I was sad looking at the shabby NF radar, so i gave i a try. This is my first try, i'm new to modeling, but you can see the direction i want to go. I applied one NF texture, just to see how it looks like. Please tell me what you think. EDIT: 2nd version 3rd version
I like it more than the current one. Round radar is too cliché. There are some things that require a lot more attention than the radar though, so I would suggest looking at those maybe.
Make the dome bit look like ceramic, the plating texture is a bit overused. Try to make it look a bit more diverse than one texture and that'd look really sweet.
Second try, now with HD pics i rebuilded it and used XSI to take some screens, no texturemapping yet but i like this version, have a look !
this is the third version, i've keeped the octagon but redesigned the rest. the dome is now placed on a tower and a little shack on the ground, like Vessboy said.
I actually love that. Has the floorspace inside been reduced significantly? If so - BE may need a redesign to make that point "fair". :D Good job. Looking forward to the textures.
I would prefer some sort of dual rotating dishes up the tower instead of that round radar. It's so meh. It doesn't have that much detail in it. Otherwise it looks pretty good.
Dual dishes isnt that easy, i replaced the dome with a big dish, like the BE radar. I googled but didnt find a 2 dish radar, so i've no idea how to create it. Some pics, first time I used imageshack