TEST #9 BUGTEST Feedback

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Reznov, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. Reznov

    Reznov Member

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    1. The mapname in the top-right corner is covered by the minimap. Sometimes the mapname doesn't even appear in the top-right corner. This bug is actually from 2.2, the mapname shouldn't be there at all.
    Can't reproduce, the map name never shows up for me. Tried on canyon, coast, and money. -- Jephir

    2. No distance being shown on targets. Distance is only being shown on commands directed to the ground. (Don't know if this is a bug)
    This is intended, for orders on an entity, the entity class should be shown, while for orders on positions, the distance to the position is shown. -- Jephir

    3. Lower expiry time of the targets by 50%. (Trickster's DEMAND)

    4. Rearrange squad, which has members in it, to the top of the squadlist.

    5. While dead, other friendly players that are alive have your name above them unless they are dead too.
    Alive friendly have my name

    6. Hardly noticing any reward recycling a carcass. Maybe output a text showing what you have earned? It seems like it's just regular repair/decon points at the moment. Does the team get resources? Also, it still goes really quickly, even for heavies.

    7. The positions of the passengers when entering a vehicle are not being shown in the bottom right corner. Happens mostly on the first try.

    8. The revive icon is still displayed after emp_force_kill has been used. Also squad revival is working on someone with emp_force_kill.

    9. Vehicle MGs still able to do headshots, Trickster wanted that removed.

    10. When you look at a player with your toolkit as engineer and he has less than 100% health, the health bar will show 0% as health status.
    Player at 49% but 0% on Healthbar

    11. Flash particles are still visible through anything. i.e. HE CN Flash

    12. When you request ammo and turn around 180 degrees, the ammo symbol is being shown on another player that you have in your squad.
    Requested ammo, looking at a player in my squad. No ammo symbol to be seen.
    Turned 180 degrees, the ammo symbol appear on him.

    13. Camera functions still works in Unassigned, only the GUI part has been disabled.

    14. As an engineer, with the toolkit equipped, looking at a passenger of a vehicle(tested with BE and NF Jeep) crashes your client.

    15. The color for the repair symbol stays the same when you have seen it once. i.e. Look at a friendly jeep with toolkit -> Green symbol. After that look at an enemy jeep and it will stay green.
    Red symbol (decon) on a friendly NF jeep.

    16. Vehicle camo is fixed.

    17. Reviving someone that switched teams has been fixed.

    18. As commander selecting a new unit giving him an attack order with the boxing method doesn't work. When you give the unit a right-click attack order though, the boxing method works again but only for the selected units.


    Also I've found some other bugs in RC10 myself which are listed in the last section of the RC8 feedback thread:

    19. The RC version number in the main menu of Empires Mod is cut out...

    20. NF engineer tool shows BE buildables. Is that meant to be like that?
    Picture 1
    Picture 2

    21. Zoom in with scout rifle, change weapon with Q and now you have a weird zoom out effect everytime you switch your weapon as scout.

    22. The sub-menu in class customization is cutting out some of the main-menu.
    Picture 1
    (Will be fixed in next GUI, so later)

    23. Isn't the carcass health supposed to drop slowly? Well anyway, when the carcass health has been brought to 0% manually via Repair Tool it doesn't dissapear unless you decon it one more time at 0%.
    Picture 1

    24. BE CV's attack order is now working but the placement isn't exactly on spot.
    Picture 1

    25. I hope this isn't something people already discussed about but the previews of buildings that the engineer is about to build with his calculator are sometimes mixed with eachother. Mostly happens while changing teams.
    Picture 1

    edit: More testing done.

    26. I don't know if this is intentional but the health bar of the VF and the crosshair get stuck infront of the barrel if the barrel is too close to a building.
    Picture 1
    (Not a bug)

    27. You can still give an attack order on enemy carcasses but they don't work anyway. Maybe disable F-Menu orders on carcasses so people won't get confused. No screenshot because I couldn't take one.

    Addition to 24. BE AFV and BE APC have the same problems. NF vehicles are fine.
    Picture 1
    Picture 2

    Addition to 23. Yes the health bar for the carcasses aren't dropping at all. The carcasses just dissapear even with 100% HP.

    Addition to 25. Confirmed method of reproducing the glitch. BE engineer, pick the wall preview, change teams, NF engineer, pick the NF turret, now the 2 previews are fused.


    If I've missed something post it here. Also some .mdmp files about the client crashes wouldn't be bad too.
    My .mdmp files is about the issue 14.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2012
  2. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    NF VF recycle timer is 5 sec instead of 30sec
  3. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Just throwing it out there, the GUI needs work. The ammo icon (and probably some others) just totally looks out of place, especially when it doesn't scale with distance. Some of those icons are newer in the old GUI, so it might be worth bringing them over. I'm personally an advocate of using Nesquiko's older grey GUI and just porting the armour/engine icons over (changing the colour can't be hard with the PSDs).

    There's also the issue where most of the buttons highlight in a square, but the buttons Nesquiko added aren't square, so it looks a bit poor.

    Thanks to all that turned up, sorry I couldn't be more active during the test tonight. Special thanks go to Reznov for writing down everything during that test. If the coders manage to change some stuff before Friday, I'll throw a test then. I probably don't need to schedule because we should have enough players, and I don't want to commit to it yet.
  4. bitchslap

    bitchslap Member

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    nice list, think you got most of it. will post some more later once i review screenies.

    25. That certainly seems related/solvable by the skill loadout carrying over bug, probly just missing code that would clear those variables upon team change or map change, etc. Be really nice to fix, as it does look like shit to noobs.
  5. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    Reznov-->As far as I'm aware number 20 has always been like that. I'm not sure but I think it would need some code changes to allow NF to have some seperate icons, although I have thought of it before and it would be good. Maybe Beerdude or Jephir could let us know how hard it would be to fix?
  6. Reznov

    Reznov Member

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    Well, I report things that feel wrong for me and are out of place, even if it might be intended or not. It's up to the devs if the issue is not an issue or something that they can't/won't/will fix.
  7. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    I HIGHLY recommand this, since the blue version looks (and imho always looked) out of place, it is simply oversaturating the gui with blue and looks crap, also too many inconsistencies in the blue shades which appeared from implementing it officially.
  8. bitchslap

    bitchslap Member

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    idk, imo the transparent gui gives a real pro finish.

    is it hard to work with/add to?
  9. Smithy

    Smithy Developer Staff Member Administrator

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    I've already made/committed the icons needed, just waiting on Beerdude to change the code.
  10. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    if im not mistaken this works in any sourcemod, must be engine specific. wonder if the easiest fix wouldnt be to display either a black GUI rect or some picture just to block the players view. or you could unbind all keys but the one for team selection and only rebind them upon actually joining something - should stop you from getting camera controll aswell.
    or well, is it actually a problem that needs fixing?
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
  11. w00kie

    w00kie Mustachioed Mexican

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    Daruks GUI is missing a symbol for "waiting on loadout change". So you never know for sure if the skills in your loadout are already active or waiting for a quick reclass.

    the weapons and grenades in new class loadout look awful compared to our normal blue GUI.

    12. was more then just that. When you request ammo the ammo icon stays on you until you enter an APC, it is not removed when you get ammo from a crate. Even when you switch to "I need a medic" , when a friendly engineer is around and looks away from you he has an "I need ammo"-indicator facing towards you. Also when I went into a friendly APC and did "I need repairs!" and then looked at an enemy jeep I got an repair icon for a split second. I also happened to run around with a repair icon above my head for a minute. It felt pretty random.

    idk, but 12 looks like a missing bracket or a typo or something, given the way how weird it acted for me.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
  12. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    This can be fixed but is an absolute bitch to do it right since he changed the size slightly and cut 2 of the corners off the icon along with using a slightly different shades I blue
    He used the 1.0.x icons for some reason.

    Only way I can think of fixing this is to open the old files, select the icon, copy and resize it to the new size then paste it onto the new background.

    Smithy, do you have any idea for better ways to do this?
  13. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    How can one access them?
  14. Reznov

    Reznov Member

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    Edit: It works like the normal spectator mode. i.e. Pressing space 2 times sets you to free-hover mode. I don't know if the CTRL part still works but the GUI is disabled.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
  15. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    the question is if this needs fixing as long as there is spectator mode ...
  16. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    It's to get rid of people staying in unassigned because there is no spectator
  17. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Nesquiko made 2 GUIs, his older one was grey transparent, rather than blue, but it was at the time when there weren't individual icons for each armour/engine, so it'd need work to bring it up to date. But imo it looks way better than his blue one.
  18. Fooshi

    Fooshi For fuck's sake Fooshi

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    Not sure if the version I have on SVN (updated a few hours ago) is related to this bugtest, but if it is, the APC picture is replaced with the AFV's picture.
    Also this.
  19. theotherjms

    theotherjms Developer

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  20. Smithy

    Smithy Developer Staff Member Administrator

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    I did mention this in another thread and during the playtest, the icons are broken until the code is updated to reflect on what team you're currently on. The buttons work as intended its just the visuals that are currently broken, SVN exclusive because the SVN has a little bit extra content than steam test version.

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