Option to purchase slow autoconstruct on low population.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by blizzerd, May 11, 2016.

  1. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    A button for the commander to purchase e-build speed auto construction.

    Costs 15 res per person (arbitrary number) in your team to purchase and will auto build the building.

    Disable able from server.

    This will make empiresmod more playable at low player numbers like 4 or 5 per team.

    Also make it so infantry can place refineries etc.
  2. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    where you draw the line for low pop or do expect it to regulate itself via pricing?
  3. Tama

    Tama Developer Staff Member Web Developer

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    I like the core idea. It sounds like it changes how the game would be played, indeed making it fun even 2v2 on command maps, which would be great.
    But I think that because it radically changes the game, it will be impossible to balance it against normal play using cost. Rather, I would see this as a server toggle that is off by default. Otherwise, it becomes one more thing the commander has to know to do, or not do (I have little hope that we can make it a balanced choice by tweaking the costs).

    I think just having it be a server variable already fixes the problem of low pop command games not being viable, without the complex stuff of making UI and balancing costs.
  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    be careful not to end up with two games then :)
  5. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    It's not like there's a ton of money on low pop either, so it might just end up being something never used depending on price.
  6. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    I don't see how having things build themselves on low population will help anything. You still won't be able to drop them where you don't have people. Building is the least of your concerns in low pop, there's no resources, usually nobody to defend so it's basically just rotating around the map taking down buildings without hardly ever encountering enemies, no resources to build tanks.
    I'm sorry but it's just another attempt to fix the unfixable, this game is not made for low population, even if you had unlimited tanks, unlimited resources and instantly built buildings it wouldn't be fun.
  7. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    sad, but true.

    imo the only thing you could do for low populations is to create specific maps which counter those shortcommings, but it will never be even remotely the same (which reminds me, i should have a look at drygulch before it gets summer and i definately wont find time to sit around waiting for compiles)
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  8. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    Only thing low population is good for is learning more about the game, learning commander, but newbies are unwilling to learn so nowadays it's good for nothing.
  9. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    its hard for newbies to learn if noone tells anything anymore, out of anyone to blame, newbies are the last ones where its justified.

    we might just have been lucky - i found empires a few weeks before 2.0 was released (i think it was 1.7 or smthg), at this time the vast majority was newbies, pretty much everyone had to find their way around so we could do it together.

    to me the biggest decline was when, due to a lot of scrimming, stratgies started to turn into "rush, rush, rush" and instead of disencouraging it, devs actively supported it - at least thats how i felt. soon after this found its way into pubs, the quality of games rapidly declined because the average pubber wanted to feel like a pro clanner aswell (that pro in terms of empires is laughtable at best is written on another page). no matter how dumb and unstrategic, you would always have one asking for an apc rush or an early vf or something fancy which only works as long as everyone pulls the same strings. noone cared about how the game was intended to be played anymore, all that counted was the glory of pulling off some insane stunt.

    and now here we are, looking back at the ruins we left with wet eyes.
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  10. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    No, I'm sorry but no. Playing the tutorial and reading the manual to get a basic understanding of the game is not hard. Going into control and learning/rebinding keys before you play the game is NOT HARD. Going into singleplayer to try out commander before you command a real game is NOT HARD. Asking what researches work once you've gained a good understanding of commanding is NOT HARD.

    In fact I have seen a handful of people who did just that and who turned out just fine. I have seen players come into the game, say it's their first time and ask what should they do and following orders from the commander and other vets, I have seen someone disconnecting from the game to take a moment to read the manual after he's been told he should read it before playing.

    Those were people willing to learn, willing to communicate, willing to play the game as it should be.

    So when you tell me that people who instead of asking for help just pretend they know everything, ignore their commander, ignore their allies are not to blame, I say you're dead wrong my friend.
  11. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    Auto construct? That's unfair to people(especially rifleman/scout) who just walked into your somehow unprotected&unbuilt barrack.

    I am voting no here.
  12. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    but @Xyaminou thats nothing new. it was like that 10 years back aswell. the difference is that 10 years ago you had at least 2 full 64p servers and everyone way less knowledgeable than now. the few who need everything spoonfed just didnt weight as heavy. but if you have one of them in a team of 5 he makes up 25% of players on the field, that hurts - even worse once one decides to "try out" comm in a live game. and there barely is anyone willing to take the boomtank and a majority of those who are willing to take it, dont give directions and dont develop strategies or plans - they just expect everyone to know the drill.

    (unrelated, do you get a notification if i use @yourname or does that only work with quotes?)
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  13. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    I don't get a notification.

    I hated newbies who were unwilling to learn or communicate back then and I hate them even more now.
    And I hate that people are trying to facilitate the game so that this type of people can play it.

    But obviously you're right it's another consequence of the low population.
  14. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Wasn't the player limit 32 10 years ago? When did it become 64 pop anyway, 2.3 or 2.2?
    Just want to say for me it's not expecting people to know the drill, it's the expectation that anything I say isn't going to be heard so I just give out casual suggestions. Like even at the start of the match, when there's nothing in base and I'm stuck in spot, I have a bit of trouble getting people to move out of base. Being in the cv is absolutely no ground to be listened to. Sure there's yelling which works some of the times, but we really shouldn't have to do that.

    I kinda think empires could use a planning stage of some sort after comm vote. Most of comm vote time is either people waiting for someone else to take cv until the last 10 seconds or 2 commanders constantly trying to get in the seat for themselves. Either case there's no time for plans of any sort. Not like it needs to be long of a planning phase, 60 seconds or even 30 seconds is enough time to say what you want to happen in like the first 3-5 minutes of the game.
  15. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    No, pretty sure it's always been 64.

    Commander voting time used to be the planning phase, back when people actually listened.

    But yeah a planning phase after the comm vote would be nice, with drawing on the map like someone suggested.
  16. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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  17. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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  18. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    always as in since 2.0? was that really only 32 players i cant believe i dont remember. the only limit i remember to be gone is tanks.
  19. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    No always as in since I started playing so 1.07ish. But my memory is bad...
  20. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    ok thats before my time, im not getting alzheimers yet pew

    i wonder how retarded i was the first couple of weeks ^^

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