server problem and maps

Discussion in 'Support' started by craig.gates, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. craig.gates

    craig.gates Member

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    Hi all does any know what i have to put in my config to allow the uploading of maps to people that connect i.e. say it was rainbow road and the person connectiong doesnt have it.....and where do i change in the cfg as well the size limit and what to any help appreciated.
  2. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    Are you trying to do this on a listen server (i.e. you hit create server on the Empires menu)? Or are you setting up a source dedicated server?

    If its the latter, I would add this in the server.cfg file
    net_maxfilesize 100
    This sets the limit of the custom file size a client can download from the server (in this case 100mb, which is more than enough for most Empires maps).
  3. craig.gates

    craig.gates Member

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    thanks alot i have put that in...I have 1 more problem....the server randomly loses connection and i have to restart the server I have no idea what is going off is my server config looking right to you.......
    btw it is a dedicated server

    // server name
    hostname "-MEG- Empires v2.24d WWW.MEGWARS.COM"

    // rcon passsword
    //be sure to change your rcon password
    rcon_password "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    // server cvars
    mp_footsteps 1
    mp_autoteambalance 1
    mp_flashlight 0
    mp_forcecamera 0
    sv_alltalk 0
    sv_pausable 0
    sv_cheats 0
    sv_consistency 1
    sv_allowupload 1
    sv_allowdownload 1

    sv_maxspeed 320
    sv_voiceenable 1
    emp_allowspectators 1
    mp_timelimit 0
    mp_chattime 20
    sv_timeout 65
    mp_falldamage 1

    //Empires specific cvars
    emp_sv_vote_commander_time 60 //How long people have to vote for a commander
    emp_sv_kick_commander_penalty 300 //time before a kicked commander can re-enter the command vehicle
    emp_sv_kick_commander_percentage 0.6 //percentage of players on a team that must vote yes to kick the commander
    emp_sv_kick_commander_time 120 //time commander kick vote lasts
    emp_sv_max_buildings 20 //number of buildings (not counting walls) each team can have at any one time
    emp_sv_max_vehicles 10 //number of vehicles each team can have at any one time
    emp_sv_max_turrets 24 //number of vehicles each team can have at any one time
    emp_sv_max_walls 20 //number of vehicles each team can have at any one time
    emp_sv_player_refinery_multiplier 10 //number of players that cause an increase in resources produced via refineries (default: 12 means at 12 to 23 players, 1 is added to refinery output, 24 to 35, 2 is added to refinery output
    emp_sv_resource_multiplier_be 4 //number of resources at map start is multiplied by this (Brenodi Empire)
    emp_sv_resource_multiplier_nf 4 //number of resources at map start is multiplied by this (Northern Faction)
    emp_sv_refinery_multiplier 4 //refinery output is multiplied by this
    emp_sv_reinforcement_multiplier_be 1 //number of reinforcements at map start is multiplied by this (Brenodi Empire)
    emp_sv_reinforcement_multiplier_nf 1 //number of reinforcements at map start is multiplied by this (Northern Faction)
    emp_sv_research_complete 0 //set to 1 to have all research tree items unlocked
    emp_sv_research_multiplier 2 //affects research speed, less than 1 is slower, greater than 1 is faster
    emp_sv_respawn_penalty 5 //number of seconds to make players wait to respawn
    emp_sv_refinery_interval 1 //number of seconds between refinery resource generation
    emp_sv_spawn_protection 1 //number of seconds that a player is invincible after spawn

    emp_sv_player_minimap_interval 3 //how often the network info required to update the minimap is sent (actually split up into 1/4s and sent at 1/4 intervals of this time)
    emp_sv_vehicle_minimap_interval 6

    emp_sv_netvisdist_player 7000 //distance to stop sending player network info to others
    emp_sv_netvisdist_building 12000 //distance to stop sending buildings

    emp_sv_stats_enabled 1
    emp_sv_stats_server ""

    // bandwidth rates/settings
    sv_maxrate 30000 //this should be altered based on how many players you have, 32+ players requires 30,000 for when everyone is assaulting a base and in the same area
    sv_maxupdaterate 33 //change this to what your tick rate is, I highly implore you to gauge how fast your server is before you try setting 48 max players and all settings to their max
    sv_minupdaterate 13
    sv_minrate 5000
    sv_unlag 1
    sv_maxunlag 0.5
    decalfrequency 10

    sv_voicecodec vaudio_speex

    // server logging
    log on
    sv_logbans 1
    sv_logecho 1
    sv_logfile 1
    sv_log_onefile 0

    // operation
    sv_lan 0
    sv_region -1

    //sourcetv - sourcetv takes up 10 ms per frame of cpu time on average; I don't recommend turning it on unless you can spare the cpu cycles
    tv_enable 0
    tv_port 27020
    tv_debug 0
    tv_delay 20
    tv_dispatchmode 1
    tv_maxclients 1
    tv_maxrate 20000
    tv_name "SourceTV"
    tv_password ""
    tv_relaypassword ""
    tv_snapshotrate 20
    tv_autorecord 0

    //vprof - this is for creating performance logs to find bottlenecks; it shouldn't be turned on
    vprof_scope_entity_gamephys 1
    vprof_scope_entity_thinks 1
    emp_vprof_record_interval 30
    echo server.cfg loaded

    // execute ban files
    exec banned_user.cfg
    exec banned_ip.cfg

    set sv_allowdownload "1"
    seta sv_wwwDownload "1"
    seta sv_wwwBaseURL ""
    seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"

    net_maxfilesize 100
  4. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Why do you have set/seta for the cvars under redirect?
    In fact, none of those make sense.

    sv_downloadurl "http://fastdl.kanecx/empires/"

    Afaik that's all you need.
  5. craig.gates

    craig.gates Member

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    i asked 1 of the tech guys about redirect and thats what he put on my server cfg.........thanks trickster is there anything else that looks wrong or outa place?

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