The godsend known as 2.23

Discussion in 'General' started by Fricken Hamster, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    as much as that idea sounds retarded , i support it
  2. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    It would help with reducing the dominance of superlights in the early game, BE need to open a couple of trees to get good weapons and armor for their AFVs, so it would make sense that NF should also need to do that.
  3. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    When an engine stalls, it needs to not disipate heat, and take more time to restart.

    That would make the EE's engine's one major weakness not pointless.
  4. Dr. Rockso

    Dr. Rockso Member

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    Tanks sure can take a pounding now! I dont mind the new patch it just means that in tank combat situations I am more prone to going gren to pop out of my vehicle and fire off a rocket in between cannonfire. This makes me less useful around enemy buildings which sucks a bit but whatever, my team *should* be in the area too.
  5. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    the armor changes make early-game tank combat retarded. if players are moderately skilled and have a fast engine they can live forever. there's almost zero risk to being in proximity of an enemy tank if you can drive evasively.

    I don't understand how people can enjoy the slow tank combat. you can choose to ignore other tanks altogether and attack buildings because nobody can kill you in time unless you're massively outgunned or outmanned.

    IMO any sort of upgraded cannon needs to kill a light/afv in 3-4 shots if they are hitting the same face (missiles have a higher ROF and DPS and are fine at their current levels) I think you can take 5-6 HE even if you're in a light and getting the same face directly hit every time. If your opponent is driving evasively you can easily exhaust your entire magazine just trying to kill one LT. If your opponent is committed to running away and repairing, the probability of getting a kill drops to almost nothing. it works both ways too, I can stay alive for a long time against light tanks as long as they don't sneak up behind me and unload a salvo in my blind spot.

    Late game tank combat is better since the firepower increases, but cannons are still pretty gimpy.

    eh, this was just a random brain dump in response to some of the other posters' frustrations...
  6. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    RPGs should have mild heat tracking. Light tanks should be inefficient and heat up more easily.
  7. zachtos

    zachtos Member

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    From all the number crunching I've done on my new sheet based on the scripps and rigorous testing, I feel that the armors are fairly equal to eachother at this point, just different in application. There is more to it then how powerful it is, there is a cost / tank factor as well. I do think composite is still a bit over priced for the HP it delivers though, and has nothing really to offer anymore (aside uber low weight).

    Engines feel pretty balanced still. Love the new cooling of standard. I think you should bump some engines up and down in heating capacity though. Why, 6, 8, 10 heat/sec? why not 6,7.8,9.10??? Lets try biodiesel at 7/sec, coolant at 10/sec, fission and electrical at 8 and gas at 9? Shake it up to add more diversity since most pick purely on speed and cooling capacity.

    Some weapons are too weak now because of the armor buff, like depleted uranium.

    I still can not get players to use APCs, no matter how much I research. Upgraded Grenade launcher is devestating, but never is used even though I beg.

    Obviously light tanks are too hard to hit because they are too low to the ground to aim at while in tanks. I can not combat them unless I get tracking missiles, which the game is usually lost by the time I can use them. I watched game after game where I lost 2K+ in structures to one or two lights while the team TRIED to kill them and failed.

    Plasma cannon still is pathetic! Give me a reason to research it. Same w/ the machine gun. They have never been good enough to research, and it's been years now since I've seen more then 2 or 3 people use them. Years.

    Grenadiers do not scare me anymore, in any type of tank. This is not a good thing.

    Scouts are TOO much of a nuisance for commanders now. Cut the dmg/sec in half or something. They do more damage to a base then a squad of grenadiers!!!

    No quabbles w/ barracks cost, you should use caution, and consider APC spawn.

    Nukes seem kinda junky now against tanks.

    Bio weapons are useless against tanks now. Don't expect anyone to research them w/o a REAL buff. I think it should take 30 seconds to dissolve a tank if they don't run for repairs, not 60-90!!! what a waste of a weapon slot.

    All other cannons, mgs and missiles feel perfectly balanced at the moment to myself and my spread sheets.

    Is it possible we can find a way to make it so I don't have to hit 1 or 2 to change a weapon? can't we find a way to bind a third key? like middle mouse or something? how about weapon change w/ the scroll wheel for tanks!!!???
  8. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    next patch tank weapons and grens will get buffed (or tank armor will get nerf, same thing really). its already been announced.
  9. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    I hope that I will address these points adequately, in the upcoming patch.
  10. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I second the UGL comment, they are surprisingly good.
  11. [PRKL] Werihukka

    [PRKL] Werihukka Member

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    I was surprised when I joined a game and commander had researched bio missiles. I got many BE medium tanks and almost one rax with only one mkII.

    When you use it carefully, it can do damage, because shooting once at everything at sight, you get everything bleeding health. It ain't very good by itself though, I was playing as gren and shot everything after shooting all bio missiles. Could be fun weapon to use though, if buff'd.
  12. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    Imo the problems with people not using anti tank APCs is that new players
    cant know that an apc can destroy a tank with dumg/hmg or whatever.

    Giving the apc a different name and or splitting the APC into a one slot
    mg personal carrier with armor and a light anti tank vehicle with a 3x mg and
    a 2x nade slot could help.
  13. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    Make the APC an IFV? Because, really, thats what it is. An IFV is inexpensive compared to tanks, carries squads of infantry, CAN do some anti-tank but unless the tank is an idiot will always lose if the IFV's don't outnumber the tanks by 3-1 or more.

    Replace the APC with that, and change the APC spawn research to 'Combat APC's'. That research unlocks the APC's we have now (plus spawn point) but they can only carry 2 slot MG. Keep the current BE AFV model for the IFV, add the new AFV model as the AFV, keep the APC for the combat APC, and then we could use SirSnipes BE-afv-that-looks-like-a-NF-vehicle for the NF IFV.

    Just a random idea. Thoughts?
  14. Kolaris

    Kolaris Member

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    But...they can't anymore.
  15. Roflcopter Rego

    Roflcopter Rego Member

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    it's true. DU does like 1% damage a minute.
  16. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I find bioMG to be a useful research because it works on tanks and infantry, and on tanks it can do substantial degen on all sides for such a minor weapon.

    It's not a standalone weapon, but it can be a useful support weapon, research it and mix it in with a few cannon tanks and it will multiply your firepower substantially.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009

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