Wow, Dude that acutally looks really good, Detail that up and get it textured, i'm sure the devs would like to use that, make sure that isn't any taller than the current radar.
Theres a lot of spice in your modeling, keep up the good work and you might become good (don't take my words too lightly, i am serious here)
Not too shabby. I'm not sure if you wanted to get this in game, but if you were, general dev consensus is that it looks too tall. I personally liked it best before you added a tower.
By dual dishes I meant that there would be two radar dishes facing backsides to each other so it wouldn't take that long to refresh a target if you made that top thing rotate. And true it is quite tall. Maybe scrap the tower and enlarge the building a bit and slam the radar on top of it?
make 5 quick versions trying different heights and sizes, post pics, read feedback THEN go actually make big changes about it
After what CoffeeBurrito said...why would he do this? Also, I preferred the 2nd one. It looks too much like an armoury with a tower now.
If the NF radar will be much higher than the BE radar, then there must be something to balance it. So maybe add a ladder. Or make the tower noclip (don't know if this is possible). And the NF armory is good as it is. You have to be polite, when entering or leaving. This is normally no problem and even adds a little bit to teamwork.
Maybe uses smaller floorspace or costs slightly less? The ladder idea is nifty but sounds like a scout camping spot.
I dont belive its possible to add a ladder and noclip would be possible but not realistic. I'll make 2 versions with and without the tower, i like both and cant decide which one to choose. I cant register on XSI forum, so i can't download the ValveSource Addon for XSI. Somebody can help and send me the Addon ?
Just an idea (maybe not practicable): Make a flexible tower. Tower down=Small radar range Tower up=Large radar range
Texturing is harder than expected and will take a while. I tried to compile the smd, but the model had no textures in game at all. Do somebody have experience in compiling models for empires ?
Be silent. Like you know how to model. Let the new modeler have a chance to understand what he is doing before you help him.