Redo/Change Stalling Mechanic

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Catface, Oct 12, 2015.


What change would you like to see to the stalling mechanic?

  1. Complete removal

    2 vote(s)
  2. Make it slow down movement

    1 vote(s)
  3. Make it slow down cycle time

    1 vote(s)
  4. Make it so that it only stops movement

    0 vote(s)
  5. Make it so that it only prevents weapon firing

    0 vote(s)
  6. A combination of slowing down both cycle time and movement.

    3 vote(s)
  7. Keep as it is

    4 vote(s)
  1. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Yes, I was there for that. When you did that test though there was two things. One is you nerfed the cooling of heavies to be the same as meds and lights, so missing a shot was kinda big(though not huge when you consider the cycle time), and you simply upped the damage to the point where one shotting was a thing. It was never a thing before. I said what I said in comparison to the past. When most of the time people ran around with 2 slot weapon loadouts, the difference being they could take an extra 2 slot weapon.

    The short burst I mentioned was like over the course of 6-10 seconds or something, then your damage output drastically lowered. Not in the course of one or two shots.
  2. Catface

    Catface Member

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    I actually slightly buffed cooling for heavy tank engines. (Some of them at least)
    But yeah. It didn't work when trying to combine it with already slower firing weapons. Because upping the DPS at that point resulted in insta-kill weapons.
  3. Tama

    Tama Developer Staff Member Web Developer

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    I liked the overheated mechanic as it was years ago; weapons didn't generate a great deal of heat, but if you did overheat you were a sitting duck unless you had bio engine. Currently bio engine is pretty much useless, right? I agree that overheating slows down the game, I remember just last year trying to play but being unable to fire more than once every 5 seconds, which just felt sooo slow. Shortly after it seems overheating was modified to no longer stop your tank, but only prevent firing. Instead, the prior balancing changes increasing heat output should have been reverted, as the result was slower battles.
  4. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    There's a reason for stunlocking in other games and genres.
  5. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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  6. Metruption

    Metruption Member

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    double rpg damage
    double all weapon damages vs tanks
    double light tank hp
    1.75x meidum tank hp
    1.5x heavy tank hp
  7. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Overheating still and always has stopped your tank. The change was you couldn't put yourself in a overheat state.

    I'm not quite feeling weapons producing a lot of heat either. Unless I'm using nukes, 50 cal or any vehicle mg with other weapons, or 6 std ml I never feel like I'm overheating. With heavies having 40% more cooling but roughly the same amount of weapons as a medium I can't quite see how others are getting near overheat too.

    I bring it up because even if you reenable overheating yourself I don't feel like a lot of heavies will lock themselves up.

    Btw, I can't be arsed to redownload older scripts but the ones from the svn which is version 2.3(2010) had cannons producing a lot more heat, missiles were either the same or more and anti infantry mgs were a lot less, std mg doing a tenth of what it currently does for example. I don't know how tanks were kitted out or how fights went, but I don't think tanks overall are making more heat now.
    Empires has the unfortunate problem where it's not terribly hard to perma stun lock someone. It was one thing to do to yourself, but another to have not a whole lot of control of outside influences.

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