ye olde ammo regeneration in vehicles

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Grantrithor, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. QMAN

    QMAN Member

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    tanks should be have limited ammo;

    but grab it ammo for tanks from ammo boxes is bad idea too, only should take ammo from repair pad and armory. At many maps tanks just standing in one position and shooting wasnt much move, so ammo box wouldnt be gave more difference from actual unlimited ammo;

    Or even we can try think about other idea to fix this problem...
    Solution 1
    enable "reload" for tank ammo, but maybe 3-5 times longer that reload is it dependet on weapon? ;
    problem will be at rockets, rail gun and HE mg, nukes at this rate (that why that solution is crap and unacteptable);

    After enable reload ammo for tanks, will be importat to keep up fresh ammo on tanks before we start fight, and if we running out of ammo we must think about it run away coz of incoming long ammo reload;

    Solution 2
    Another idea to decreace effect of that "unlimited ammo" would be -> cannot reload weapons while vechicle move/shotting (that is really great that decrease dramaticly effectivity of rocket and rail spam from long range);
    Whenever you shotting even by using MG, your cannon wouldnt be start reload, to reload weapon you must just stand at one position, to reload time finish;
  2. Demented

    Demented Member

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    It probably is just general conservatism. There's always whining when a new version comes out, no matter which direction the changes went. Frequenting the forums of games that patched frequently taught me this in spades.

    That said, old players may whine less out of sheer fatigue.

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