They don't do anything. Edit: Ok the second one works. must have copied it wrong. Yea but I think ";" and "." are better. It takes less time to press one button than two. If you want I can keep that in as well. The feeling of pressing ";message" in team chat is basically orgasmic, you should try it.
as long as it doesnt remove those characters from the string like it does with -- all is cool. also, no, for me you dont need to keep the "old way" in, i can adapt.
They should. Prefixing the chatbox with "; pretty much lets you use it as a console. (Works for me anyway.) I would avoid using that character becuase of potential conflicts.
I cant get that to work, maybe sourcemod blocks it but i doubt that also. I'm just going with my testing but haven't been able to replicate what you said on a local server or a public server. Why am i different? what commands have you just run that worked? I just tested it on a public server with 3 people and none of us can replicate it. Ok it seems to work but only if you put speech marks in front. not really sure that conflicts too much. The only problem is if someone is trying to explain how to use squad chat and they use speech marks. like say in chat ";message"
v0.3 Key binding changes The commander in terms of this plugin is now defined as the last player in the cv. /commander can be used to see the the last player in the cv. this may be useful for admins also squadinfo should now be fixed comm public chat added.
pretty sure ; is a separator for commands....but only in console So you can for example Code: bind \ "rcon emp_allowspectators 1; wait 5; jointeam 1; wait 5; rcon emp_allowspectators 0" also yeah, quotes can be a very strange thing with some source things. (and other things) Almost number one rule, if something doesnt work, try doing it with quotes But im thinking thats why you can do that in chat with quotes ";quit" Guess it takes it as a next command or something. as you are basically doing this if you type ";quit" in chat: Code: say ";quit" Or maybe it just takes it as Code: "say ;quit" which would mean say nothing and quit, all in 1 tick
I'm going to add a hint to the first time you encounter squad chat, squad voice, comm voice etc after you join that tells you how to use them. I'm probably going to change squad chat back to spacebar. Although ;message works just fine, the limitation is any speech marks after stops displaying the text. Also I'm going to make the player with 4 or more votes over their competitors count as the commander. So they can assign squads, promote to lead etc. Before the game even begins. The alert sounds for the commander and squad are barely noticeable at the moment. I think If they were better people would use them more often, As always any suggestions for sounds are appreciated. Maybe something like /squaddist so you can see the players far away from you Also any other squad based or communication based feature suggestions are welcome.
v0.4 fixed a bug that meant anyone that isn't the sender or commander would see public comm chat as (To Comm) s: Mikleo without any message. It's a little funny that I've been using it for 2 days and no one told me about that. added /rsl that sends a message to the commander asking for squad lead. Now if you invite a player to a squad as the comm, that player is assigned to the squad instead of invited. Now the big one. The player who has the most votes in the team is set to the commander. This has several implications: They are visible on the top left after the Commander label They are visible on the scoreboard. They can promote players to squad lead They can assign players to squads They can send and receive commander communications Before the commander vote has ended. This may be a little controversial, but I think we need to do some testing with this first to see how it goes.
Lol I actually noticed that! I thought that was ment to be, because its a private message to commander. Also would it work to have a special squad/commander chat When you use !"what you wanna say" it appears on your squadmembers or commanders screen as a !csay that lasts a few seconds? Also can we make mikleo lead dev? Thanks
i totally love the features of this plugin, it would be awesome if some of them could become a part of the base game to have them integrated in control sceme (fe "say_squad") and GUI (fe vote as squadleader).
There are two comm chat keys. The private one and the public one. The private key only sends your message to the commander along with the alert sound and color highlights. The public comm chat sends the message to everyone but in team color with no alert sound. Only the commander gets the alert sound and color hightlights. I'm not in favour of using csay, I think it looks obnoxious and is very hard to read. I think the problem right now is the alert sound is not noticeable enough. Empires sounds are really loud and drown out the current alert sound. If the devs want to implement some of the features that's totally cool, think of it like a prototyping phase, but I'm not going to join the dev team.
yes please devs that would be super awesome. mainly squad chat (i dont care whether it works in spec or not) and voting for someone to become squadleader (including oneself ofc)
The only problem I can see with it in the base game is if it's assigned to a key and you press the key but then the need for whole team communication happens in a very tense and fast paced scenario, you will probably forget to re-hit the key to go to team chat. I mean, already in DayZ I'd be in tense standoffs/firefights and I'd accidentally hit the * near the numpad and that would put my character into freelook instead of allowing me to fire. I like the idea, but I can see it kind of backfiring in a way as someone is shouting for everyone to kill spawn but it's just in squad chat so no one saw/heard it.
i was thinking more of a seperate key. i currently use t for say, z (which equals to y on english kb) for say_team and id use u for (say_squad). pretty easy to distinquish i mean i manage to hit all 26 letters on my keyboard when typing sentences aswell
But it's not just an exception. It's something you will have to seriously consider when adding this. A squad chat using the u key would be easy to distinguish should it be similar to the current team and all chat keys. However, the question of ease of use becomes more apparent when you refer to voice chat. We need a pretty flashy indicator to indicate you are currently using voice chat to your squad only. Something you can easily identify because if we just have it switch with the press of a button we will have people saying "I thought you were trying to talk to the squad" when in reality you wanted to talk to the team to get help at main because they are doing an apc rush.
which also speaks for implementing it into the basegame so you can have different outlines or smthg next to the speach icon (not that i look at who is currently speaking tbh) also ofc, make it two keys awell - at least id have a use for mouse5 then and i do not think its necessary to have a seperate channel to talk to comm. any communication with or from comm should always be on the open channel and comm voice also should have priority over all other sounds.
Make it switchable. But also add specific bindable button for squad chat. (could even be unbound by default....just as an option) Options, options, options....because why not But separate button is most probably better. --- Anyways. Both of those can be now added by the player to his client if he wants to Switchable: Code: alias switcher "voicesquad" alias voicesquad "bind Q +voicerecord_squad; emp_hud_print Squad voice; alias switcher voiceall" alias voiceall "bind Q +voicerecord; emp_hud_print All voice; alias switcher voicesquad" bind "X" switcher Switch with X and talk with Q. Oh, I didnt even know about emp_hud_print, until now Seems you can also make it show a message in chat, about switching it. Or the classic separate key, which is most probably the better option. Code: bind "x" "+voicerecord_squad" --- But yeah, none of that is proper implementation. But anyways, I guess there should be some way of binding the key to the client just with the plugin. As sm_cexec seems to work for empires. (example: sm_cexec Neoony "bind w kill") But it might not be the nicest thing to do
Can I point out that squad voice already plays a sound at the start and end of squad voice for both the speaker and listeners and it has done so since it was first implemented. This makes sure both the speaker and listeners are aware that squad voice is being used. The sound needs to be louder and more noticeable yes. I don't think there's any need for a toggle tbh and you can easily bind squad voice using !bindsquadvoice [key] already as listed in the opening post. I generally disagree that there is no use for comm voice. In low pop games absolutely., however callouts for refinaries, barracks, turrets, targets and research should not be made across team wide voice, especially in high pop games because that information is mostly irrelevant to everyone but the commander and clutters the communication channel. There is a place for comm voice but with such low population you might not see it.