Discussion in 'Feedback' started by nick, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    since you are talking from a pov from a noob its more like. I can have a tank with a nuke fuck yeah! Let me drive a tank with a nuke or what ever weapons-> fires a few times rushes in dies does nothing kills nothing. Wtf these tanks suck try it again failure again, try it again oops no money this game sucks disconnect. Aight.
  2. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    I'm actually pretty neutral on the topic (despite what others say), but I mostly hear that people like infantry combat a lot more than vehicle combat. Therefore, I generally err on that side.

    If our advertising isn't consistent with the game experience, then I feel like we might be pulling a bait and switch. That's not cool.

    You may be joking, but I think you've pointed out a reasonable feedback loop.

    If there's nothing to make a player think that Empires is more than just vehicle combat, then they won't spend much time doing anything but using vehicles. And if vehicles aren't satisfactory and that's all they are using, then they won't have a good time.

    If nothing ever breaks that feedback loop, then it'll keep going until players don't enjoy the game anymore.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  3. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    But tanks make the biggest impact in games. So even if the majority of players don't quite like tanks as much as the infantry game it is tanks that completely shake up games, causing things to move at a dramatic pace.

    If there is one thing consistent is that no one truly enjoys commanding, because if the team is pretty bad you tend to be in for the worst time, no other part of the game has such a problem.
  4. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I wasnt joking and people do enjoy commanding. WHEN THE TEAM LISTENS.

    That's a big problem too. Games are only truely enjoyable by ALL parties if all parties are good at the game. Just sayin. Ok not all parties good but atleast like half ( very leniant) to 75 percent ( actual ).

    edit : also I Would really like to see vehicle restriction changed. It should be vehicle request. When you activate it people will only see their tank be made or dropped when commander presses yes or something. Like everytime someone tries to build a vehicle a request pops up asking if this person can build a tank.
    Wait no better idea. Ingame list of people if u unmark them they dont get to build vehicles.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  5. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I really don't like the idea of that but it would be a way to make it possible to restrict the vf except for the few people you can actually trust. I think it mostly has to do with getting asked why the other guy can build crap and he can't. That's going to be a pretty annoying question.

    The first part is good though, showing something like "Mr. Driver requests a medium tank(res cost:600)" or something to that effect.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  6. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Its not really an annoying question like. I'll just say cause you suck thats it. It's harsh and all but its the truth if Im down to 2k resources and heavies cost 1k each I dont want retards driving it.

    Anyway this only happens when res are getting slim though so it wont be used constantly cause Its annoying for the comm aswell to constantly get request or have to tick untick.
  7. nick

    nick Member

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    this brings me to a question:

    if a new player spams heavy tanks and loses them without doing any damage, but the new player loves it so much.... should we deny him his fun?

    if a pro player builds one heavy and destroys any new player in his path, should we allow him his fun?

    which player is worth more to empiresmod? a pro player ? or a new player ?

    if the new player should be allowed unlimited tanks........should the pro player be allowed unlimited tanks??

    many times in games money for tanks is available but nobody creates tanks, would making tanks free change gameplay? i can only imagine that it would be hard to determine a winner if tanks were free. unless the enemy vf was destroyed.. it would make a really weird and maybe epic fun game.. maybe a timelimit past a certain point?

    would free tanks make games end faster or slower? would it be more fun for newer players or less fun? i do not know these answers
  8. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I do know the answers.

    Yes we should deny him his fun because he is ruining the game of plenty of other people. Him spamming tanks to die 10 seconds later might deny another non retarded player the fun of playing in a tank and accomplishing more than he could thus winning game or potentially making it more interesting for the entire team and not just 1 person dicking around.

    A pro player destroying a new player doesnt matter at all cause the new player is used to getting stomped on. The fun the new player has is in discovering new stuff and getting that 1 kill every 10 minutes cause thats how games go when you are new. Destroying a new player isnt fun for a pro player its just how the game works.

    Pretty sure a pro player is worth more cause new players come and go but the new players that stay become "pros" ( note the leniant way of using pro because he implies pro is anyone who isnt dumb fucking retarded )

    A new player shouldnt be allowed unlimited tanks no idea where you got that idea from.

    Your ideas are complete shit. Free tanks are derp as hell cause you are messing with the balance of res and the game in general. You know why people dont create tanks as much as they should? CAUSE PEOPLE PREFER INFANTRY UNLIKE YOU. Like you just gave the perfect example of people prefering infantry combat over drawn out vehicular combat. The lack of tanks even though in a ideal situation being in a tank is better.

    shit dude I bet you are american
  9. nick

    nick Member

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    i do not know the answers

    i do not know if catering to pros is better than catering to new players

    would you say tf2, cs:s, diablo3, sc2, cod, bf4, cater to pro or to new players? i would guess they cater to new players, and my guess is probably wrong
  10. Candles


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    CSS, Diablo 3 and SC2 cater to pros. Everything else is casual shit.

    You make shitty generalizations. I bet you're European.
  11. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I enjoy commanding when I opt into it, when I'm forced to do it because nobody else will it's not as fun.
  12. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    I like organizing the team, devising plans and leading a small squad to affect a larger picture.
    Commander is fun, but you need patience and the macro when 20 man children ask for targets and whine about it the whole time.

    Back to topic, I don't see jeeps ruining games besides adjusting the early game meta.
    I think it would be hype to see a apc and a horde of jeeps following it to get to the hill on Mvalley.

    It would make rushes cheaper and more exciting because the jeeps have no weapons and die too easily to ml turrets.
    Good way to waste tickets too if people spam jeep rushes.

    Also I want to donate my wages to the team resource pool, because I am just fucking terrible when it comes to tanks or driving period.
    My wages stockpile so much because I play support roles more than aggressive ones.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  13. Trainzack

    Trainzack Member

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    Hey, that's offensive! I know some rather nice Europeans, like...

    Wait, I don't have friends!
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  14. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    You cant compare that at all to empires because the gameplay is vastly different.
  15. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    All these people who like commanding, colored me surprised. I'm so used to almost everyone just raging all the time in comm seat because from their point of view everyone forgot to bring their brains when they play empires.

    It is a fuzzy feeling when people actually listen though, I can't argue against that.

    Free tanks is pretty dumb, anything being free is dumb really. Spam is a very effective tactic. Even in that mvalley example while it sounds nice to have jeeps escort the apc they wouldn't be going to north, when the only cost is time there is no reason not to try to win right there and kill the commander. It isn't even a lot of time considering how fast jeeps go.
  16. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    Look I only loose my shit when the whole team asks for targets when they know damn well I can only paint one person at a time, or when people are just trolling around and being lazy and not putting effort into the match.

    I am perfectly fine with having a team that is following instructions but getting out played. They atleast tried to win.
  17. Empty

    Empty Member

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    When people are angry in the CV it usually means they're actually having a good time and are getting heavily invested into the match.

    Candles for instance is fucking incredibly angry after every single match he commands but I'm pretty sure he has fun most of the time.

    at the very least I have fun laughing at his rage comments afterwards. The only times I get genuinely upset is when people use cheese strategies on low player counts (I had people jeep rush me in a 3v3 on canyon the other day, I mean how is that cool)
  18. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I did read, and i still said just that.
    You did not do justice to what such a change would bring to any map in which you can drop a vf in the first minute or so.
    For me, what makes empires unique is that its in some bizzaro land between first fps' like quake or doom and new gen ones. On one hand you have ads, vehicles and all that jazz, but on the other hand you have shit nearly straight out of quake with grens doing the mortar dance and whatnot, the good mobility in general i guess. Tanks seem cool at a glance, but the reliance on research and especially the fact that source blows makes it kind of meh. Id bet if we had a better engine that could do vehicles justice, you could have vehicle combat that is equally as engaging as the inf one.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  19. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    I agree, Candles what the fuck are you talking about.
  20. DocRabbit

    DocRabbit Member

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    Oh Wow, it's like you read my mind. I want this man in my squad next time we play. I agree with everything you say here. This should be on the Steam page, with this as a call to new players. This would draw them in for sure.

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