i got banned for wallhacking

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by communism, May 11, 2011.

  1. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    Atleast it's not furry.
  2. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    Deif, adding links that gets you excited would get me banned from the forum and arrested by the police.
    besides, there is 6 diffrent links.
  3. communism

    communism poof

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    lol this is awesome, my troll turned into some douchebag showing up on the forums. go me
    also pls dont close, i like this thread :(
  4. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    In hindsight, it is more accurate to assume "wipe his ass" is correct. I haven't played a single game yet. I won't get my internet running home until Monday. Commie will just have to wait.

    Donald Trump got a lot of publicity when he suggested President Obama was probably not born in Hawaii. He had all of the media spotlight and attention he needed to start his presidential campaign. But Mr. Trump found out the hard way what happens when you double-down on something controversial and then wanted to be taken seriously. Luckily, President Obama threw him a life-line and released his long form birth certificate. Now Mr. Trump can claim victory and continue to ride on his success without the bad luggage. You get it now, Nightmare? You're Donald Trump. You're way over your head, thinking that your initial popularity from turret-wars will carry you all the way to a stable community. Instead of taking advantage of the initial player base, you're stubbornly sticking to your settings. You're even trying to double-down by making a false claim about why people join your server and arguing against veterans and developers, despite admitting you are new to the community. Now here comes Hipster-King Commie, who is bringing to your attention your flaw and you have the chance to change. But no, you won't take the life-line given to you by President Barack "Commie" Obama. Now, you're positioning yourself to some fringe, loony "Sarah Palin"-type server that will just fade away as soon as people get tiredd of you. Does that make sense? A conventional, conservative "Mitt Romney"-type server like VIPER & MEG will win the community's nomination as the server to play in the long run.

    Of course, President Hipster-King Commie will win in the end. Yeah, just continue down your path. It will be amusing for a bit longer.
    Last edited: May 15, 2011
  5. Nightmare

    Nightmare Member

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    You're entitled to your opinion(s).

    The server will remain up. And probably populated. We're not competing for traffic. We, obviously unlike most of you thick headed negative opinionated people, understand that what server people play on is their choice.

    Commie didn't win anything. Nor did he try to point out any so-called 'flaws' we have (of which there really are none, our clan's age. dedocated members who've been with us for 10+ years, and history proves it). He came to our forums whining and lying about his ban, appealing his ban, and the appeal was denied because the reason he was banned was cheating. You people are supporting a cheater. Doesn't say much for you and it makes your opinions and request weigh null to zero.

    It only shows the type of players you are by supporting him. Which doesn't effect us, our server, or community at all. We'll continue, as we always have, keeping lame gamers like Commie off of our servers and out of our community.

    Cheaters never win. Support the dipshits all you want. It only makes YOU a dipshit cheater too.

    We're not going to apologize because our server has traffic either. Nor are we going to change it because people that support a cheater think we should. End of discussion.

    I'll return here in a few months, or next year to say "I told you so!" when most of your tiny, very young, clans are obsolete. While ~Oc~ continues to survive and grow.

    Again, and this is the whole point, which isn't going to change no matter what you people say: It's our server. We'll do what we want with it.

    Take care...
  6. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    Are you the leader of ~Oc~? Because if you arn't, you are making your clan look like the dumbest and most douchey clan around. Please stop embarrasing your clan.
  7. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    The thing is, any new player that finds empires and joins the slightly less populated server, which more often than not would be yours, would think that the game is some kind of cartoon warfare. Did you see that picture with the 70 rockets in the air? it is ridiculous. If empires had +2000 players it wouldn't be bad, but there is only ever 1 or 2 servers with people on them.
  8. Nightmare

    Nightmare Member

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    We know why you're all upset:


    WHO's winning?

    The hilarious part? = We're not even competing!!!
    It's a free world.

    Y'all need to grow up. I know most of you are kids but you could still be or at least act more mature and be positive. Negativity only drags YOU down.

    After all it's just a game which we do have something in common with: We all enjoy it. So why don't you? It's a shame you're all wasting so much time and energy on this useless thread. You could be spending that time being productive, or having fun. Perhaps...playing Empires?
  9. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    You're still going to lose. Sadly, the slow, painful death of an egotistical, no-name fool will satisfy the Hipster-King Communism for only a little bit.
  10. Nightmare

    Nightmare Member

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    It's FUN!! And it's a game ffs.
    And right up there are 3 servers with people on it.

    Give up people. We're not changing it. Be mad and cry about it. It's not our problem. Period.
  11. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    Nightmare, You're Fired.
  12. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    no we aren't upset about that, we are upset because you have a ridonkulous server. Plenty of servers have been around that were serious and shit that have been the most popular, the latest two (or three) are ran by G4TC, but many people that still play the game are from pre-G4TC days when the popular servers didn't rock the boat, and your server is rocking the boat, and if any player that plays on it wants to play on a server that contains the core players (and end up becoming core players themselves), the transition will be as rocky as the rocky mountains.

    And negativity drags us down? some of the people here are giving some good constructive criticism, advice, words of wisdom, and peoples past experiences with similar servers, where the parachutes were so screwed up you could fly, and teams had 200 res rate, you had the ability to hijack tanks, and crap like that, and what ends up happening is that no one plays on that server once the "fun" is gone. It's the same as Garrysmod, you can just clap your hands and a group of barrels spawn, and you shoot them, they explode, you laugh, do it again, but don't laugh.
  13. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    I could care less about his server. I'm just reading his posts and noticing how rude and oblivious he is coming across. When I read his posts I see some crazy guy pounding his keyboard.
  14. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    I see someone...

  15. Nightmare

    Nightmare Member

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    Thanks for this, Aeoneth. You figured it out. We want the hardcore fans and players that will join our community and be dedicated, loyal, members. We know it might die off and only contain those members who enjoy the game the way we have it set. That is what we want. I knew that before all the posts advising that's what might happen. We put the server up and made the settings the way they are because WE like it that way. For now. We'll change them when WE want to, if we want to. Not by anyone elses dictation.

    I wish other people would grasp that. What we're doing isn't anything against anyone. The purpose is one three letter word: Fun.
  16. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    *1 hour and 30 min pass*

  17. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    What did we learn? Nightmare has the audacity to claim victory over Hipster-King Communism. In the end, the game he flirts around, yet simultaneously denies to be playing, will be his down fall. All that's left is for Nightmare to hope that I'm wrong; what an infeasible goal.

  18. Revolutionist

    Revolutionist Member

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    I normally dont join forums but like to read them for info or the lulz.
    This one takes the cake though, so I had to join and make my comment/oppinion.

    I've been playing Empires for about 3mos now. I started playing in Vipers and MEG. I really enjoy Vipers server, MEG I do not like mainly because most of the MEG members I have seen/met are assholes and almost turned me off on Empires all together until I started spending most my time in Vipers server. Really good group of peeps play in there(with the exception of a few tards that try to stir the pot) and has alot of "TEAM" players which is what I am all about. I enjoy playing for my team and not myself.
    I started playing in Outcasts server and luv it. Its now the only server I play on and play Empires alot now. Outcasts is good times, good peeps and no BS! Everyone in there are cool(noobs, vets, oc members). The oc guys are curtious, helpful and the admin do NOT put up with the shit disturbers!
    Im never a commander but i like the way the server is set up with higher res and faster research times. It makes for faster rounds so you can move on to next map.
    I dont want the devs to take this wrong because as a player i do appreciate the work they put into a game and such, but I believe if someone pays for a server they should be able to run the server as they like. Its simple...Play on the server or do not! I dont think anyone has a gun to your head forcing you to join Outcast server. On another note all the advise givin by the devs shouldnt be takin lightly and should be considered by them, minus the flash in the pan type comments about the server. Thats may be true or not but still is not proper comments to make if you are "truely" trying to give sound advice.

    And finally.....
    This Commi person,
    It is clear that you were banned for good reasons, u try to appeal and that doesnt work and then try to play it off as some joke because you made YOURSELF look foolish!

    That was my rant. Hope I didnt offend anyone(except Commi, i can care less)!!!
  19. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    Trust me Revolutionist, it was always a joke. He told me what a great troll he was doing 2 days ago (because he got a 3 page topic in 1 day, now I imagine hes even happier).

    To be honest, I was also irked that Brutos and Trickster came in and went "Server cvars are only for testing, don't ever use them". Server owners are allowed to do whatever the hell they want.

    However, the way Nightmare is handling this situation is awful. He seems to be going more and more off the deep end instead of being calm and collective. Mentioning that his clan is from 1993 (I checked and it started in 97), that all these "new" clans are going to die (When the clans he is talking about are Empires specific clans and over 5 years old) and he is going to reign supreme. It just reeks of a superiority complex and its hard to defend him while he's acting like a total jackass.

    also this post is too serious penis penis penis
  20. Krazer

    Krazer Member

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