The quality of Empires players

Discussion in 'General' started by Lawliet, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. Candles


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    I think I kinda' got it. It works just fine locally, but I don't know how it'd work when connected to a server. I'm also considering disabling automatic reload for weapons with melee attacks, on the basis that it looks fuckin' retarded to automatically reload the weapon after every melee attack if your mag is empty.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2013
  2. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    Umm?? Like 1 or 2 so thats hardly right. I could be wrong (too long ago) but I'm fairly sure RKB was in ghost.

    Trickster--The one thing I really regret about Empires is that ghost and epic were never able to scrim when they were both at their peaks :(

    p.s. Ikalx, sorry but i couldnt resist the cheap dig :)
  3. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Mkoll/Mkvenner joined CW, actually ^^

    @Wealthy, ah I know, it was just late and I get nostalgic and cranky :p
  4. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    No offence to former ghost, but

    List of people that believe that ghosts were the best:
    1) Trickster

    Seriously, we are talking about time when bsid wasnt shit, jpl had active members and cw was like 30+ man strong, with multiple talents. You sir are delusional.
  5. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I'm sorry, what?

    Do you mean a time when:

    BSID was entirely inactive and the only active member was SHOOTING.
    CW was entirely inactive and the only active members were Brutos and Azuredrake, with occasional appearances from yourself.
    JPL was about the only other decent active clan and they were almost entirely American.

    Also, CW. CW were great guys, full of really cool people to play with. Some players in CW were good. But CW as a skilled Empires clan never existed. CW were never a good Empires team, just a really great group of people to play with.
  6. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    I only know what RKB told, for all I know he could be lying.
    He said he got the leader and his friend John Thomas and Sgt. Simple
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2013
  7. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I question your timeframe here. Unless ghosts suddenly warped time and epic was not former later than you corrected me earlier on:
    There were many jpls cwers and bsids still playing a full year after the release of 2.0 . What you descibed started happening alot, alot later. Especially brutos and azuredrake thing, that was like after 2.2 release, so what the f. There was like one time when cw was weirdly inactive during that period, but those were not brutos and azuredrake, as brutos was not even in or was just being recruited and the player was REX. And that was even before i joined cw, and i do remember playign a crapton matches with traditional 2.12 clan skillstacks after getting in.

    Clanners only started quitting before 2.2 came, and pretty much due to how crappy it was, just after that.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2013
  8. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    Nah like I said it was a long time ago so i could be wrong.
    The 'leader' as such wouldve been John Thomas. The other 'leader' i suppose wouldve been mkvenner but afaik he never joined BSID.

    Edit: I'd have to agree with trickster here. From what I remember there was only really JPL active at that time. There were a few CW players (4-5?) and BSID was pretty damn inactive.
  9. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    Seeing as how BSID and JPL were clans full of Americans and Canadians they don't count as relevant clans to Trickster. To him only Euros ever mattered.
  10. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    This was Summer 2008, so by this point, 2.12 had been out about 6 months or so. I formed EPIC in July and we shit talked Ghost for about a month before they caved. By October we were scrimming CW with their ex-Ghost ringers. That is also the time when Brutos and Azuredrake were the only real active CWs.

    It sounds like you're talking about 2.0 time. That was before I started playing Empires so I can't really comment.

    BSID did start to appear in the month or 2 before the 2.2 release as most of them were in the testing team, and they ended up playing again. But over that summer literally the only active clans were EPIC and sort of JPL. I remember trying to scrim JPL just before the 2.2 patch and them fielding like 7 players. I can't remember exactly when they appeared but I know there was a time when MAD were the only real clan who were active and fielding American players.

    To be entirely fair, the game was very Euro-centric at the time. Americans didn't really have a good stock server to play on, only the Training Server and Nachos, which was really...well, not stock. Europe meanwhile had Ghost/Napalm's, KM and z4g server (ok, no-one actually played on z4g). I'd say by like 2.24d the game became a lot more America-centric as the playerbase really grew there.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2013
  11. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    BSID went inactive when Thor had to go attend to real life stuff, then it was given to Cpatton and RKB to do things, then Cpatton had to go things, then it was up to RKB.

    RKB stopped playing empires, and here they are now.
    Some kind of star trek/guild wars thing now, you know its bad when cpatton doesn't wear his tags anymore.

    The one thing that pissed me off the most about RKB is that I fixed his teamspeak, decorated it, and organized everything.
    I didn't get a thank you, he still bans me when ever I disagreed with him, and to top it off he just would not stop hurling abuse regarding to me being, Jewish, American, ginger, colorblindness, and then my Parkinson disorder.
    Now I can take a joke, but there is a limit.
    There is always a line you have to draw with somebody, but unfortunately they kept poking.
    I get enough abuse from my parents, I don't need it when I log in to play video games. The only time I have to myself.

    So then I hung out with thor, Thor kept rubbing in on how successful his life was, and he kept throwing money around like nobodies business and then bragged about it.
    Then he started gifting me stuff, and making me feel like shit because I can't repay that back, then he started telling me how useless I was and I wasn't putting any effort into his guild wars thing.

    Frist of all, I came up with the name for the guild, secondly I came up with the ranking names and hierarchy system, thirdly I was going to get my buddy to do a shitload of free art for him to decorate the website, and then finally to top it all of he said I wasn't helping with the drama in the guild when they haven't been fucking talking to me at all. I can't help them solve their problems if they refuse to talk to me. He just kept treating me like shit and saying I was a mooch. I showed him the fucking service for him to host his website and forums on, and got him a deal with mumble ffs.

    So I trolled him at like 12:32 at night so badly he blocked me from everything and removed me whatever I was apart of.
    Then cpatton was like "What the fuck.." and then Thor was like "What I say goes" so now me and him just talk occasionally on facebook or steam.

    I am glad I got out of the clanning business, I got really fucking sick of being required to login onto team-speak and talk to people who treated me like shit.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2013
  12. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    RKB has always been a turd sandwich, so I can't comprehend how you could expect any different from him, and Thor's a fratboy so it's expected he's a douche as well.
  13. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    i had the best time ever reading this. shoutsout to thor
  14. communism

    communism poof

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    BSID was evil and JPL saved pub games sonnnnnn

    lol just tried to find that picture of the steam group telling us all to reinstall for the scrim, no luck though
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2013
  15. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    This part is inaccurate. I think a lot of CW's were playing outside of your timezone, and while I don't know how strict your parents were with bedtime, I do know you were younger then. I think it's most likely the european/american divide, that and you were a bit of a dick back then.

    Azure I hardly saw, tbh, and I played a lot more before I was cmdr than most people think. I was on for most hours of most days playing, and often checking on possible recruits. I spent a whole 3 days one time as "Bloodmane" to check out if one of our people was trolling people - and that was way in the future, back when SquidATI came back and outranked me.

    In the end, suggesting me as clan leader was probably the worst thing for CW, but...
  16. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    "A bit of a dick"? Nigga did you even play with me? "bit" does not even come close. I was king of the cunts and fucking proud of it. But to be fair, if I hadn't had that attitude back then, I probably wouldn't have managed to pull together EPIC and actually make a clan, so I don't really regret it, even if I do occasionally cringe reading my old posts.

    What I remember was just before to like the start of the summer holidays + my study leave. I honestly knew nothing about CW due to how inactive you guys were. We then scrimmed you guys in September, you had to drag players from whatever games they were playing and, well, we won. After that CW went on a huge-ass recruitment drive and became fairly active again. I guess I'm talking like June to Julyish with maybe a hint of August. Like I said, the American playerbase was really in the doldrums at the time because they just had no server to play on. It was Training server or Nachos, neither of which offered a real Empires experience. Nachos would probably be acceptable by today's standards but back then, the amount of non-stock stuff they had just really put people off.

    I just remember, very very vividly having this argument with someone from Ghost with Brutos also in spec, talking about some scrim where whoever won out of EPIC and Ghost would get the "only 2 remaining CW players", who were Brutos and either Z!0000m or AzureDrake, I forget which. I think Brutos was there for that conversation because he and I still laugh about that proposed scrim occasionally.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2013
  17. TheLiberalElitist

    TheLiberalElitist Member

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    “Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.”

    ― Marcel Proust

    That pretty much sums up this thread
  18. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    ITT: bluh bluh clans bluh bluh the old days

    Anyways, I'm not sure where a good place to post this observation is, but I find it funny and maybe you guys will too.

    When JustGoFly was first really getting into the game, I often was playing at the same time (and on the same team) as him. He was (and for the most part, still is :|ove:) a great guy, and was very fun to play with. My point is, occasionally a vet would be on and would rant at how bad he/I/everybody was. This lead him to the following conclusion: vets were elitist douchebags.

    NOW. Here's where it gets good. Wednesday night, I was chatting it up with some of the several new players we have had on recently. This particular one is becoming a regular player, and this was at the tail end of his first week of playing. When JustGoFly joined the other team, he told me that he wasn't very fond of him, because "JustGoFly is kind of an elitist douchebag". >:)

    I laughed a little more than I should have.
  19. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    It's hard to not come off as an elitist douchebag when you're comming or trying to get noobs to use moderately advanced tactics.

    Right now, I'm teaching the noobs to abuse UGL. It's going to be a long road, but they are beginning to respect the place of the UGL APC in the tank-dominated vehicle dynamic.

    But by "teaching," I mean "screaming." While I'm sure they appreciate a win from time to time, they probably think I'm a dick. They are correct, but that's irrelevant.
  20. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Stop that, lol. I don't like to beat you over the head with it, since I already said something. Besides, that's probably the first time I've called someone a dick on these forums tbh.

    Sounds like you guys were just shootin' the breeze. Then again, I can't quite remember when Brutos went off to college, so it might have been some time where I wasn't really in his timezone any more. I know I played for almost an extra year quite often, but on American time, not EU much.

    No it's not. It's hard not to when you're not really a nice person. Which is a lot of Empires players these days. Let's make this a little clearer, I'm used to people taking the piss out of each other for a laugh - and that's what mostly happened before things degenerated, but these days, it's not out a sense of camaraderie and competition, but out of trolling and the lolz. That's a shift that I think is probably universal, but it's one that's decidedly not good for Empires.

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