Can you make the persons spray show up on the tank they make or something. I always liked how someones spray would show up on the comp screen in dystopia.
And perhaps even the name of the one who built the tank on the reg plate? (Stolen directly from Ut2004).
just convert it to a vtf and save that over the woodlands one or something i didnt do it for you because my dropbox seems borked and i cant upload vtfs otherwise also trixy come online on steam perhaps? i have things to show you
you put me in a dilemma. how can i dl this and argue for sv_pure 1 at the same time ... :raeg: tho i doubt it gives you some huge advantage ...
If I come online I'll be distracted and fail my entire life. Might be on tomorrow if I'm not just sleeping. Not sure.
no u. Also, Idk, I may or may not be finished by tomorrow. At the latest Friday night though. I internet suicide in May until July anyway, although I may come back for May break. But basically, exams everywhere, my absolute final ones until Uni. Shit sux.
Sounds like Shandy is volunteering to fix all the blown out HDR that is rampant in at least half of the maps in Empires...