wwhh.. Really? I mean, that's the entire point isn't it? You don't rush people to make them killspawn and lose tickets, you rush them so you can blow up the base while it's undefended. Most forms of rushing will lose you tickets overall anyway, APC rushing especially so, so the advantage always has to be blowing up something important.
That's why I enjoy spending matches at the bottom of the scoreboard as scout because I spent my whole time rushing APCs. About 80% of them get nowhere, 15% of them get into the base and distract some but don't do much because no one spawns in them, but that last 5%, when people actually spawn in them, either is total rape to the enemy's main base or distracts them enough to let the guys on the front line rape the enemy's forward base.
as scunt? no wonder noone drives with you ... also you just said 95% of the time you are a complete waste of a player and could have done something meaningfull actually. i hate these guys - there is times when you rush an apc into a base, but once it failed it failed and you should do something else. its not like the wouldnt be enough to do usually. so all you do is ruining games for a lame 5% success rate, i wouldnt go around forums and brag about it, but rather change my tactics. ... and im not talking about being at the bottom of the scoreboard, if you are the spawn-apc that gets bases down, you just have lower points - im talking about your 5% success rate with it. driving spawn-apcs is quite easy. its much like flying in bf3, stay out of the way, wait for people to spawn, dive into the base, unload and either get the hell out of there or get the hell out of the apc and help killing shit. also when getting base sieged its not always the best option to go for their comm with an fully loaded apc. the enemy basically only needs one guy to counter it, while you draw 7 additional guys from where they are needed to defend. oh the rage such ideocracy caused me as commander. "im yellow, need help immediatly!!!!" - "no worries i just bought an apc, going for their comm, get in guys!" in pubs apc rushing for the comm is highly overrated, while you can end a round quite easily, it needs a whole lot of skilled people to pull that off somewhat reliably - so unless you stack with a bunch of guys to have a reliable backing, just forget it ... but well, i hope you exaggerated that anyway and you dont just drive apcs into the enemy base to get them blown up in 95 out of 100 times, thatd be quite insane anyway
I don't necessarily like tickets, but I also accept that they do end the game if it's going to last too long, much better than an arbitrary timer would do. If tickets were changed to a new system then sure, this wouldn't be so bad, but given they're in, I regularly charge an APC into the enemy main base when we're low on tickets, informing the team not to spawn, and then try to cause the enemy to waste as many tickets as possible killspawning. My point being, I don't want teleportation and tickets. I don't mind the teleportation if we have a new system for limiting the game time, that also keeps the tension of sudden death and whatnot. But the 2 do not work together as is, imo.
Because of this one tactic, which I've never heard about before now, which only works in a very specific instance, and which would be entirely invalidated in the event that we used some other system than tickets. Trickster that doesn't make sense.
I would argue it's high-level play, you could argue it's too specific and probably wouldn't be missed. I just disagree that moving your players from one front to another should be the only penalty when you have to rush players to another location. There has to be a bigger downside for that, and in my personal opinion, tickets current fulfil that.
"High level play" is anything people do when organised or highly knowledgeable about the game, if you change the game you simply end up with different high level play, if you make it not cost tickets, you end up with new strategies becoming viable, such as using a well developed transport network to move your players from place to place rather than vehicles. I really don't see why there needs to be a downside, it's a team game after all, any situation where the team loses due to the strategic failings of the commander is a bad situation, if I'm doing my job fighting at the front and we lose because someone ninja'd the main base, that's dumb. Deliberately limiting the ability of players to partake in the game where they are needed really doesn't make sense. Rushing an undefended base and blowing it up by nadespamming buildings isn't fun, losing the game because the enemy rushed your indefensible base and blew it up with nadespam isn't fun, it's a dumb as fuck mechanic and needs to go.
I was a bit hasty in typing that out and didn't fully think it through. When I take maps like Escort out of the equation, the chances of me getting an APC through at all is closer to 70-80%. If I have a second seat gren with defusal, it's about a 95% chance. If I have UGL, then on my way through to their main I'm lobbing grenades at anything with a health bar. Once I get to their main, I drive in circles. Big circles with handbrake turns that make it hard to hit the same side of my APC twice. Again, if I have UGL, I'll tossing 'nades into their barracks/VF/whathaveyou the whole time. If I don't, I'm gunning down infantry into tiny piles of goo. As soon as I get that APC in there, people are most likely killspawning to try and kill it. The 5% is the chance that I get an APC in there, it doesn't blow up and players are spawning in it to wreck shit up, essentially the best case scenario. The longer it's there, the more enemies are killspawning. In other words, even if no one spawns in it and I don't wreck their base, I just pulled some of their good players to the back, because it seems that only the good players are the ones who realize that an APC in their main is a bad thing. Also, I never do a comm rush unless either my comm tells me to or we're fucked either way. Comm rushes only achieve something useful if you actually kill their comm. Going for say, their radar in main however, is far more likely to work and be almost as effective. And the reason I tend to be scunt is because it can be a bitch to rush an APC through enemy tanks and turrets if your engine is Advanced Coolant. I'd do it as a gren if I had Fission or 3-Phase.