Sorry too drunk to search. How about all RPG's/Mortars do hull damage to a tank, I'm talking about the damage it is now but giving a 10% damage to hull. People talk bad about engineers repairing armor as soon as it gets hurt. Tanks have splash which keeps them from doing so, as everyone knows hull damage takes a long time to repair... Having a tank run away to TRY *try* to repair while you chase after it seems good Pros More repair pads Less engy dominance Better grens Cons dunno, newbs suck more?
10% Is low. 15%-20% would be better. But ya, I support. This could even be what happens to vehicle damage
Forgive me for jumping the gun (and not giving a reasoned explanation), but I believe we have found a solution to the Gren vs. Tanks problem. FOR THE WIN! :eek:
So you get armour damage and then some hull? Yeah i'll support this. Also makes sense to differentiate hull strengths based on chassis a bit more, in this case.
If anything make that a research, right now one of the biggest problems is that we are just as useless early game as late game. We can only hope that the other team gets absorbant and runs over our mines at full speed...other than that once they get any sort of armor grens become useless. Especially with the improved standard cannon and the deadliness of 50 cals (every game each side gets reflective and DU)
Possibly give a useless armor a "rpg" modifier with this? like, it is better against grens because the 20% that goes straight to hull becomes 10% or something? could add a good new dimension to armours
Is the RPG working like a normal missle with all the damage multipiers ( Or does it always the same damage, regardless of the used armor?
Buff RPG speed, but keep it the same. Make damage be upgradeable with research. Also RPG could give heat to target, to annoy the shit out of tanks.
15-20% ? no. think of escort. APC rushes will stand no chance whatsoever. As it is this game (for the most part) lacks the simple fundmental idea of team based games..... TEAMWORK!!!!!! 3 grens working closely together and coordinating properly can take out an apc or even a heavy tank with a few well placed rpg shots on the SAME side of armour followed by an arty strike or two. Can you imagine this 10-20% damage to hull compounded with arty strike?? Overpowered much ? I just finished watching Band of Brothers again recently. If you look at what the rpgs are really used for against tanks you'll see clearly why they dont work in games. An rpg will usually try to take out the tracks of a tank, or aim for the turret rendering it useless. An rpg will never completely destroy a tank but the game mechanics simply arent in place to handle precise targetting on a tank. I think rpgs just need to start at say, upgraded(the first tier of resrearch, not sure which is first, advanced or upgraded) research level (make this standard) and boost upgraded and advanced damage levels or make them easier to research.