So I'm addicted to Minecraft

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by =PVCS) Cpatton, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    Its an architectural sandbox. As an engineer, I can say that it is truly enjoyable to get in a server with my fellow engineers, and build amazingly retarded shit.
  2. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Meh, I can't really do that unless I have a problem. Give me any problem, and I can make you the perfect solution there is, irl or in any game, doesn't matter. If I have no problem, then I can't really do shit off the top of my head. I can't just look at an area and thing "I SHOULD MAKE A GIANT CASTLE WITH A MINE THERE". Just can't do it.
  3. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Global Warming
    Global Famine
    Why can't I get laid.
  4. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Global warming can be solved by getting rid of all our power plants and replacing them with tidal power and solar power. Inb4 that not being viable, we have a lot of water and we can turn the Sahara into one giant solar panel. We can replace cars with electric ones, and rather than this rechargeable battery faggotry, Petrol stations will simply have replacement batteries which we swap with the one we have, rather than us having to recharge a battery and wait a while. In the long term, research can go into Hydrogen Fuel Cells, which are undoubtedly the best option. Also, Omneh likes Thorium reactors, so I assume they're moderately viable.

    Global Famine can be fixed by simply invading Africa and taking over it so that 90% of the aid we send there isn't taken by the corrupt Governments.

    AID can be sorted by killing everyone who has AIDs.

    As for the last one, you can use alcohol, or Rohypnol.
  5. Empty

    Empty Member

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    On global warming, solar panels really aren't viable because of the god damn production costs of solar panels, those things are fucking ridiculous.
  6. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    self assembling nanopaste solar panels ftw!

    poor the stuff out, stick a 1 square foot solar panel in the middle of the paste and watch the paste bubble and grow solar panels out of the sand. Which then become self propagating slowly covering the entire desert.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  7. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    solar panels do not produce enough power to produce the same solar power again needed to manufacture it (so using solar panels is at a loss, only good in rural areas or for isolated power systems)

    nuclear power atm is the only viable "we have everything we need right here right now" clean energy

    and its clean because the garbage is highly controllable and wont be polluting everything like the heavy metals from scrapped solar panels (shoot it in the sun for all i care if it makes the greens happy, well just be making the sun a tiny winy bit bigger, since its made of the same crap anyway) and by the time nuclear fuel becomes scarse we should be about a few hundred thousand years later, and new possibilities should have arisen

    but nooo, in belgium they want to remove all nuclear power and go to solar panels basically quadhudredthousandmillioning the power bills + make us dependand on france, who uses coal plants... ironically (so we will be going down in "cleanness" but ust ship it to another country)
  8. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    If you plaster the Sahara desert in it, I can assure you, they'll pay themselves back. The Sahara desert has this unique property of spending most of the year in sunlight.

    There's a big bay in the UK. For most of you, the Geography will mean nothing, but basically, they were going to put a giant tidal barrier from around Blackpool/Southport all the way to Barrow in Furness, across Morecambe bay. The tidal barrier would generate energy from the water, then they were going to plaster it in Solar panels, then after that, put wind turbines on top. They estimated it would have created 12 nuclear power plants worth of energy.

    Sadly, bureaucracy stopped that. For the record, I don't give a shit about global warming at all, I honestly couldn't care less about it, and I hate all the green faggotry that goes around, especially fags in their Toyota Prius. But there are considerably easier solutions than everyone having to be economical at home, when it would be rather easy to just do it at the production source.
  9. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    problem. Sand. Stoping all the sand from moving around = not possible... let alone all the eco nuts are gana go balistic on anyone doing anything to the sand even putting that small solar station in the Arizona(I think it was) desert brought out all kinds of shit. You can't win with them. Build a power plant<you should make solar power plants> build a solar power plant <what about the animals and the impact of such a large facility> shoot the hippies.

    The solar plant im referring to is the one that is like a test facility for a solar water heater plant. They wanted to expand it because its doing good but, need to build new power lines to do it(because the ones they currently use are incredibly dilapidated and can already barely handle the power) and it pretty much got blown out of the water do to the concerns of making a new road and lines that had to pass though a forest.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  10. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Haha tidal barrier covered in solar panels with wind turbines on top.

    For some reason that's funny to me.
  11. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Arizona is in the US. The Sahara is not. The US is full of unintelligent retards. The rest of the world has less of them.
  12. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    nuclear power is the cheapest "clean" form of energy

    put as many tidal generators and wind generators as you want, id promote them myself too, but i still see nuclear power as the main energy supplier of the near future

    also solar energy panels can never gain as much energy as it cost to make them, they are like a huge battery if you want, they would require 24 hours of blank sunlight to do any good
  13. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    BS nuclular power is anything but clean - uranium mining releases radon gas, uranium enrichment produces high amounts of pretty toxic waste, disposal is a problem, the risks of a nuclear meltdown are there (and actually so costly that no insurance company will take over the risk), nuclear powerplants increase the dose of radiation in areas they are built (there are studies that show significantly increased cases of leukemia close to nuclear powerplants in germany), ...
    also its a non renewable form of energy and uranium isnt available endlessly either.

    also trickster has it right. the only clean form of energy - you got to see it in the long run - are solar power (which doesnt mean photovoltaic btw, solarthermal power is way more efficient), wind and water.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  14. Marshall Mash

    Marshall Mash 3D Artist

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    Research cold fusion, alternatively murder 80% of the population to reduce energy needs.
  15. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I like Mash's idea too. Can we pick everyone with a sub-120 IQ please.
  16. Cloud

    Cloud Member

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    Bah, im supposedly at 118 :<

    Edit: Oh yeah, i bought minecraft
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  17. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    We agree on something! :D

  18. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    A 'meltdown' consists of the fuel melting a hole in the bottom of the reactor and ending up in a puddle on the floor of the GIANT REINFORCED CONCRETE BUNKER SURROUNDING THE REACTOR. The most dangerous part of it is that you might crash the robot you use to scrape it up into something expensive.

    It's also easy to dispose of waste, stick it in a big metal can and bury it under a mountain somewhere, we have loads of mountains and metal cans.

    It's hardly cause for panic. And any design issues in the plants can be easily corrected, most nuclear power plants are like 20 years old, we've built better ones since then. Or at least we WOULD be building them but people are retards who don't know how nuclear power works and think it's going to blow them up.

    Also fuck renewability, renewability is only a problem when you run out and we aren't likely to run out of radioactive stuff any time soon. By the time we do we'll have fusion power and by the time we run out of hydrogen we'll have finished the dyson sphere, which also isn't renewable but as it requires the sun to explode before it stops working it's about as 'long term' as you are going to get.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  19. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    We have breeder reactors you know. They may not be renewable but, read this link and worry no more.

    Some choice comments for people who are too lazy to click links

    lol wiki links stayed in quotes.. ohh well.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  20. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    yes nuclear energy is the best thing ever - we totally should build nuclear reactors everywhere in the world - at best have nuclear powerd cars like they wanted to in the 50s. believe in what you want to believe ...

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