Vintage Style Captains Pug #1 - 29th of April Saturday Time - 20 : 30 GMT - 13 : 30 PST - 16 : 30 EST (click link below for your local time) Information I am going to try and do a old style pug with captains like it was done previously. There will be two captains though out the duration of the pug they will pick one commander first then as many squad leaders are needed then players, these players will be picked on at a time. These teams will be the same though out the map list. If you are interested in being either a squad leader or commander please post below your name will then be put down in the possible commanders/squad leaders section. Your name will also be carried on over to the next pug as a possible commander/squad leader if you can make it. If you are interested in being captain please post below. There will be 3 maps in a row from a map pool of 5 i will provide a map pool for every pug please vote for 3 maps in the poll. The three most popular maps will be played in the pug. It is still undecided if this will be weekly or bi weekly. The server might be locked while captains are picking commanders, squad leaders and players then the server might be unlocked after however that will be up to the captains. If the server is unlocked late joiners will just have to join whatever team has less players. I will post these threads at least a week in advance to give time for people to opt in for captians, squad leaders and commanders to sign up for the roles. Server Jekotian server [US] Maps (pick 3 maps via the poll) Pug Group Server Settings No player resource multiplier Resource rate will be 2 resource per x1 refinery then 4 per x2 refinery Vehicle limit will be set to 10 Captians Possible commanders Possible squad leaders DONT FORGET TO VOTE FOR THREE MAPS! Mrx will be leading this pug if i cant make it
Scardybob's pug plugin, while not functioning 100% correctly did work ok enough to do this even with the server unlocked. That said I can see the appeal of having it locked and people just picking people old school like, it can be much faster. That also said people kinda suck at finding the password even when you post it in several places.(always get like 5-6 people asking me for password whenever server is locked.)
4 PUGs for the last 30 days. Great, we totally need them. Has it occurred to you that events are not helping our regular population AND are also killing the time slots that could be used for beta testing? I know you guys are selectively forgetful so here's the thing.未命名5.png?dl=0 Dude, 5 average pop DURING the League. The server was guaranteed to be filled up during weekend because of the League, and we had only 5 average population? After the League ends we dropped to 3 population, I can tell you that Empires had never been closer to death. Sure, you can argue and say "freuqent events" are not killing population, but no, I don't see them helping our population either.
Yeah i always get "whats the password" from people even though the people running the pugs always put it in events and announcements.
I think PUGS that aren't a locked server help. However, I agree that this shit can be game killing, but I think the problem after that league was the fact that school had also just started up.
Im still going to unlock or lock the server depending on what the captains want but it would be preferable if it was unlocked.
Well, people got things to do for the entire year. Summer/semester just started/mid-term/final/christmas/winter/about to graduate...etc Not to mention those who got a job. Honestly, if you consider the fact that servers were filled up during the events, it is even worse, with like 2~4 hours of a full server balancing the population every week and we still achieved a lower average population. You think people would stay and play during weekdays just to make pub games equally interesting? No, they just wait for good games to be served on EVERY weekend. This is not even based on some statistical bullshit, it's just what happened. Yeah PUGs are fun, holy shit I can play with bad players that are less bad, people go here and there like a well-oiled machine(well, at least better than pub games), people actually listen n' shit. But this is what we are supposed to do, we do that like once every month or at least 5~6 weeks apart. Also don't put up a time schedule, like, don't tell people that you are going to host a PUG 2 weeks from now, just notify people like 3~4 days before the PUG. You know what I'll stop here, like I will not even mention this again in future "weekly/bi-weekly" PUGs, feel free to prove that I am wrong. I am just seeing history repeat itself and I am putting up a sign here "NO FREQUENT EVENTS", feel free to break the sign and just go right ahead. I can't arrest you. Which one is your main reason of setting up events? Don't answer, just ask this to yourself. 1: Get your server filled, have people respect you as event organizer, just want to have fun. 2: To help our regular population.
Well no, I said I would be running a draftpick Empires on my server if you don't show up. I'm not responsible for this event.