Space Engineers or Ark:Survival Evolved, Which would you choose?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lazybum, Feb 12, 2016.


Ark or space engy?

  1. Space engineer

  2. Ark

  3. Both are terrible, wurm4lyfe

  4. Don't care, I will never spend more then 5$ on a game.

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  1. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Ark is currently on sale on the humble monthly for 12$, you also get some other games but who knows what they will be.Note you can cancel that sub thing it mentions so you can just buy just the game and be done with it.

    Space Engineers is on sale for another day or something on steam for 35% off, at 16.24$.

    The question to you guys is which is more fun ya think? And also which game would you guys want to play together, what with them being multiplayer?
  2. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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    Get Ark, you can be a cool guy in a jungle there instead of a physics nerd.

    But who spends that kind of money on a single game? You could also get about three of those gems from the Steam sale:
    Witcher 2 - 2,99€
    Stanley Parable - 3,59€
    Goat Simulator - 2,49€
    XCOM complete - 5,99€
    Deus Ex HR - 4,99€
    Hand of Fate - 7,49€
    Rust 9,99€
  3. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    I bought space engineers. I didn't realise it was going to be so boring. Tho I haven't played it for like a year
  4. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    But I have most of those mcgyver, well at least the ones I'm interested in.

    I can kinda see why space engineers might be boring, but I would assume a lot of the boring would melt away if you played with a couple of friends. There's planets now too, which might help a bit, giving more to do.

    All that said, that steam sale ended sooner then I thought, darn. Well, anyone up for a rousing game of ark then?
  5. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    I also got space engy and it indeed is boring. :( Its like a mega version of minecraft but, boring and slower paced.


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    ARK Survival Evolved. I never played it but even the character customizer is more fun than space engineers.
  7. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Got ark. So far it's kinda neat. Real pretty too, quite nice. Performance is a bit meh though, I think star citizen runs better on my computer and that just sounds off to me. Got the feeling I'm going to get bored of it kinda quick, the way to craft more stuff, not even better stuff, is to gain levels. Levels are gained by doing almost anything it seems, even just standing around with time passing slowly, very slowly, raises it. But it's a bit annoying to know I have to grind a bit if I just want to make a bow. Compared to other games I've played that grind is probably not bad at all really, but I'm still low level so don't know yet.

    Oh speaking of leveling and gaining crafting skills, there's a limit of how many crafting points you get to spend on new crafting stuff, meaning it doesn't exactly look like you can do it all. That said, looking at the list you probably could get all crafting recipes between 2-3 characters at most, meaning just one friend and you're probably set.

    I haven't had a chance to try the whole taming dino thing yet though, that along with some other things, like farming, aren't really explained in game anywhere which is rather annoying. I know for games like this people just accept the idea you have the wiki open at the same time, but that still feels rather lazy, especially when it comes to how to do the big main draws of your game. That said the taming process is kinda lame, seems like you basically knock out whatever, shove food in it's inventory and try not to hit it, or let other creatures hit it. I really haven't found a game that actually does taming good, honestly i think vagrant story might have been closer to what i want, you can get enemies to basically friend you by healing and kinda taking care of them, which took a fair bit of effort considering they were only for that room you were in. It was a step in the right direction though. This might sound a bit off topic but the taming dino part sounded really cool but here it's kinda of a lack luster process and that's a bit disappointing to me.

    All in all, it's a pretty decent game that like so many others just devolves into pvp stuff, which means to get the max fun out of it getting a few friends is probably the way to go, especially when that crafting limit is considered. At least the world is kinda neat to explore, just rather disappointed in the lack of unstuck because it's not terribly hard to get stuck in certain parts of the map, with the only thing you can do is basically killing yourself.:( Space engineers is probably more fun if you want to tinker with things, but ark is good if you just want some quick action. Well relatively quick, actually finding dinos can take a bit.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2016

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