So, I return here the first time in a few weeks, just to find that my thread got necroed (again) and hijacked... No, really it's ok. Post what you like. Anyway, since I'm too lazy on digging through this forum anymore, I will only check this section in the future. If you want something important from me, send me a PM. Otherwise look at my DeviantArt for more status updates. I'm keeping a journal on my working schedule there which I update regularly. I will only post here when I got something major done. ANYWAY back to topic: It looks good so far. They route to the control panel is long enough to get instantly shot when in the menu and an enemy is near. I just looks a bit too bulky at the base, but thats actually the same case with the BE one. The BE base just consists of more crates.
I believe that's from everyone telling him to remove the shitty brown things on his emp-specific neo-technological wall.
You've got the only access points within one small quarter of the model. All other buildings have two, at opposite sides. For infantry fighting around this thing, it's essentially just a giant 3 sided cube. You have to consider the impact that the building would have on infantry gameplay. If you've ever spammed BE AF's with us and fought over them, you'll realize that there is far more interesting stuff happening within it's pathways. It's a pretty cool start Liberal, but the problems to me are: -The flatness of the outer walls (I know crates n crap go there but still) -The two entrances being so close to each other -The "interior" space is tiny, but maybe that's ok
Not trying to steal your thunder, I had to create an aircraft factory for the Unity3d project anyways. so I tried using deadpool's idea about two months ago, and just decided this weekend to get back to it to import into the Cryengine. did Some revisions,
its looking really good so far, but one thing. if that doorway opening is too scale then the building is way too tall! it'll block out the sun and could be abused, not to mention it just won't fit in.
You forget 1/5th(ish) of it will be under ground. However it does seem wider than any other building.
It looks like it's big enough to stick a barracks on that central indentation. I'm thinking somewhere between 3/5ths and 4/5ths of the current size would be better.
Narrow doors are bad on buildings. Player hulls don't rotate; if a building is placed diagonally, players will have a hell of a time getting through a tight doorway smoothly.