Candles doesn't leave his house unless he has too, he has a higher chance of committing suicide than getting bus factored. Unless that counts as bus factor.
For the source files just create a mod with sdk. Or most source file are on Valve's github. To change other things just learn how to code, how to hook, then inject.
Ok, so there is no way to see the code produced by Krenzo or another dev? For example the research tree, etc.?
Both those things don't even make sense, the source files are with the developers, there's no reason they would be with Valve.
The research tree is scripted. It's in the scripts folder. I think it's called research_items.txt. I have a hunch that almost all of the stuff that you think is "in the code" or "hardcoded" is actually in the scripts and all scripts are in that scripts folder. I would greatly suggest checking in that folder for info on vehicle weapons, armor, engines, chassis and all of the infantry stuff. If it's a "number", then it's likely scripted out and not hardcoded.
Un short: we do a lot of stuff on client that client shouldn't be able to do. Hell, even Valve client code has a lot of stuff that would probably be ridiculously exploitable. For instance, the client has to know the positions of nearby enemies to be able to correctly place them. There is absolutely NOTHING on client that stops you from rendering enemies to be visible at all times with glowing edges like Left 4 Dead. Even if you were able to somehow only allow "signed" client binaries to join servers, there's still the absolutely massive issue of fixing all the exploits and bugs that reside in both the client and server code. And, finally, a lot of the stuff that is calculated on client side (but shouldn't) will probably have to be moved over to server and then sent to client; The amount of bandwidth that might eat up without a single change to functionality is scary.
I was referring to the hl2 code that empires uses. The empires code is around but rarely shared. It was released a few years back.
Just because software is "maintained" doesn't mean your eyes don't burn every time you have to look at it, and if you try to refactor it, you'll get yelled at for wasting company time when you should be writing new and exciting features.
"released" I think you mean leaked by some asshole. Luckily it was the v1.0 code, which probably has about 30% of the features (and 5000% of the bugs) than the current codebase does.
The best defense mechanism empires has is that you need special protection before looking at the code or your face will felt while screaming "WHY".
That's basically how we ended up with turbo and a lot of unwanted things that had to be blocked like the impulse commands. Not sure if it's changed now but in the past Empires ran normal hl2 dll's. Valve now provides the source so a lot can be modded in them or hooked. Another option is packet sniffing. You can kind of see what gets transmitted client to server and server to client. For the most part anything you want can be scripted into Empires.
It is still like that, valve didn't release the code for the engine it self. It is still the .dll file that modders have been using since forever. Take a look, you can find that dll file sitting in the bin directory of any source mod.
Jesus christ do you literally just make this shit up as you go along, or are you that retarded you just believe everything you're told.
How to check if impulse 101 works in Empires: 1. Hack Empires, steal the code. 2. Input impulse 101 in console, oh? It heals you? Ok use. How to check if Turbo works in Empires: 1. Hack Empires Code, Steal everything, upload to interwebs. 2. Go to the scripts folder, go to the vehicles folder, uncomment the turbo section.
You can just skip step 1. Wealthy literally just deleted the turbo lines instead of leaving them commented out. When I was testing that silly little nf jeep script, I nearly forgot to remove the turbo since I never use turbo anymore.
That's because it's the one I added in the most recent version. Note the spec comment in the turbo - that's pure Spartacus. The BE one hasn't changed since wealthy made some edits a while back. Check that.