scout rifle future

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by blizzerd, Apr 3, 2010.


what do you want to do with the scout rifle

  1. keep some (current? old? nerfed?) form of scoped ranged rifle in game

  2. remove it or change it hard enough so it is no longer a scoped ranged rifle

  3. i have no opinion on the matter

  1. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    Entire scout class is pointless. Merge some of the skills with rifleman, rename special forces, drop hide, drop scoped rifle. Win.
  2. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    I would make you and your team cry with the scout.

    That is, if you actually played.

  3. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    You have no idea.

    Half the people in the thread like you don't know anything about scout and just bandwagon elitism against scout.
  4. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Tanks need a VF and res to use and can be locked by the commander and dropped for skilled players only. Bit different then a sniper rifle. Oh and tanks are in the game to end games not a weapon any joe nobody can get. Comparing tanks which actually work together to stay alive(like getting repaired/ammo/focusing fire on buildings) to a sniper rifle is not smart when balancing infantry combat. Also compare it to tanks on infantry only maps..

    Sry didn't proof read and posting fast. What I meant to say is, with the way empires works the scout rifle will always be in between OP/useless with out LOTS of changes that won't come anytime soon. Seriously not enough cover and you can't see or have a comm target them.. Empires would need things like weapon limiters to make sure you got enough engineers on a team instead of all scouts.

    Is the current scout rifle OP? No.. But it will be with your buff.

    It's not OP rite now because its more frustrating to use and easier to just be a rifleman. Still you can be a scout all day and get plenty of shots off with out getting attacked or even seen. I just don't see how you can be against OP rifles but want something like this added which will be worse. Yeah they can kill riflemen but obviously they will be killing a lot more grens and engineers instead which in turn will make less engineers and grens on a team and then you basically got a team of scouts and riflemen each round.. Enjoy commanding engineers and grens while it lasts.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  5. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    The whole teamwork arguement is rubbish. A team orientated player can take any weapon and make it benefit a team. A solo player can take an APC and go Rambo with it (which, btw griefs a lot more than dieing with a sniper rifle).
  6. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Once again, you don't have to kill scouts sniping you. A single sniper won't take out a squad.
    Also, many of you are posting under the impression that every scout makes 100% headshots with all of his shots.
    Even if scout rifles are buffed to 2.12, they won't be OP, even a little UP. Even if they get a kill, they can't guarantee deaths like high DPS assault rifles can.
    Even one rifleman can take out an well organized squad, but it'll be hard for even 5 scouts to take it out.
  7. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    A good, well-designed sniper rifle (from many other FPS games) generally have the following stats:
    I. 1 Headshot = 2 bodyshots = kill
    II. Can shoot with high accuracy over large distances

    This is what I (and apparently many other FPS players) would consider a fun sniper rifle. It is easy to use (no annoying fall off or other stupid accuracy nerfs) and is satisfying (headshots are fun to get). Other FPS games balance this by:
    1. Having small maps
    2. Providing lots of cover for non-snipers to hide and flank the sniper

    Since very few Empires maps have the qualities of 1 and 2, designing a scout rifle with the fun qualities of I and II would make it OP.

    Now, we've tried to get around this by giving the scout rifle various nerfs so that they don't overpower all other infantry classes, but these have pretty much failed.
    A. Accuracy nerfs = make the rifle annoying to use (i.e. not easy)
    B. Damage nerfs = make the rifle frustrating to use (i.e. not satisfying)

    There is probably some half-assed middle ground in accuracy and damage nerfs (from the ideal sniper rifle of I and II) that would only piss off a minority of the playerbase, but I don't see why we should waste our time on a feature that really doesn't make sense for the core gameplay in Empires.

    Also, tanks don't always need teamwork, but they require more teamwork than scout-snipers do.
  8. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    I've suggested that before. I suggest a ton of things, most of which get shot down. :(
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  9. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Because scout is useful now.
  10. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Not if your sniping instead of capping flags and working in squads, or using all his close range skills and weapons. Stuns, concs, sabbing.. None of those are useful while sniping.
  11. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Initiation bro
  12. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    remove it
  13. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    I'm not sure what the role of the scout is but I'm pretty sure his job does not entail staying hidden at a mile away from his targets taking potshots at them.
    The sniper rifle will either be underpowered or overpowered. It is impossible to really find a middle ground for it, unless we were to perhaps removed the rifleman long ranged rifles (or if they were nerfed into oblivion).
    Which, by the way, would again be pretty retarded.
  14. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    skillslot prereq discourages hide scouts at round start
  15. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    Useful as in being a giant fag that runs around sabotaging stuff or hiding in enemy bases. Because switching class with enhanced senses to find 1 retard in your base or chasing down 1 guy in a jeep who is rolling around the map sabotaging shit IS TOTLEE SOME AWESOME GAMEPLAY DAWGSSSs. Not to mention the godly skill on your part. I wish I could hold down E well stuck between some crates in the VF. Just another retarded feature that was added on just because more shit = better mmright?

    Empires will never be popular because it plays like shit, is full of no fun grind jobs, discourages epic fights and is full of retarded gameplay choices that are completely unintuitive(oh i mean awesome strats that let average skilled FPS players rape noobs because they know more lame awesome strats)

    Only fun part of empires is first 15 minutes then it degenerates into ROFL MY TANK CAN TAKE 20 HITS THEN I"LL JUST DRIVE AWAY attrition bullshit or one team has already won via stacking.

    Game isn't fun, especially not for noobs and 90% of vets want to keep it that way because all the retarded shit awesome features like plasma/bio tanks which slow tank combat down to being a retarded heatfest that is completely unfun are totlee all skill and newbs should l2p LOL!!!!!
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  16. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    couldnt have raeg'd better, +1 would lol again ... ;)

    on a more serious note, he is right ...
  17. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    I hate to boost your ego but thanks for beeing the voice of reason.
  18. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    Don't know what you're talking about. The most effective scouts work with their squad and don't take hide as a skill at all. This role can be embellished upon to make the scout absolutely devastating. There's a role for the scout rifle as well. The key is getting rid of hide or fundamentally altering the way hide works and not forcing players to go prone to make shots to help speed things up.

    Yes, I agree. It is particularly retarded that the scout rifle is so gimped as to be completely useless, yet it is a popular choice for new players to try to learn the ropes of empires. This ends in frustration and quitting altogether for many people.

    *yawn* I have already begun a process to gradually make tanks die faster and faster in my unofficial official scripts packs (the first step is completed, with an approximately 10% global armor reduction in effect now), and I will be releasing a new version of them to all of the server owners when 2.25 comes out because I am convinced that the scripts for 2.25 will be an atrocity.

    I don't know what this is in reference to, but I have proposed several solutions to problems with the plasma/bio combo without ruining plasma. I even made a thread about it in the tester forums trying to expose it as a problem that needed to be fixed. Nothing I say matters though if nobody fucking listens, and I don't have enough tools to fix the problem entirely myself unless the script manifest is released.

    I also agree that this is a big problem in general. For instance, people seem to be willing to allow the scout's weakened state to persist despite the fact that they complain every single game about having too many scouts. And then you have people who want to nerf the scout even more (there's no way to call the removal of the scout rifle anything but a nerf), while saying that the scout's other unique abilities like smokes and concussions (lol) are good enough to compensate for the fact that the scout is essentially just an engineer without a calculator.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  19. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Yes, Empires will probably never be popular. If you all want it to be popular, go listen to Chris.

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