put in some cs kinda shit where you lost speed the longer you hop etc. etc. I wanna mortar jump and be able to keep my speed for a couple seconds afterwards. That be the point of this post
I'd like less stamina loss for jumping. It's realy annyoing trying to get somewhere and running out of stamina then waiting like 5 minutes to jump again.
It isn't really neccesary, you could just add a bit of a delay after you stop sprinting before you can shoot again, like BF2 kinda, and block shooting while sprinting. Similarly add a small time for the crosshairs to return to normal after jumping, so bunnyhopping means you can't hit crap. You don't really need to limit sprinting especially considering how often you need to travel idiotic distances on foot.
You mean snap down the weapon while running etc? Regardless...yeah running out of stamina is a pain, I pretty much hate the slowed speed that means you'll take an extra 10s to wherever you're going or be pretty dead by the time you would've regained stamina.
Yeah basically, lower the weapon and disable shooting, also maybe do it for jumping to demonstrate that it messes up your aim. What's dods do?
Stamina is a good handicap system, why remove it. I also suggested doubling the amount of jumps you can do with a full bar, Krenzo mentioned something about networking and that he didn't feel like doing it. But other than that I'd say the long walks don't matter so much compared to the situation you're in when you reach your destination. That's what counts, the long walks is practically dead time, while a real confrontation is what it's all about, and when your stamina matters. Most suggestions to replace stamina sound overcomplicated, compared to simply leaving stamina in the game. However I think it's ridiculous that the speed skill gives better results than the more stamina skill, or infact is just as good as using up your stamina. These 2 things should be seperated. Perhaps even going as far as seperating sprinting from stamina.
Half the amount of stamina required to jump and make the time taken to gain it back if you accidently use it all halved as well. Problem sorted.
Stamina isn't a good handicap system though, you're playing a game where you have to run across huge maps, but you limit the use of running for no reason I can really understand. Shooting while sprinting is really inaccurate and likely to get you killed, Sprinting your maximum bar all in one go means you're spending a lot of time in the open and is also likely to get you killed if you try it in combat, and tying sprinting to jumping and shooting the HMG really doesn't seem to make sense. I get not wanting people to bunnyhop but if that's what you're trying to prevent you can just prevent that, and you can do so in better ways. There isn't any reason to further limit the already abysmal long distance mobility of infantry. There also isn't any reason to tie a largely useless weapon to what is currenly a very important stat, so you can remove HMG's link to stamina. Do all of those and stamina is redundant, so why keep it?
so i made this thread when i was drunk and thought it got deleted and now i found it. Also I agree with OP remove that shit
how about we make the sprinting just like in Insurgency, kinda Jog (slow run) ,but alot of running time. My opinion since we got this giant distances to go.
I like how this thread with the retarded OP gets into 'Under Consideration, while all the other threads are still out there.
Movement is crucial in an fps, particularly one that requires you to adapt in a dynamic environment. Stamina is all well and good, but i'd prefer the way hl2 deals with it rather than the crippling affect. It was nice for a bit, but it seems most people just have to find their way around it rather than utilising it like they would like. Removing stamina as a crippling affect is more what I want, I don't mind a speed boost aspect, and limiting jumps is sorta ok too (although we should get 2 or so more jumps out of the bar imo), but getting crippled when out of stamina isn't always that fun. Perhaps we can have different types of stamina depletion - where one type like firing a prone hmg might cut back into crippling, but where sprinting doesn't.