-₪EPIC₪- LordDz: do you have men of war assault squad 2? empire of total war: yes i gave it up empire of total war: for lent -₪EPIC₪- LordDz: gave it up? empire of total war: for lent it is a catlic thing empire of total war: it is for god and jesus -₪EPIC₪- LordDz: what -₪EPIC₪- LordDz: you gave up the game for god and jesus? -₪EPIC₪- LordDz: what empire of total war: i give up something every febuery for god i gave up men of war assult squad two -₪EPIC₪- LordDz: empire of total war: i got men of war assult squad 2 aswell we could play that sometime -₪EPIC₪- LordDz: you just said that you had it -₪EPIC₪- LordDz: now you're telling me you don't have it? empire of total war: i have the game\ empire of total war: i dont play it until easter -₪EPIC₪- LordDz: So.. you please god by giving away computer games? :D empire of total war: giving up the game -₪EPIC₪- LordDz: So.. empire of total war: i sacofice something This is the first time I meet a religious person who "gives up a game." He's totally fine with playing any other men of war game with me, not just this game.
15:06 - ImSpartacus: Here in the land of the free, when we find a racist murderer, we blow them up. In Europe, they elect them to power.
19:42 - Lazybum: they make these balls out of it 19:43 - Lazybum: and put them in your drink 19:43 - Lazybum: they are like really chewy... things 19:43 - Lazybum: it's hard to describe
Player Sgt.Security left the game (Kicked by administrator) (All) D.D.D. Destroyer: did you just (All) Señor_Awesome: you what
may todays XKCD revive this thread title="2078: He announces that he's finally making the jump from screen+irssi to tmux+weechat."
[SM] Oktay voted for emp_cyclopean (All) Paradox: SHIT MAP [SM] Anubisis voted for emp_cyclopean [SM] Mr. X. voted for emp_cyclopean
(All) Igotafuckinglongprofilename: pires pires : yes? (All) Igotafuckinglongprofilename: who is god pires : awesome! (All) Señor_Awesome: See (All) Señor_Awesome: it was me all along (All) Igotafuckinglongprofilename: Player Gregarious has joined the game (All) Misfire!: explains alot of the screwed up stuff
Señor_Awesome: but also, how large was Hitler's nose President Donald J. Trump: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dfHT6YSFz5s/U9k7eZsAtKI/AAAAAAAAQgw/r1A_6xJ1IAo/s1600/hitlers-nose.jpg President Donald J. Trump: Not very Señor_Awesome: fair enough
[10:19 PM] D.D.D. Destroyer: did you change listenserver.cfg? :p [10:19 PM] Donald J. Trump: Yers [10:19 PM] D.D.D. Destroyer: did you...idk, save it? [10:19 PM] Donald J. Trump: Yea [10:19 PM] Donald J. Trump: before I even change dit [10:19 PM] Donald J. Trump: it already had sv_lan 1 [10:19 PM] D.D.D. Destroyer: ok restart empires and start the server [10:19 PM] D.D.D. Destroyer: cross your fingers [10:19 PM] D.D.D. Destroyer: oh [10:19 PM] D.D.D. Destroyer: um [10:19 PM] D.D.D. Destroyer: DT [10:20 PM] D.D.D. Destroyer: sv_lan 1 means "LAN enabled" [10:20 PM] D.D.D. Destroyer: you want it to be 0 [10:20 PM] Donald J. Trump: Right.