To All Empires Players

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by angry hillbilly, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    source mods can NEVER compare to what 1942 is like, that is why WW2 for source=complete bullshit. except for red orchestra, that actually looks fun to do REALISTIC tank combat...
    (by 1942 I mean BF1942)
  2. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    Red Orchestra is a UT2004 mod gone commercial on the same engine.
  3. theotherjms

    theotherjms Developer

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    I played this mod today, and I'm not exactly impressed.

    1. Removing the HUD doesn't help with immersion, it just makes it annoying because you keep running in the wrong direction. And don't get me started on the map unfolding animation every time.

    2. How much immersion can you get anyway when your battle-hardened 82nd Airborne sergeant sounds like a ten-year-old kid, which is exactly what he is? And because of the lack of a HUD I don't know who is talking to me unless I see the yellow voice icon over their head (so much for HUD-less immersion BTW). Also, you can't address your teammates by their names, because you don't know their names, because by the time it takes to look in the lower left corner where his name stands the teammate has moved out of your crosshair and the name is gone.

    3. Not counting your kills doesn't help with immersion, it just makes the game boring, plus you can't tell whether your skills are improving. Also, you don't know which of your teammates are good at the game, which means you don't know whom to stick with and watch.

    4. In addition, the scoreboard is a mess. I had to keep looking at it for several seconds before I could determine what team I was on, how many players were on each team and so on. Of yourse I was new to it, but a scoreboard's layout should give you the essential information in a split second, even if you've never seen it before. That's not realism, it's not immersion, it's just plain unintuitive

    5. The Ironsight system is all well and good, but the way your weapon jiggles around it just looks weird, without looking more realistic.

    6. Why do I have to perform a separate operation (another mouseclick) to repeat my rifle? Again this adds nothing to realism or immersion, it's just fucking stupid.

    Compromise-less immersion is a noble idea, but you are actually worse off than in reality. In reality you would know your teammates' names, their voices and you would know the direction you had to go. A HUD is not there to make it easier than real life, it just compensates for things you don't have in real life.

    Everything this mod does well, Insurgency does better. And you know a mod sucks when I use the words "Insurgency" and "better" in the same sentence.
  4. BitterJesus

    BitterJesus Member

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    A bit hard on the Alpha, but brutally honest.

    This is exactly how I felt when I played it.

    Laziness on devs' behalf != realistic HUD
  5. theotherjms

    theotherjms Developer

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    Oh yeah, I forgot it's an Alpha. Maybe things will improve in future releases. But right now, I would say the quest "more fun through more immersion through less HUD" has failed.

    Edit: I was going to write how bad games can still be fun if the community is good. Then I read this
    and decided I want to stay away from that community.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  6. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    Then don't play it. Mods are unique in that they are more able to push the boundaries of gameplay. Where you see frustration, I see a challenge. Realism/immersion mods add a whole new layer of difficulty to FPS gameplay. I find enjoyment in mastering a difficult mod. But just because you don't like it doesn't mean others (like myself) won't enjoy it.
  7. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    you gave his take on it, he gave his; dont worry if someone doesnt like it, you do so go have fun on it (just dont forget about empires).
  8. angry hillbilly

    angry hillbilly Member

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    BTW that convo is all about how u get idiot 10 year olds surrendering. Its so funny when they do surrender and u just shoot them :p . Ive had them trying to make me surrender and i just thow all down but grenades and blow myself up while yelling "fuck you" killing them hehehehe :p
  9. Marshall Mash

    Marshall Mash 3D Artist

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    The one thing about this mod that annoyed me quite a bit was that whenever a new round started, EVERYONE would rush just to try and get the one class with the machine gun.
    I kept ending up on the Axis with that damn pea-shooter of a rifle like most of the other players.
  10. decemberscalm

    decemberscalm Member

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    That maturity in this thread is blackhole worthy.

    Its a step in the right direction for those who enjoy this sort of gameplay (like-myself).

    I won't be happy till there is a small scale skirmish game that generates complex terrain. The defending team is able to familiarize themselves with the terrain ahead of time, and the attacking team only gets a map. Enforce squad rules, go!
  11. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    Look at CSS SCI FI for a good HUDless game (if you so choose to have the HUD disabled). The effects build immersion, and the HUD is hardly missed. I haven't played THIS yet, but from the look of this thread they could learn from Asian-dude-with-too-much-free-time's mod :)

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