works, it doesnt explain anything, it only puts everything a step further.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
  6. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    This post right here proves you did not read my actual post where I cited all the statistics I used. Yes, it is estimated that anywhere from 10-15% of all Muslims are radicalized, and 25%+ support the acts of the terrorists. 25% of 1.75 billion is well over 400 million Muslims. Not all, but a large group. It was estimated that around ~5% of Germany ACTUALLY supported the Nazi parties and their goal, and look what happened. The silent majority was irrelevant in Germany and one of the largest atrocities in human history occurred.

    The way to reform the Muslim faith and get Muslims to actively denounce these attacks and not support it IS to pressure them instead of making this a non-issue. Making it a non-issue is passively supporting what is currently going on, which is obviously not working.

    All of these "radical groups" have been around for plenty of years before our invasion. We only bring up that they "popped up" after our invasions into the region because it makes American's look bad, but if you look they existed well before then however, the local governments were dictators and kept these opposing factions in check through harsh means.

    I'm not claiming all people are peaceful, of course their is extremists in every group. However, I don't remember the last time I heard of [Insert any other religion here] extremist going around killing people of other faiths.

    Also, the Middle East has been a smoldering pile of shit since the rise of Islam when they beat back the Byzantines and had numerous caliphates/nobles/tribes fighting over the land in which they occupied. It again found peace when the Ottoman Empire occupied most of the middle east and Turkey until, it again, fell to existential pressures (Although surviving for a VERY long time). It was, for a brief time during the dark ages of Europe, hailed as a great area of scientific advancement and it remained this way for almost a millennia until Europe caught back up and advanced past it. However, in the modern age, it has always been an area of infighting with numerous tribes always in combat.
  7. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    I can't wait to see this thread locked forever after the elections.
  8. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    The Topics being debated here will exist long beyond the presidential elections.
  9. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    instead of scapegoating, what is your solution, i get you see muslims as the devil in person ...

    ... but how you want to deal with them?
  10. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    I don't see them as devil's, I see their culture as backwards and incompatible with ours here in the west which is tolerant of women, gays, and any other minority group. Unless a reform happens, I think we should halt all Muslim immigration and vet them properly, to allow those with similar ideals as Western ideology, to come in. There can be integrated Muslims, they can be nice. I hate to use this cliche, but I myself have Muslim friends and they are great people, but they have also integrated.

    What our current administration is doing is completely the opposite of this, Claiming we need to take in more and more. However, when a majority of the "refugees" are men who left their families in refugee camps in neighboring countries, they should be forced to stay with their families, that or we fund the countries near the conflict to take them in. On top of all of this, taking in a large number of one group and putting them in a certain area effectively forms a "ghetto" where their culture breeds and the sentiment they had over in the Middle East, (IE, if they hate the west), will only continue to grow as putting enough people of a similar group together does not force them to integrate. We can see this happening in Europe where the famous "no go zones" are happening in neighborhoods, towns and cities. Where gay pride parades in Sweden are declared "offensive" because it planned to go through a Muslim neighborhood. Where women dare not go lest they be molested and raped. Where police officers have effectively "lost control" and where extremists stock mosques with arsenals of weapons.

    They have to be spread out, they must share similar ideas to Western Advancements, and they must get a job because most refugees are stuck living off of the system which breeds further resentment against the West. Declining Muslims travel into America won't cause them to hate us more than they already do, and it won't cause them to join ISIS. In fact, the opposite may happen where they get their shit together because they WANT to come over here.

    So, more or less, I support Donald Trump's stance on this issue. Bringing in people from a country with known hate for our own is simply too great of risk for our own citizens.

    I fear for the days when bombs go off in parks and IED's are found along American roadsides, oh wait, this has already happened. Granted both of these have no actual links to ISIS, however, they are the types of weapons in which are commonly used by said group.
  11. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    whats funny about these types of stories is that theres always something fishy about them. i decided to do a little google search
    ah yes! planned by swedish nationalists! so it wasnt an official gay pride parade. but maybe these guys love gays? lets check wikipedia
    a gay hating party organizes a gay parade. makes sense. totally not a political move for a catchy headline and a throwaway line people will use in their forum posts for decades to come
    this is not true. make trickster a fool many years ago when he said this. its still being said. find something else to lie about
    and the on-air apology: (56 seconds!)

    if you dont want people living in ghettos maybe accept them and offer social assistance instead of fygm lol
  12. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    lol did fox news actually think there were ghettos like that? GG america land of the free and the not so smart
  13. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    omg, careful, they only lie to you and secretly plot to blow you to pieces. their book commands them, they believe in islam, islam is a violent religion which is about killing kuffars.

    also how many refugees does the US take? a few thousand, dont be pathetic ...
    ... also wtf i thought it was about terrorists, not refugees fleeing from them (its quite low how you put them in context/dont differentiate)

    you are supposed to provide a solution not give wishy-washy (is that really a word) definitions of who you condsider a threat. "people i know personally" obviously is nothing to base laws on.
    also they "must share similar ideas to Western Advancements" - which in specific are they generally unable to share? and is that because they are muslim, such as your friends?

    and how are refugees supposed to have a job right away? like they planned to have a war to take your jabs. hahaha

    and i have another question, what do you think about the universal declaration of human rights?

    and the worst is, ive heard all this bullshit before, word by word even the but im not racist, i have <minority> friends but they are speciul.


    aw man you such an ubermensch you dont even know ...
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
  14. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    First off, its to prove a point that they are considered "offensive" to Muslims and it did rile up the communities and got them called racists which Im guessing was planned. They were called "racists" for planning a gay pride parade, and so has Milo Yiannopolus, a famous Gay Right winger who is now planning to march in Sweden through muslim Neighborhoods. It was called off because it is considered "racist" Also, as you have stated that group doesn't hate gays. Any group that "hates gays" would have absolutely no standing in Sweden, one of the most TOLERANT countries on this planet.

    Secondly, you are dead wrong about nogozones. Literally there is video evidence of a 60 minutes crew in Sweden being attacked for being in a Muslim Neighborhood
    As soon as the police left, they were attacked for just being there. Note, this video didn't air because it was considered "racist". Or how about the Shariah Patrols now in the UK? You don't come into someone else's house and enforce your rules, so why can they? They shouldn't and this is the filth I want to keep out of MY country.

    Do you say the Prime Minister of Belgium is lying when he says they lost control of neighborhoods?
    How about the Hungarian President saying that Europe has over 900 No go zones?
    Or a man driving through a suburb in London pointing out it is a No Go Zone then gets hit
    Or Shariah Courts in the UK for these ghettos?

    Your video was from Jan 16th, 2015. A lot has happened since then, most notably media has begun reporting a lot more of the activities happening.

    To your latest reply, I have again and again stated there is westernized Muslims and then middle eastern Muslims. There is a distinct difference (At least, from what we can tell currently). Westernized ones share similar views as any Western person while Middle Eastern ones are still prosecuting gays and covering up women. There is a distinct difference between an integrated person, and a non-integrated person and how they behave in the society that accepts them.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
  15. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    -the belgian pm did not say molenbeek is a "no-go" zone. ive seen no evidence that its a "sharia" zone. its a poor zone that breeds terrorism. i think the fix here is to pull them up by their bootstraps and call them pedos
    -i dont believe the hungarian president, because he doesnt talk about areas in his country that are no go areas. hes repeating a talking point because he doesnt want refugees. when even your journalists are hating on refugees you know you're racist
    -you posted a video of some loser chav harrassing people. what do you expect when you call a guy a pedo. lol owned. also selective editing (tons of non garbed women in his footage) i didnt see the muslim guy calling this place a sharia zone in this video either
    -and the last link. "sharia courts". also known as "mosques" that give out marriage liscenses. sensationalizing the issue. any problems with these has nothing to with no go zones. im more than happy to talk about how religion as a whole harms women

    e: thank you for the great post. you put alot of effort in ignoring stuff. can you at least do a google cross check before you copy paste your posts.
    however i will say this is pretty educational for me if i ever run into someone in real life who repeats the same points as you

    like seriously instead of posting 10 easily disprovable links in one post how about finding 1 true one
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
  16. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    You are honestly an asshole, ya know that? You are so full of yourself yet you blatantly disregard facts to fit what you want.

    First one, you are disregarding a Belgian officials claim. How about French Officials who claimed the same stuff? OR are they are wrong as well?
    Second video, great you disregarded another government official.
    Third Video, I agree with you on this one slightly. I agree the man was obviously looking for trouble, however the man did come over and immediately began insulting him and accused him of hating asians (Which is odd)
    Fourth, from your OWN SOURCE at the bottom of that page the Government themselves admit these courts are being used for wrong: "Similarly, the government now says that "there is evidence of a problem, but we have an inadequate understanding of all the issues involved". It has commissioned a review into whether Sharia is being "misused or applied in a way which is incompatible with the law", to report in 2016."

    Nice source, I must thank you for backing me up.

    I put effort into ignoring stuff? Again, must I cite myself a couple pages back where I had a long list of sources that you said "Nice copypasta" to? You ignore stuff. You ignore facts.
  17. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    u hurt my feelings ima report u (but i wont because im not an easily triggered social justice warrior like yourself, mr. imjustsavingwomenfromrape.)

    you seem to think that politicians have some sort of insight that the general public doesnt (hint: they dont!). they are just as stupid as the rest of us and can even be dumber!
    also i said any problems had nothing to do with no go zones. you have cognitive dissonance when someone mentions muslims. you need to have an opener mind before you argue, or you'll end up calling someone who beats you in an argument an asshole

    i only ignore stuff when its 300 links in one post
  18. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    people seem to do this thing alot where when they argue they throw in point after point so you cant really refute them and when you try to stop them so you can they go "you wont let me finish my point!" its quite annoying. your "point" isnt 500 different things.

    im an asshole boohoo
  19. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    Meh, not really triggered I'm just pointing out a fact. You're an asshole. And yes, I am Mr. imjustsavingwomenfromrape and gaysfromgettingstoned and womenfromgettingstoned and anyonewhoisonIslamshitlist, thanks for basically calling me a hero. I do appreciate this.

    When did I ever try to claim my point was 500 different things? I didn't. We are arguing about how I think Islam is an ass backwards ideology that results in the oppression of gays and women and have linked plenty of sources. You are now also admitting you ignore posts with lots of links as well, so now you wont even read posts where I link numerous sources because you think I have cognitive dissonance.

    Obviously I won't be reaching you, even if I posted 1 million different credible sources because it is "too much" for you to read and sort through. On top of this, you also discredit public officials who are suppose to be monitoring these very situations because, "they are just as stupid as the rest of us and can even be dumber!". Sorry that, like, the entire point of them having that job is to make sure public safety is maintained and to look over these very statistics on what is going on. Not only that, but they hear reports from police officers and every other public safety official as well, but they are all wrong now aren't they? You have now proven you are blind to facts by your own admittance that you will disregard reports from public officials and anything you feel has too many links.

    And oh, about me basically getting TRIGGERED whenever someone mentions Islam, I don't think I was the first one to even bring it up, but I was the first one to bring attention to the facts that Islam is more or less invading the west. I just feel it right to continue an argument that someone else keeps continuing rather than abruptly changing the subject, that is what this forum is for and that is what Forums have been for since the Ancient Romans and Greeks held public debates. We are meant to debate in this off topic forum about political issues, and I continue to do so. I have argued about other things rather than Islam on this exact thread much earlier, and I intend to do so when my point is across and the argument dies down a tad.

    I'm sorry I'm willing to research, form an opinion, and actively speak my opinion with sources I have found to actively back up a national security concern that concerns all citizens of the country I reside in. Sorry I take my fellow American's safety as a real concern.
  20. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    When nazi germany was invaded and occupied the US rebuilt the country

    When Iraq was invaded and occupied, the US tried to rebuild the country but the prevailing culture was to blow themselves up.

    There is a culture war going on, and we the west are losing the fight over the minds of the youth. Both in their lands and ours we are losing a war of propaganda, and people who think apolitically like you do are the reason why the west loses. It means you are a better man then you are faced with, but it also means you will lose.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
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