im all for getting rid of stamina once and for all. even most professional game studios have found out that its a shit mechanic and its completely missing in most new games. rather distinquish the different running speeds between the classes more (walking should be the same for all) my proposal from fastest to slowest would be scout engi rifleman gren
Rifleman should be faster than engy, in fact i'm tempted to say engy should be the slowest as really, it can deal with it better. Edit: Fuck it, you know what? Remove stamina upgrade and stamina for all classes, then add Sprint in as an upgrade skill in itself - sort of like an additional thruster. Anyone taking that skill would get the stamina bar and a (however long) spurt of rechargeable sprinting. You could possibly keep speed upgrade for slower classes (or anyone really) who wants a boost. Ofc as a % of speed, scouts would benefit more, engies less, so you might want to remove it as a % and change it to a flat value.
noone said that the "jump" in between the classes should be equal. the difference between rifleman and engi doesnt have to be that big. but i since engis only carry CQC weaponry they need to get closer to the enemy and therefore should be a tad faster then riflemen ...
You has a point...but then dey have walls und turrets and shiet... So I dunno, dev/testing decision mebbe...?
There is already a little difference in speed resulting from different stamina values: Stamina recharge: Scout: 7 Rifleman: 5 Grenadier: 6 Engineer: 6 Stamina Skill: +2 Squad Aura: +2 Stamina discharge: Scout: 18 Rifleman: 20 Grenadier: 19 Engineer: 19 Stamina Skill: -1 Squad Aura: 0 (have to check this) Therefore I would say the stamina upgrade is the most useless skill. As you see below the result of this is barely noticable: Running at money from north to south: Engineer normal: 1:06 min Engineer speed: 0:57 min Engineer stamina: 1:04 min Engineer speed + stamina: 0:56 min
All infantry should have the same speed. Who wants to wait for the slow riflemen or grenaiders when attacking a main? Or everyone will just scoutrush everything. But yes, please fix sprint.
just that "scoutrushing everything" wont get you very far. well it might get you far, but once it stops there you cant do much as scunt anyway - so? also noone said the differences should be 1kmh for grens vs 10kmh for scouts, there is lots of space even in between 5 and 6kmh
I didn't know that...I think stamina recharge should be across the board the same (except for scout ofc). But, disregarding that, I still follow that probably stamina should be removed, or maybe just bump stamina recharge up to scout levels (7) and make the scout's 10.
Well what does everyone do? We sprint all our stamina down to within 1% of being empty, then let it recharge back up. We should just make that the system. So just remove the penalty for hitting 0 stamina. Also, everyone seems to want a smaller penalty for jumping. All that about different speeds for different classes is too complicated. And completely removing it is too far, it still worth it to prevent bunnyhopping and all that.
Stamina system can be useful, and don't forget that some ingame effects are connected to it. Bio weapons are devastating for infantry beacuse they reduce stamina to zero. Dig-In skill only works properly if you didn't rush everywhere. Long distance to walk on foot? Reduce the stamina drain when sprinting to half of the current. Problem solved. The current draining is really a nerf to infantry mobility without any bonuses. Bunnyhopping targets? If you can't hit him, then you won't hit him either if he just strafing from left-right. So bunnyhoppers can be shot down, all you need is to not shoot out everything you have, but patiently aim, and time. Stamina regeneration is useless? I agree it is. I never take it. How about merging it with health regereneration? Simply making a new skill from both. 'Regerenariton' which gives you health and extra stamina over time. Speed upgrade makes sprinting unnecesseray? Make the speed upgrade to give less boost to your standard moving, but it will fasten up your reloading time, which also works for grenades too. So this skill usefulness remains, but it won't make your standard movement equal to sprint, causing unecessary the last. So my vote is to NOT remove the stamina. (Especially if my suggestions will get implemented : D)
Insurgency has mechanics? I thought it was just shit gameplay on top of a complete lack of information.
When stamina's depleted, the regen rate should be a bit slowed so people don't just hold shift. Like the engineer tool's mechanics.
Why not just make sprint not use any stamina, go forward only, lower weapon and have a delay before weapon can be fired after you release it. Stamina becomes mana for casting jump and running out of it still makes you slower because bio needs that.