Turrets should consume resources

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Aurora, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    this a tough question. I personally don't care what happens with them , as I've learned acceptance of getting shot from a lvl3 mg turret I can't see yet somehow sees me. My biggest concern is with the use of additional resources. These maps are weak as far as res is concerened, they can't support a 5v5 let a lone a 12v 12. In the end it may prevent lvl 3s from ever getting researched, as once the research is made the com is stuck with forking over 3X the res for a single turret that can be smothered in so many ways. In a GOOD equal match/competition, res will be tight, I would think anyway a smart com wouldn't ever research lvl 3s as they'd cost so much to replace. So then I ask, what would be the point of having lvl 3s at all?

    Turret siege is only possible if the opposing comm/ or squads are either unaware of the engineers setting up the first few turrets, or unorganized to do anything about it (IE Walls stop MLS turrets fairly well) Shame on them who allowed the turrets to be set up so close in the first place.

    Forcing proximity to buildings is a great idea...hmmm and maybe that would eliminate the whole turret spam on district...but then that might cause a fluid game..wouldn't want that...:rolleyes:
    Want turrets checked? I've always thought that when Tracking Systems/Homing missles are researched that Turrets should be able to get targeted and locked on to. I thought this was the future? How about target lock as an upgrade for Grens for thier rocket propelled potatoes? It'd still take 4 shots to break the lil glass/plastic sensor-ma-bob...
    Hows this possible without upsetting the balance with the increased range needed to successfully target a lvl 2/ lvl 3 turret? I've no clue and have thus exposed my mental retardation.
  2. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    well turrets need some kind of restriction..
    best IMO is it needs proximity to either a building or a flag
  3. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    I say only consume resources when firing bullets, like 1 resource point for every 5 bullets. If people exploit it they'd drain all the enemy resources, like reviving somebody in the line of fire from a lvl 3, which consumes loads.
  4. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    turrets are fine in my opinion, but more than that, this suggestion would really damage any team that uses turrets.

    turrets ARE needed in this game. and not just putting them next to buildings, because by that point the enemy has line of sight of you're building and it's already too late. good turret placement is at chokepoints and crossroads, where they prevent enemy access in loadsa directions.
  5. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    You know what JJ, want me to give you some turret culling lessons?
  6. R_yell

    R_yell Member

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    I propose this: turrets near barracks or refinery should be free, rest should consume resources. Why? Turrets as defensive weapon is okay, you can't deny that to a team which is out of res. On the opposite, turret as offensive weapon is just turret whoring and should be penalized in some way. If someone said the same before, sorry.
  7. FalconX

    FalconX Developer

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    Using an upkeep cost to limit turret usage hurts gameplay in a number of ways. First, it ties turret use to resource income, and therefore to land held. Which gives a dramatic advantage to whichever team is winning at a given moment. Which means that it gives a dramatic benefit to the team that happens to be first to get the advantage, because they can not only place turrets to defend essential structures, but also use them to defend key areas. Which means, effectively, that games are decided in the first 5-ish minutes.

    On a related, and equally important note, it restricts the use of outposts because they have no resource income. Which restricts the freedom and choice involved in building, because now automated defenses effectively only work around resource nodes (the most important single structure in terms of those automated defenses) unless you have a reasonable majority of territory, in which you can recycle the turrets near rear bases in order to build them closer to the front (don't worry about the rear bases, by this point your enemy can't afford enough tanks to break your turretfarm and attack it before you rebuild the turrets defending them). Which means that it's become much harder to build outposts wherever you want, because they're effectively defenseless (one of the biggest problems in Emp42 was that there was no automated defense for the freely placed outposts). This makes the game more linear (once you get this res node, you can attack that res node), rather than freeform (lets push forward to take that territory).

    It also encourages offensive turret use by the winning team, now that they can afford it. If a winning commander wants to turretfarm, he still can. Except, in order to turretfarm in this scenario, he'll have already taken a bit of the territory and thus a majority of the resource income, leaving little defense against it. Rather than eliminate turretfarming, your suggestion encourages it at a different and more crippling stage of the game.

    There are numerous other suggested restrictions that would eliminate turretfarms without restricting gameplay so drastically.

    I still favor either limiting the number of turrets that can be placed within the radius of a given turret, or tying comm turrets to buildings (and, in a sense, lines of power) by giving each building an additive "turret rating" of how many turrets can be built within a radius of a given structure.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2007
  8. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    What's the use of defending a refinery with a few turrets when it will just nihillate your resource income?
  9. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    That sounds like the way to go...that is if the turrets are really bothering people...even when lvl3 mgs are near buildings they'll still be annoying little :eek:
    But that would force comms to place armories at out posts ? Creating epic infantry battles, shooting, running back to the armory for health/ammo...sounds like fun.

    I believe that turret farming is a strategical error that some comms make, I made when I first started playing. I stopped doing it when I would see a lone grenadier or arty/ tank whatever take out 3-6 turrets lost resources in 3-4 shots and then all the turrets for that area are gone. Even when the turrets are spaced apart, I've seen good players systematically deystroy each one, with ease. Just another part of the game that takes thinking/teamwork. Ask all those guys who ninja the comm vehicles...they get through I don't know how but they get through.
  10. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    Turrets are easy to take out, personally I think people should learn how to combat turrets instead of trying to make up excuses to get them to stop working. And that is not meant as a way of trolling, by the way.
  11. Jcw87

    Jcw87 Member

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    It's very simple. Travel to the enemy base as a full ammo grenadier, using your rocket launcher and your mowtar to kill any pesky MG turrets that are unavoidable, move on, till you reach comm, then place 8 mines.
  12. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    They are easy to take out, until you can't see them anymore.

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