Yea the railing should be removed, but half of the bottom of the barracks will be underground, and collision should resolve issues with people trying to get into the crawl spaces.
And we also need to make sure the BE CV won't be able to drive on top of this rax. The only reason Empires is remotely balanced is because only the NF CV can perch on a hostile rax. We're dealing with powerful forces here.
Who the fuck cares about cvs. Poeople being able to prone on top of be rax while getting good fov is what makes it unbalanced.
somewhat unrelated but.... you can do the same thing with nf armories and walls for cheaper than 150 res. just another example of the extremely complex nf/be balance in empiresmod.
HUH HELLO THE NF RAX IS TOO BIG THATS THE POINT????? It does not seem much smaller then the BE rax. The "issue" is your model is not retarded enough for the universe of empiresmod.
The fuck man, you're replying to a three year old post. From a user that doesn't post on the forum anymore. Chill down.
I don't think the doorways should be widened, they are bid enough, also command vehicles driving on top of a rax is amusing, but doing the same thing for NF's rax would be dumb.
okay, try these ideas and screenshot/post it. BE rax is longer than it is wider. SO for different and unique-ish try RESHAPE/RESIZE (basically rethink the model layout) -------------------- A SQUARE (or nearly square) or MOVE THE DOOR to the LONG SIDE of the rax. At least then you have space for your interesting ramp/railing idea.... makey sensey? EDIT: EVEN BETTER, I did the thinking for you. This would work nicely in a NF Look (circular, slapped together whatever, think cheap rebels) for those with limited neural activity....
I still want Chris0132's first rax he did. I doubt he has the model any more, plus there's the fact that he decided he didn't like it any more and went to try a completely different type of rax.
That model had the huge problem of no interior whatsoever - an easy spamfest for any splash damage weapon.
Yeah but it was discussed later in the thread that shit could be added to the interior, beds and such.
It'd need a wall like the current one, with the inside being whatever. Beds, for example. Or a dining table. That'd be cool. Dining table and benches.