S.C.G. - Squad, Commander, Gimmick

Discussion in 'General' started by Reznov, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    We're pretty much confirmed.
  2. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    Assault only pugs.

    With no armor or engines
    only arty
  3. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    before condemning this idea or parts of it let's see how it goes first. Then suggestions would be more practical we would know what worked and what didn't.

    I think its great that rez is spending time and energy on events and 2 PUGS to help keep the mod alive.
  4. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Wait I wanted to know, can we be in a squad and a commander? I just realized you want to swap out commanders so that would mean sitting out a round if you aren't in a squad, or could we just join in as a floater person?
    I don't think you can enforce any of that. Research has faction specific stuff but it doesn't exactly work they way you want it to, plus you would need at least the commander to get the research script so he researches what he actually wants. Tickets and res are in the bsp aren't they? So you would have to recompile the map? Or is there some server option to force amounts? Still, tanks wouldn't save them and less tickets doesn't seem to mean that much for good squads.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  5. 101010

    101010 Member

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    There are Cvars to adjust resource income and Cvars to influence research time.
    Tickets are set in the map script but can also be changed server side. Just needs to be set before the map change if I remember correctly. There was a server plugin to modify tickets while playing. But I think it broke a few years back.
  6. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    you are correct on all counts. Those cvars can be changed in the maps.cfg file and yes that was an evenscript I had to change resource and tickets and it does not work on 2013
  7. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    What do you mean you can't do it? You say you're going to have gimmicks with the squads, how would it be different without the squads? It's the exact same players man, open or closed events this is empires we're all the same people every time nothing changes.

    I can't even understand how you managed to convince yourself in such a manner.
  8. Reznov

    Reznov Member

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    So lets say I make this event public.

    1st, I would have to organize squads together will all the players, noting them, making sure people like whoever they have.
    2nd, I would have to go through pickings with all 3 possible match-ups the commanders can get.
    3rd, explain the gimmick to everyone and make sure they follow those terms.

    Now, all done, 5-15 minutes have passed, now we are about the to start the match. As the match starts ANOTHER 3 new players join, I have to explain them the same conditions, make them join seperate teams WHILE trying to make sure everything is in order. Imagine players joining during the event, they would have to force themselvs into already existing squads or even worse make a new one, it would be a mess.

    Comparing that, to simply just having an organized event is a lot more convenient and also less chaotic during the matches.

    That is the only real problem I still have with this concept. I was thinking of ways to fix this but those options just make it more complex, because of me trying to keep squads as harmonized as they can be.
    So basicly I am hoping for commanders which want to just command instead of the usual gameplay.
  9. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    This whole thing requires a lot of discipline and organization.

    Making it public would be a nightmare.
  10. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Had a small feeling it was gonna be like that. I want to say that the commanders most likely to sign up are decent enough players, it wouldn't be terrible to have them just be a 1 man squad or something extra to help balance teams if it seems one side ended up with the better squads, but this is just me wanting to play moar games so it's up to you.
  11. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    1. people can do this themselves, it's done every pug and every public game. You can join squads at will you don't really need permission to do so.
    2. trivial, telling which comms which game they want to comm is like 10 seconds
    3. also trivial, mute everyone and talk in all chat.

    'force themselves into already existing squads or even worse make a new one, it would be a mess': I can't even respond to this.

    Anyways, I don't care about inclusion/exclusion, what I'm trying to tell you is that this shit won't work in a game that has max 50 players. You could do it if empires had a couple hundred but with the playerbase so tiny having premade squads isn't going to work, so it'd be better if it was just a PUG with gimmicks.
  12. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I don't know, during scrims most squads tended to be the same through out the weeks. Generally maybe just one person in a squad was swapped somewhere else for whatever reason but the remaining 4 tended to be the same.

    Honestly, I look at this event in 2 ways. People who like playing with certain people are guaranteed to play with those people which make them want to actually show up. Which also means good squad play and better or more intense games overall. And the second thing is it will kinda act like the previous scrims but squads can be mixed up so you can have a little more variety to game layouts. Like instead of knowing you will always be playing against 1 team you could be playing against all the other squads. I feel like it would be real easy to get games going faster too if people just had to chose from 6-8 squads instead of 40ish players.
  13. Reznov

    Reznov Member

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    Alright, since I am not able to get everyone pleased with this concept I will cancel this idea, thankfully I had this thread before everything went haywire.

    I will stick with Mini-PUG-wednesdays.
  14. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Organising squad a squad != five people joining a squad

    Don't fool yourselves, those two are not synonomous.
  15. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Aww, it sounded fun to me. It was only grant and 42 making a stink about. Although it didn't seem like anyone else was stepping up to be squad lead or commander...

    Seeing how you don't want to do this squad dealy, I would like you to think about incorporating gimmicks into a one of the weekly pugs. There's ways to abuse scripts so only the server has to change it, everyone else wouldn't have to download anything.
  16. 101010

    101010 Member

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    Sorry for any stick I made. Was only suggesting maybe be a little open to allowing randoms to join in with out having them need to sign up.
    Some times it even helps to fill in spots of last minute no shows.

    I and I'm sure most others appreciate the work you and others have been putting into the events. It really has made a big difference in server population. It's been great seeing the server getting populated again
    I know I come off as an arrogant prick most times and for that I'm sorry.
  17. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Yeah, but the thing is it makes it hard to do the gimmick thing if it's open. Sure you can say don't do that or don't do this, but think how often we say this during a normal game? And you expect them to do it here? I would imagine the main way to reinforce the gimmick thing, which I really like to be honest, is just kick players after a warning but then I would expect a bunch of posts complaining about the setup and why can't we play empires and blahblahblah.

    So in short, without the gimmick idea it would work fine in a open setup, players would still make their squads and commanders would chose the squads they want and the extra players that join can just cram in an empty squad or fill in any squad that missed a person like you say.

    With gimmicks which I feel like is would be the fun draw to any person who's played empires a billion times it would all go to crap if it was open. With people signing up, at least as far as I can tell from the scrims we played, people will actually respect whatever people agreed to.
  18. 101010

    101010 Member

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    I kind of like the your idea of adding gimmicks into a one of the weekly pugs.
    That would pretty much be great for the people who don't visit the forums.

    And again sorry for shitting all over this idea. I was wrong and truly sorry.
  19. Drag0wn

    Drag0wn Member

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    I actually wanted to do this. The premade squad idea is a great idea to ensure you get a squad you like to play with, and allows you to practice with clanmates when there is no other opportunity.

    I mean there's only like three people that don't like this. That's their problem.
  20. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    arty only slaughtered

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