The shotgun and shotgun pistol are currently awful due to a damage change that was done quite awhile ago. The shotgun and shotgun pistol damage before this change was 22 damage with 9 pellets it was put like this because it was meant to be able to kill even a rifleman at close range with health upgrade. I know this because i was the person who put it at this damage value and it was tested at the time. However now the shotgun and shotgun pistol are completely unreliable and not a viable option as they were before the damage nerf. If you want to make the shotgun and shotgun pistol a solid choice again please revert both the shotgun and shotgun pistol back to 22 damage instead of 12 and the shotgun pistol from 11 back to 22. The shotgun was meant to be able to dominate at close range and kill in one shot at very close range however it is currently useless. Also i am not the only person who can see how terrible the shotgun and shotgun pistol are due to hearing people in game say how bad they both are. It would be really nice to see the shotgun pistol and shotgun to become a usable weapon again as i did enjoy using them both before the damage nerf.
yeah gonna say i dont understand the idea of it when a full shotgun blast at point blank does... 80% damage. then you've got a full pump motion for the enemy to kill you. i'd say just scrap it and get something fun and not highly predictable (shotgun), like some kind of light damage unscoped medium distance semi-auto rifle, novelty pistol of some kind, one more SMG (BE...) etc
Fun facts : (1) Your said "damage nerf" was merely a compensation for the infamous minimal damage bugfix, weapons had been behaving roughly the same before/after. (2) Due to the bug, I actually accidentally buffed Shotty pistol damage because I increased the minimal damage. (3) Shotgun had been almost untouched, including the damage. So there's no such thing as "revert", and there's no such thing as "I enjoyed the shotgun before damage nerf" because there's no "damage nerf" to begin with. Goes to everyone, don't make up false experience, this is how trust issues are generated. Now, Shotgun is bad and it's been a consensus even within the dev team. However, the problem has been mainly that the pumping animation and especially the reloading animation are too slow, you heard the man, you got a pump action after each shot and it's just slow. And man do the reload take forever. Unfortunately, there's nothing much I can do for shotgun now. "Cycle time" can only be slightly modified if I am to not break the animation, which I am not going to do. I am also not going to give shotgun reliable 1-shot kill potency. (currently you can but it's not reliable) The reason is simple, when you engage, you fire your first shot INSTANTLY, that means if it kills, enemy can not respond to that. Ideally, we'd like shotgun to be able to deliver one shot per .5~.7 second, with roughly the same 1-shot power as it current possess, it would make the weapon both useful and interactive.
Thanks to.falloff and truncated numbers shotgun can at most do 11 dmg a pellet, that's 99 total. So it requires at least one pellet in the head to kill and rest body. But that doesn't happen in the real world cause of spread, only way you could call it able to one shot is if the other person is literally afk and just lets you place your barrel against thier head. Which gunnily enough sometimes the pellets fly around the damn head or sometjinng because I had even that fail on me. But nah, it's cool. No one ever expected the ultimate close quarter weapon to be useful in that situation. Gotta give them that fair chance to whip around and shoot ya.
that concensus is incorrect. just boost the damage on it slightly. or, scrap shotguns entirely and replace them with something kind of adding a balance point to both NF and BE. I think something like a much lighter calibre version of the NF .50 rifle, like a low-recoil, med-high accuracy, low damage scout rifle with no scope just to put something new. this would give engis just slightly stronger long range defensive abilities, making them a stronger class overall, which is good.