It's all in the title. I kinda sorta need it. Not sure how hard it'd be to code in though. Pretty please?
so... when a jeep passes by it can activate jeep death? or make a race map that only allows jeeps on the track but, you can make tanks to shoot at the enemy racers.
You should be able to hack your own in, make some kind of trigger thingy and start a lua script that iterates over all vehicles, get the vehicle that is on the trigger and do something with it. Dz did quite a bit of lua I think. Poke him :D
Filters and trigger_multiple. Lua doesn't exist anymore? (Or does it? You're just hiding it from me?)
I'm entirely Dz-dependent in this department, but his previous setup stopped working with the port. Something must have changed, and it's most likely the weight values, somehow someway.
Well Viroman is constantly changing the vehicle scripts, so I guess the apc weight has just been altered? Check it out and add the new values?
They seem to be the same. He also mentioned that APCs are going to be changed towards the end of his work and he's still tinkering with tanks at this point. Maybe the script values are what's being used now instead of a seemingly random number within the code that Candles found for me that time.
Lua has not been ported over. We're doing and planning some significant overhauls to the game, so it'll be on the backburner for a while.