Lots of people here have the game, but I could not find a thread where we have an overview of the handles people use in Star Citizen. It would be nice to get the handles of people here before the forum dies down for good. How to find out what your handle actually is: 1. Log into the Star Citizen site 2. Click on "ACCOUNT" in the top right corner 3. Click on the picture that shows your avatar 4. Post the link of your profile site here 5. Everyone else can easily add you, by clicking on the follow button Mine is: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Xanoris PS.: If you are new to Star Citizen this informative site might help you: https://starcitizenguide.website/
It's OK. If you make it until the next election you should be able to get at least a few more meme war's out the door before it goes from dust to dust. ALL HAIL GRAND MASTER ROBERTS. Space Pew Pew! https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/HerptyDerpty
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Zugzug Man I have to say this game runs a bit like ass in multiplayer. In game community is also pants on head retarded. At least racing and flying around is still fun.
You do need to have a lot of patience at this point and an SSD is obligatory. A couple of days ago I played 6 hours @ a solid 40-60fps with only one crash and it felt like glimpsing the future of the game for the first time. With the mindset that you are looking into really early development it's OK, but it isn't yet worth getting a group of people together for a play session - though I think you do have a better chance of landing on fresher servers when you queue as a group. I'm really enjoying Arena Commander again though. Especially since they buffed my Gladius to 3x Size 3 weapons.
Well I haven't tried 3.1 yet, maybe multiplayer won't be a slide show for me. Though admittedly I think once I got away from the space port or whatever it ran much better. Still though when I said something like, "why is my spaceship upside down and exploding?"when i spawned it at the spaceport I got a response that other players blew it up (because stolen vandall ships I think? could fire in the area) and I should stop complaining and do something about it. Thus my pants-on-head-retard statement, after all how does one do something if the means explodes before you get to it. I know it's alpha, but it feels like writing on the wall about what's to come and how the community will think. A bit of a letdown when I just want to explore the cosmos.
I've certainly had people blow my ships up on the landing pad though I don't think thats possible at the stations now. Out in the verse I don't mind it because it has a bit of that early that DayZ feeling - you won't necessarily be shot on site but you have to feel out a player encounter. I've generally found people in-game to be friendly and helpful, lending me ships and letting me tour theirs, etc - but there are a lot of angry white-knights.
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/BEACON That's the one Cpatton started with some other folks and Mr x is talking about. Not everyone wants to be part of it though, got their own orgs they'd like to be part of I presume. Edits: I am dumb and didn't know you could be part of multiple orgs. That's rather different then the usual mmo.
Hey. I still have an open request to join that Org. Let me in fuckbois I need someone to help me do Ruto's missions.