What SHOULD the rifles be?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Drag0wn, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Drag0wn

    Drag0wn Member

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    I've already talked this over with Spartacus a bit, but I really don't like new NFHR/BEAR. The pellet/burst thing is unattractive, and honestly I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to accomplish.

    I have a few changes to suggest:

    1) Rename the BEHR to the BEAR. This should have been done a long time ago, because the weapons names should have some hint of what they do as well as be consistent on both sides - assault rifles should be mobile. The BEAR has never been for assaults, that's the BEHR.

    2) "Heavy" rifles should be large caliber weapons. They're "heavy" - more accurate/damaging on a single shot but waaay less accurate on repeated shots.

    My concepts for the new rifles (to replace NFHR and old BEAR):

    1) NF Heavy Rifle: Make it like an M1 Garand - small clip, powerful single shots, inaccurate with multiple shots, larger than average wait between shots. Think BE Pistol 2 as a rifle.

    2) BE Burst Rifle: Like a Counter Strike Famas on burst. Stable for longish range, decent close up, but pause between bursts makes it quite unattractive for CQC. Could use a new model, I know we've been toying with that idea for a while.

    This is by no means a final product, I'm just throwing something new out there instead of harping on what currently or did exist. In keeping with the asymmetrical balance of Empires, NF has a more accurate rifle, BE gets more dakka. I know everyone here has their own ideas of what these rifles should be, but I think they should be mid-longish range weapons that are unforgiving and outclassed in CQC.

    Edit: I would post my NFHR, but I can't make attachments:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
  2. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I just wish nfar and bear2 would be pretty much the same.
    As it is now, one thing nfar has going for it is that its better when fired from crouched position and thats about it.
  3. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I found this funny because your suggestions did exist, unless you mean for you to be able to move and shoot at the same time with the bear/nfhr.

    I'll say it again, I think the point of the autoshotguns is it is an easy weapon to use because you don't have to be as precise with it. Which I think is a decent addition, but should be an actual addition and not a replacement.

    I do agree about changing the bear and behr around, that would indicate more of what you should expect.
  4. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    I like the suggestions Drag made and agree fully with them.
  5. DonutVikingChap

    DonutVikingChap Member

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    100x this, because it's almost what they were pre-patch and it's how they should be because it makes sense. They were just not effective enough so here is my idea:

    NFHR: Just like before but way higher base accuracy + higher recoil per shot (not higher spread per shot, you should be able to control it if you're skilled enough).

    BEAR: Just like before (burst-fire) but higher damage.
  6. HaschteWas

    HaschteWas Member

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    I agree.
    Second rifles didn't get any attention lately because they failed at what they should be good at.
    Strong ranged combat with slow fire rate.

    A 1 second fire cycle doing ~ 40 damage per torso hit and ~60 on head shot
    with good accuracy should do the job.

    We don't want to create a new sniper rifle so no insta deaths on head shots.
    You should have time to get in cover once you got hit
    and get punished if you don't get into cover.
    That means the rifle should be good in pinning enemy infantry down
    from distance.
    Most importantly they should be superior to assault (first) rifles in doing so.
    However, they should have sever accuracy deficits while moving.

    The cycle time and damage need of course to be tested.
    Right now I cannot judge if the above will work.
    It may either be way too strong or too weak.
  7. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Id like to see that , though i think you're being really harsh with a whole second between shots.
  8. HaschteWas

    HaschteWas Member

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    I prefer not to start off with an imba weapon.
    So one has to see how it works out with one second and reduce it further or increase damage if it is too weak.
  9. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Yeah, a lot of people aren't aware how effective the nfar/behr are. It's tough to compete with them. A weapon that does ~50hp/s is basically the shitty version of the sniper rifle.
  10. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    My gripe with them right now is this: They are meant to be longer range weapons than the BEHR and NFAR, but you can't really hit anything with them at long range.

    The thing with them is, you can indeed make them as powerful as the scout rifles, just don't make them as deadly accurate. Another thing you seem to ignore, is that, in contrast to the scout rifle, you can't zoom in with the long range rifle. I dare say the have pretty bad iron sights even. They are pretty much made to just see the target you are currently going for and cover up pretty much everything else.
  11. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Try crouching for more accuracy.
  12. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    Dude, I tried prone. That still isn't what I'd call an accurate rifle.
  13. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    I don't know what to tell you. I've been on both the giving & receiving side of the current incarnation of prone bear/nfhr and I wouldn't want em any more accurate.
  14. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    I mean accurate with a single pellet. They are pretty damn unpredictable now.
  15. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    i want one rifle to be assaulty, lots of damage due to rate of fire but not very accurate... something you would want if you are close to an enemy barracks.
    Up close and personal kind of thing

    And one rifle that you would use proning or ducking while looking at a whole lot of guys coming at you... im not saying "beat them single-handedly" but something a bit more heavy and slow firing for an automatic but accurate enough to kill people at range or at least keep them from sticking their heads out. (something between the heavy machine gun and the heavy nf rifle how it used to be)

    Then i want one ace card that makes each faction unique, something like the nf heavy rifle... something iconic and unique with a specific fanbase and use...

    With the nf heavy rifle this used to be having a small clip and heavy damage to pick off enemies already under fire. This was the killsteal gun

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