Now that he is here.. he can spruce up the gui he made and cram it down our dev teams collective throats so we can have something pretty.
Daruck has alreday helped us on levels I can't even begin to describe with the new GUI, he gave us both GUIs and all the source for it, as well as explaining how to fix issues and quirks with our GUI that we had no idea about. The GUI in that screenshot is what is in the next Empires patch, you can see it in SVN/Test version now. But back to the topic, that moment right there is about the pinnacle of rage that I've ever felt in this game. I don't think I've ever gotten more angry in Empires than I did when that happened. It was the official pug match from the old territory boards, we were losing, we needed the resources so desperately for an APC, wages didn't exist, and Daruck/Nesquiko does that. Twice.
I can't host pugs now, sorry. My only day off is Friday (i.e. I have Thursday night free), and no-one would join a pug on a Thursday. Someone else has to do it. I can't be the only person capable of organising things.
aww... you see trickster... this all goes back to the time where I said that you shouldn't host all the time... so others can learn how to host... now look where it got us ehh? We all depend on your hosting abilities like a bunch of crack whores looking for the next fix.