Major Commander Bug

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by PatPeter, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. PatPeter

    PatPeter I have no idea what I am talking about

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    Commanders should not be able to boomtank wall other commanders

    So I drive only 50 feet north of my main base on bridge to build some walls right? Their Comm pins me, now this would be fine because I think I could have escaped, but you know what he did? He walled me in. I could understand walling in a Comm as an engineer, but as another Comm? Really? Oh, and because he was a Comm, everytime my engineers took down a wall, he constructed another one, complete bull*&^%.

    So I propose this: commanders cannot build walls within a 50 feet radius of the other Comm.

    EDIT: Since people complained how I post "bugs" in the suggestions forum, I changed the name of this thread. I do not post bugs in the wrong forum, either I mislabel them or merge them with similar suggestions.

    For instance, this is not a "bug" per se, that word just came to mind when I made the message in the first place, it still goes along the lines of a suggestion.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  2. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    hmm, I cant build walls near anything when I com
  3. PwnedYoAss

    PwnedYoAss Member

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    He can only wall your sides, not the front or the back, this used to be done in combination with an APC rush, quite useful.
  4. PatPeter

    PatPeter I have no idea what I am talking about

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    The wall-building system for Comms does not work nearly as good as it does for engineers.

    No, he walled all four sides of me, I had 6 layers of wall in front of me.
  5. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    The commanders should impose an anti-enemy-build radius where they drive.
  6. PwnedYoAss

    PwnedYoAss Member

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    Hm, probably because you were holding still. Typically, if you're moving your front and back won't be walled, but... if he does ram you and hold you still you're screwed lol. Forgot to mention that.
  7. [lodw]keef

    [lodw]keef Hobbit

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    this isnt a bug, this has been in the game forever. Commanders have a free build radius around them that allows them to place buildings regaurdless of how close enemys or enemy buildings are to the location. So you can for instance if there are a bunch on enemys walls surrounding a ref, drive up and place it as comm to save time. Or enemy tanks get early rush? ram them and wall them in. Can use the same effect on enemy comms, ram them and wall them, been around for awhile.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  8. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    owned by me, lol

    edit: i should probably put some advice in here so you don't screw up again right?
    unless you are an experienced commander, never get into a situation where you are vulnerable (away from friendlies, next to the other comm vehicle, next to that helmetted figure holding something in the air)
    try to only leave your comm vehicle while its RIGHT UP NEXT TO a friendly rax. this should really be in the loading tips in some shape or form...
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  9. PredatoR[HUN]

    PredatoR[HUN] Member

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    I should give you an advice to.
    Play the game for some months before you make threads like this.
  10. Roflcopter Rego

    Roflcopter Rego Member

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    This pisses me off. It's an exploit and a bug, makes for shit games, people defend it because they know a little hack that other people don't that allows them cheap, quick, shitty victories. I fully support adding in another layer on top of free build for coms, that makes it except in the case of other comms.
  11. [D3]Leroy Jenkins

    [D3]Leroy Jenkins Member

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    Yes so they can sally forth into you base and start running people over and let me tell walling in a moving com with scout vehicle speed upgrade with the com's help is rather difficult. And i hope this doesn't apply to turrets. i think that if a com makes stupid moves too close to the enemy they should be punished

    Why are they cheap and shitty? Because one com was stupid and decided to go rambo on the enemy and then got killed. How is this "a little hack." do you really have to be that smart to be able to somehow decide to try to block of their com with walls which you clearly can build. I understand why some people are pissed it happens to all of us and i understand.

    Maybe even the range that the commander can place buildings should be cut.

    But seriously this is not a "exploit", a "hack" or a "bug" Its common knowledge and im surprised that some people think this is a hack that no one has caught.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  12. communism

    communism poof

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    AFAIK this is a recent addition
    I do agree that it is kind of lame, I would rather get APC rushed than rammed and walled
  13. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    Have had this happened to me, and it's a pain in the ass. A little "can't place walls near commander as commander" radius would be nice (not large).
  14. [R]eX

    [R]eX Member

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    i think its fine, if you're in some area where the enemy could own you and you see the enemy commander coming, you probably shouldnt have driven over there and stayed put long enough to be walled. if you're in an area of equal opportunity, wall him back and the better team wins. i think you're just frustrated because it caused you to lose a game.
  15. [lodw]keef

    [lodw]keef Hobbit

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    wtf? been able to do this for a LONG time, how does COMMUNISM of all people not know of it!!?!?!? *gasp* hell hath frozen.

    edit: the reason people are probably just noticing it for the most part though is because new CV's are absolute tanks and can handle a few laps around the enemy base.
  16. communism

    communism poof

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    I coulda swore I tried doing this a long time ago and it not letting me. Like when a cv is running and trying to place walls in front of it, it would make a gap in your walls where the cv would be in a couple seconds. Making it impossible to wall the comm off if you didn't have any troops way in front of it
  17. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    Commy, you can do it within a cv's length or so, it's very small. but if you ram the enemy cv, and he's not moving, you can walll him in fairly easily.

    Now, if this happens and your com vehicle isn't close enough to your own base to take it back or have reinforcements come in BEFORE the enemy com gets away or enemies get there, you shouldn't be that far out from your base.

    Also, another note, FN is a lame ass some of the time. Com starting stalled like it does is due to people that rushed almost literally into the enemy base just to try and end the game in 5 seconds. It's lame shit, and shouldn't happen IMO.

    There is a difference between a victory and a win. There are some pricks that are decent players that prefer victory over winning in empires. Ends do not justify the means. I don't play empires to listen to the round end music.
  18. communism

    communism poof

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    Ahhh werd
    I usually only command when I'm drunk so thats my excuse
  19. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    The point is, either way... the CV is not supposed to be a superweapon. Your CV should not give you any special powers to kill the enemy CV, and driving it into combat shouldn't give you an advantage.

    So at the very least, your CV shouldn't let you drop walls next to the enemy CV. I agree with the people who say it's unintuitive -- usually, you simply can't drop structures that close to an enemy, and there's no indication anywhere that the CVs change those rules.

    Really, what's the purpose of the CV's magical enemy-ignoring radius? What does it add? I don't really see why it was put in -- the CV should not be near enemies, and ought to be in trouble when enemies are nearby. Unless there's some really important reason for it, I'd say just take it away -- the comm shouldn't give you a direct advantage over nearby enemies (which an enemy-trumping build radius certainly does.)
  20. PatPeter

    PatPeter I have no idea what I am talking about

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    Actually, while victim to this bug, I could not build walls behind the enemy comm, but the enemy comm could build walls behind me.

    As I said in my OP, it was not fail comming on my part, I was literally 50 feet away from the main barracks, enemy comm pinned me up against two trees, I yelled at my team for easily 20 minutes, "COMMANDER! I NEED A REFINERY! I NEED A REF COMM!" as I yell at them to killspawn, they stay at their ref the entire game until we lose, AWESOME.

    And I never left the comm vehicle, I jumped out and tried to decon walls, but why is it a bug? Because everytime I deconed a wall, he built one, and I had to jump back in the comm vehicle before he killed me.

    I am a competent commander, definitely more wins than losses, and I would never speak of a loss unless A) it was due to a bug or B) WAS FOR THE LULZ (like if my tank glitched into the wall and fell off the map into water, and thus died [bad example, I know, but it works for an example]).

    EDIT 09/06/16:

    I have to edit this message because my response on relevance was deleted or something. Hold on:

    bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand

    I said "I am a great commander" IN COMPARISON to this example, of a Comm who goes boomtanking around the map without protection, or building refineries instead of letting infantrymen do it, or who tries to run over the enemy infantry, etc.

    I do not think I am the most über leet Comm in Empires who pwnzors everyone, I know my limits, what I excel at and what I fail at, for instance I will not Comm if I am tired, because I will fail, I promise you that.

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009

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