Yea kinda moved on since the rax was not well received. Probably could delete the thread since none of my reasons for actually creating the thread were accomplished.
Hold on guys, I got this: Presupposition: Current barracks has an upstairs. Add a staircase. Add four windows, two on each side of the second story. Resolution: No one has to create a new model, only edit the current. Though the barracks can still be rocket/vehicle sniped, this can be countered by grenadiers and scouts on the second floor. The upstairs would equivocate to the ability to walk on top of and the closet of the BE barracks. inb4 "Do you have stairs in your barracks?" I said staircase because I assume ladders don't bind to placed models correctly (cite NF repair station).
duno if the nf barax is big enough for a stair to the top unless you start at the door. Step in look right jump up 2 squares look left jump up like 2 more? squares? You would run out of stamina pretty fast. Anyways its an old idea but people shot it down because they felt that the windows would allow people to turtle and use the barax as a super bunker more so then baraxes are now. Hmm I wonder if its possible to put a ramp in there that isn't too steep to walk up.
What if they used very very very small stairs? You could probably put a staircase in half the length of the barracks then. I agree, could any of our modellers just give it a go and see how the community likes it?
Just on the original concept, there were 2 motivations for this. First, I always felt the NF were too steampunkish, and it looked stupid having them up against what looks like a regular scifi army. I wanted to bring them more in line with Vietnam era designs. Second, footprints and silhouettes. The footprints on both sides needed to be standardized so as to not put the other at a disadvantage. Similarly, the height and dimensions of the building shouldnt greatly differ between sides. Right now the NF building stick out like sore thumbs and make easier targets. The difference, to make them recognizable, should be in the sillhoute, thus I went for the rounder design which would separate them from the sharp angled BE designs. From there follows Chris' comments on designing for function.
Spartacus likes. Would bodies fall through to the ground and be able to get rev'ed under the rax? If so, so that's a good workaround to the no-revive-in-buildings issue.
It's a good concept, but please increase the size of the doorways. Remember that we have hardcollisions now.
That stuff is on every empires building and is required to allow placement on slightly uneven terrain. The bit you scribbled out would sit underground.
but normaly the underground part is just long blocks/slopes. what he posted looked much more like overground stuff that will always be there.
Frankly, i'd remove the railing. While the prospect of being able to not get shot at when geting out of the rax, or possibly being able to lob shells over it is certainly a fresh and exciting prospect for nf underdogs, I feel like thats somewhat imba. What I wouldnt mind, is getting somehting scaleable in there, so its possible to climb on top of it.