New north weapons.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by bossekille, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. bossekille

    bossekille Member

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    heh seriously their armory sucks, i know that north isnt supposed to have superior weapon power. but still. can you add something so when you get flipped over to north side becouse of teams , then you can do some damage atleast.
    only thing thats deacent is the scout rifle. rest is junk. cant aim, and the bullets are all over the place. put a aimpoint on that 50 cal rifle then maybe. or like when you get promoted you can choose weapon upgrades too. like granade launcher or aimpoint etc etc.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2006
  2. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    Weapons are already being re-worked with ironsights for the next version.
  3. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Lol that's exactly what I fixed on the R&D server :p
  4. Dafleck

    Dafleck Member

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    The trouble with NF weapons, is you need to have experiance with them to be able to use them (unlike BE weapons).
    At the moment, I really like the NF pistol (1). It's incredably accurate and quite damaging too... The NF SMG1 is made entirely of fail (imho, anyway), I can't hit anything with it, and it feels like it fire staples... SMG3 however; <3
  5. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    NF weapons are more situation based, while BE weapons are more generally useful.

    meaning, after you get used to the NF weapons they will be on par with BE in some situations.
  6. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    agreed. even with the enhanced damage, the inaccuracy of the AR makes it so difficult to use. after the first shot, don't even bother looking at you're monitor - your not going to hit anything further than ultra close range - I was shooting at Goose for ages once (crossroads); crosshair perfect, on shot bursts until he saw me and brought me down with one extended burst.
  7. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    :p The key to hitting anything with NF AR is in pumping 2 round bursts in short succession. The key to hitting anything with BE AR is point and click.
  8. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    over medlong range, even two shot bursts won't work :(
  9. bossekille

    bossekille Member

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    putting an ironsight on the 50 cal rifle for north should even the balance i guess.
  10. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    try to get in on BSID R&D server when they unlock it for testing. they do a decent job of balanceing the 2 sides.
  11. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    Except that they follow the path of assisted kills(guns become almost completely balless pea shooters). Something I hate in many team oriented games.
  12. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    assisted kills is good because it means that teamwork > individual skill. otherwise one experienced player could just pwn his way to the base...even more so than he can now.
  13. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    The ARs still rape people, and the SMGs are still good at close range. Not much has changed in that general direction tbh :p
  14. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    True, but if you remove the skill factor from the game... it ceases to be fun. It's not fun if you already know what's going to happen when two guys go against one. I think that skill should matter, even in games that value teamwork.

    And Beerdude, the SMGs on the R&D server are a joke. Like I said in another thread... My point is valid: Remove the skill factor from a game -> Game isn't fun anymore -> Less players. You're right on the fact that the ARs still pack a punch, but seriously making engineers completely dickless? No sense in that.

    Also if you remove the skill factor you end up having people running on the field that are as useful as a group of AI units only with better pathfinding.

    Actually this design choice was the main reason why I dropped Tremulous. You need to get kills to get better weapons, but you can't kill anything unless three other guys are shooting at the same target. And what then if one of the three others gets the kill? You have to start all over again and end up getting new weapons a lot later...

    I don't want to see Empires falling in that foxhole only because people can't think of other ways to promote teamwork than making guns useless peashooters.
  15. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Tbh, the guns really aren't useless peashooters. The SMGs still kill pretty fast, and you can still take down enemies in a few seconds.
  16. bossekille

    bossekille Member

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    problem is that its mostly cavalry maps. meaning large open feilds for the tanks to dominate in. smg is basicly useless at those maps.
    in close combat im sure smg is great, but there isnt that many situations.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2006
  17. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    If there wasn't any skill involved, then the chances of me, personally, surviving a conflict would be roughly 50%. however, as I'm quite experienced, my skill allows me to survive 80%. It's true, the weapons can't be aimed for headshots or the like, so it may feel primitive in that matter, but the true skill of the game is the following:

    -enguagement distance; which is when to start using up ammo and when it's actually worth it
    -positioning; knowing where the enemy is, flanking, retreating and then counterattacking are all key to getting the kill. take duststrom: if you see two enemies approaching your position on a hill, what do you do? stay and brawl? or drop back, find your way around the hill and kill them from the rear. works every time.
    -working with a squad. I consider this a skill. a tight nit squad is near unstoppable, able to take down an entire base on their own. this is most important on Isle, where securing the cliffs to the NorthWest are vital early in the game.
  18. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    True skill with guns comes from fast aquiring of targets and threat assessment. You select the biggest threat and kill it first and proceed with the second and so on and so on. When you combine it with rapid movement from cover to cover the limiting factor becomes from the damage you can inflict within certain amount of time. If you need to pump three clips into one guy the time needed to take out your opponents increase to a level that allows them to react to you much much slower and still win due to the fact that they have more people with them, not because their combined skill would be better than you.

    Currently when you have less people with you than the enemy the outcome is determined by skill. If you tone down the damage too much skil loses its meaning and numbers become more important than skill. That's a point where it's all the same if the guys on field are people or bots. That's the point where the game ceases to be fun for anyone else than the commander.
  19. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    Good post.
    so what do you think empires is?

    I think it's quite well balenced at the moment. If you play right, you can kill those 3 enemies on your own, and it doesn't require endless clips to do that at correct enguagement range. that being, the range at which you can no longer run forward because you and the enemy can do significant damage to eachother now.
  20. bossekille

    bossekille Member

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    problem is that the maps dont allow much skill and tactics.
    no places to hide or dig in. no places to plan an ambush.
    considering norths armory basicly sucks compared to the brenodi ,just like the alliance weapons sucked vs the germans, the balance and tactics was that they used obstacles and sabotage. tactics and inguenity vs pure firepower.
    i like to play brenodi as much as the next guy. but the maps is pure brenodi.
    a balance of teams, whould be equal benefits from the map and surroundings.
    if you have a rusty junk rifle, then the plan is to get as close as possible and shoot one bullet at the right target. if you have a massive artillery, then the plan is to barrage the feild. problem is that you cant hide and such from the artillery. as i said before, its mostly open feilds. and no tank mines or traps.
    beeing skilled at shooting ppl dont count for much when its all tank maps.
    the cannonfodder idea for the infantry i hope gets changed.
    hope they leave more room for tactics and skill. then just build nodes ,tanks, artillery then win.

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