Is there a monster list of maps some where? Figure there must be, I'm just not having any luck finding it with the thread searches. I'm curious about old maps. I also miss a couple that I haven't seen in ages. Not since I started playing Empires about a yearish or more ago. Two maps I recall and would like to know the names ..... First one was a large house, teams were like toy soldiers. Probably modeled after toy story. Stupidly fun when there used to be many players and one of the reasons I got hooked. Second was an odd one. Ice terrain, large peak in the middle, engies had to repair the ice paths or you'd fall through. Was that one called elevators something? It had "elevators" you rode to the top of the peak in the middle to rain fire down on the other team.
That second one sounds suspiciously like octagons, but maybe someone made a somewhat legit version of it? I never heard of the toy one, unless that was one of those rat maps someone converted to empires. I didn't play empires between like mid 2009 to early 2012, so I don't what was happening between that time.
The first one is "theinternetisforporn" and the second one is "octagons". Maps come and go all the time; there's a large number of maps that didn't get ported over properly and don't get played because of that. There's the list of official maps, but it's hard to imagine making a list of all the custom maps for Empires.
Yeah, it would be impossible to make a list now of old maps that have come and gone. Just thought maybe someone would have kept a tally along the way. Was there issues with maps making from 1.x to 2.x ? Both these maps were around when I first started playing early 2012, I've not seen them in more than a year now probably. Wonder if someone still has them on a hard drive some where. Probably gone off my old machine, I've had to wipe and reinstall steam a couple of times since then.
Aren't those kind of small for Empires? Though I guess things like District are about the same. One of the mini-games up recently has that same kind of "push the cart" goal but it's a little bare compared to TF2. I'm still having trouble getting my first basic map to act right, hurts my brain to think about porting one of those nice maps.
There are a couple threads (or maybe just one) of custom map packs from back in 2009, and it list the maps in there and whatever.
Well look what I stumbled upon. I read about MegaHill. Sounded fun. Wish there was like an old folks home for these VMF files to retire to that I could browse. Code: cw_gorge_ob1 DevHazard emp_2islands_b2 emp_alpinerush_b2 emp_alpinerush_b3 emp_arid emp_arid_225 emp_arid_ob2 emp_atoll_b2 emp_atomic_8 emp_atomic_rc1 emp_atomic_rc2 emp_atomic_rc3 emp_atomic_rc4 emp_atomic_rc5 emp_atomic_rc6 emp_azuretowers_b1 emp_azuretowers_hh1 emp_badlands_ob1 emp_batos_ob1 emp_blackmountain_alpha emp_blah4 emp_blast_ob1 emp_boreal_ob1 emp_break emp_break_poc emp_bridges_a1 emp_bridges_a3 emp_bush_10022011 emp_bush_26022011 emp_bush_ob4 emp_canal_beta4 emp_canyon emp_castle_ob1 emp_castle_ob2 emp_cdr_canyon_ob1 emp_cdr_canyon_ob2 emp_chain_06072011 emp_chain_13072011 emp_checkers_t2 emp_coast emp_concept emp_crossroads emp_cyclopean emp_deathkillers_trialmap_v1 emp_delta_b1 emp_delta_rc3a emp_district402 emp_district402_alt2 emp_district402_alt3 emp_district402_alt4 emp_divide_b3 emp_dune_ob1 emp_duststorm emp_duststorm_225_b1 emp_eastborough_b1 emp_eastborough_b2 emp_eastborough_b3 emp_eastborough_b4 emp_empirescup_b1 emp_empirescup_b2 emp_empirescup_b3 emp_encore_ob1 emp_encore_ob2 emp_escape_alpha emp_escort emp_escort_226_b1 emp_escort_alt2 emp_escort_alt3 emp_escort_alt5 emp_escort_ck_rc3 emp_escort_nf2 emp_fastestmap_ob1 emp_flat emp_fogtown_beta2 emp_fogtown_beta3 emp_fogtown_beta5 emp_fogtown_beta5_backup emp_forest_ob emp_frost_rc3 emp_frozensummit_b2 emp_fuel_prealpha emp_glacial_b1 emp_glacial_b2 emp_glycencity emp_glycenpass_ob1 emp_glycenplains emp_hazard_rc6 emp_homeland_b7 emp_homeland_b9 emp_insurrection_ob emp_insurrection_ob1 emp_insurrection_rc2 emp_insurrection_rc3 emp_isle emp_jeeprace_rc1 emp_jeepwars_b3 emp_king_r5 emp_lake_b3 emp_lake_b4 emp_lake_b5 emp_landing_alpha1 emp_landing_b1 emp_lastcity_ob1 emp_manticore_b1 emp_manticore_b2 emp_manticore_b3 emp_mearth_a1 emp_megahill_jam_b4 emp_megahill_jam_b5 emp_megahill_jam_b7 emp_mesa_b3 emp_mesa_b4 emp_mesa_d6 emp_midbridge_b3b emp_midbridge_b3c emp_midbridge_final1 emp_midbridge_rc emp_midbridge_rc2 emp_minigames_b1 emp_money emp_money_revisited_r1 emp_money_revisited_r2 emp_moors emp_moors_b1 emp_mvalley emp_mybadmapping emp_nfescort2 emp_nfescort3_r1 emp_nomis_henmo_ob emp_noname_a3 emp_noreturn emp_oasis_ob1 emp_octagons_b1 emp_palmbay_b2 emp_plunge_ob1 emp_plunge_ob2 emp_provinggrounds_1_2 emp_provinggrounds_1_3 emp_provinggrounds_1_4 emp_provinggrounds_b2 emp_race_loop2_fix emp_rage_b2 emp_raiders_b1 emp_railroad_ob1 emp_railway_a1 emp_railway_a2 emp_rainbowroad_b2 emp_rainbowroad_b3 emp_research_1_1 emp_research_1_2 emp_shadows emp_shadows_rc10a emp_shanty_rc2 emp_silo_rc3 emp_silo_rc5 emp_slaughtered emp_slaughtered_2_21 emp_smokies_rc2 emp_snowbound_1_2 emp_snowstorm_rc1 emp_snowstorm_rc2 emp_snowstorm_rc5 emp_snowstorm_rc6 emp_stalemate_rc2 emp_streetsoffire emp_streetsoffire_old emp_streetsoffire_working emp_temple_b3 emp_temple_b3a emp_territory_ob1 emp_theinternetisforporn4 emp_thetrenches_b3 emp_tms_b1 emp_traders_a8 emp_tropicvendetta_b4 emp_tropicvendetta_rc1 emp_tropicvendetta_rc2 emp_tutorial emp_urbanchaos emp_valley_ob1 emp_vehicletraining_ob2 emp_ward_rc2 emp_ward_rc2a
Hold the phone There was an update to that map? also emp_slaughtered_2_21 Is that the one that was bit darker and had that pipeline in s bend? I still wonder why that didn't make the cut.
I've made a list of maps I have on-hand, and the last Empires install they were associated with. Code: 1.071b: 15Aug_buildingTest_A 1.071b: 15Aug_buildingTest_B 1.071b: 15Aug_buildingTest_C 1.071b: 18Aug_buildingTest2_D 1.071b: 18Aug_buildingTest2_E 1.071b: 18Aug_buildingTest2_E4096 1.071b: community_map_project 2.41: cw_gorge_ob1 2.31: emp_2islands_b1 2.41: emp_2islands_b2 2.41: emp_alpinerush_b3 2.41: emp_arid 2.31: emp_atoll_b2 2.41: emp_atomic_rc6 2.31: emp_azuretowers_b1 2.30: emp_azuretowers_hh1 2.30: emp_azuretowers_hh2 2.30: emp_azuretowers_hh4 2.30: emp_azuretowers_hh4a 2.41: emp_azuretowers_hh4b 2.12: emp_badlands 2.31: emp_batos_ob1 2.31: emp_blackmountain_alpha 2.41: emp_blah4 2.41: emp_blast_ob1 2.41: emp_boohouse_b1 2.30: emp_bootybay_b1 2.41: emp_bootybay_b3 2.41: emp_bootybay_b5 2.41: emp_bridges_a3 2.41: emp_bush 2.30: emp_bush_26022011 2.24d: emp_canal_beta4 2.41: emp_canyon 2.30: emp_canyon_232_b1 2.30: emp_canyon_232_b2 2.41: emp_canyon_232_b3 2.41: emp_canyon_s1 2.41: emp_castle_ob1 2.31: emp_castle_ob2 2.12: emp_cdr_canyon 2.41: emp_cdr_canyon_ob2 2.41: emp_chain 2.30: emp_chain_13072011 2.30: emp_chain_21012012 2.41: emp_coast 2.41: emp_coast_xmas_1b 2.41: emp_cod 2.41: emp_commandergrad_a1 2.41: emp_commandergrad_a3 2.41: emp_commandergrad_a4 2.41: emp_commandergrad_b1 2.41: emp_crossroads 2.30: emp_crossroads_232_b1 2.41: emp_cyclopean 2.41: emp_death_to_santa 2.30: emp_delta_b1 2.30: emp_delta_rc4 2.12: emp_desolation_beta1 2.41: emp_district402 2.41: emp_district402_alt3 2.41: emp_district402_alt4 2.31: emp_divide_b3 2.41: emp_downfall 2.12: emp_dune_b1 2.41: emp_dune_ob1 2.30: emp_dust_1 2.41: emp_duststorm 2.24d: emp_duststorm_225_b1 2.30: emp_duststorm_dropships 2.41: emp_eastborough 2.30: emp_eastborough_b2 2.30: emp_eastborough_b3 2.31: emp_eastborough_b4 2.41: emp_eastborough_b6 2.30: emp_empirescup_air2 2.30: emp_empirescup_air3b 2.24d: emp_empirescup_b1 2.41: emp_empirescup_b3 2.41: emp_encore_ob3 2.41: emp_escort 2.31: emp_escort_226_b1 2.41: emp_escort_alt5 2.12: emp_escort_beta3 2.24d: emp_fogtown_beta5 2.41: emp_forest_ob 2.12: emp_frost_rc2 2.41: emp_frost_rc3 2.41: emp_frozensummit_b2 2.30: emp_fuel_a2 2.41: emp_fuel_a3 2.30: emp_fuel_prealpha 1.08 RC: emp_gauntlet 2.41: emp_glacial_b2 2.41: emp_glycencity 2.41: emp_glycenplains 2.30: emp_greendale_b1 2.41: emp_havoc_a1 2.41: emp_havoc_b1 2.31: emp_hazard_rc6 2.41: emp_hobbes 2.41: emp_hobbesv2 2.30: emp_hobbesv2_training_1 2.41: emp_homeland_b9 2.31: emp_insurrection_rc3 2.41: emp_isle 2.41: emp_king_r5 2.31: emp_lake_b5 2.31: emp_lastcity_ob1 2.30: emp_laststand_a5 2.31: emp_manticore_b1 2.31: emp_manticore_b2 2.31: emp_manticore_b3 2.41: emp_manticore_b5 2.31: emp_mearth_a1 2.31: emp_mearth_wip 2.31: emp_mearth_wip2 2.31: emp_mearth_wip2quick 2.31: emp_mearth_wip3 2.41: emp_megahill_jam_b7 2.41: emp_mesa_b4 2.41: emp_midbridge 2.12: emp_midbridge_b1 2.12: emp_midbridge_b2 2.31: emp_midbridge_b3c 2.31: emp_midbridge_rc 2.31: emp_midbridge_rc2 2.41: emp_midbridge_rc3 2.12: emp_minicity 2.41: emp_minigames_2013_v2 2.41: emp_minigames_2013_v6 2.41: emp_minigames_rc6c_fix 2.30: emp_mondoon_a3 2.30: emp_mondoon_a4 2.41: emp_money 2.41: emp_money_cl 2.30: emp_money_hh1 2.30: emp_money_hh2 2.30: emp_money_hh3 2.30: emp_money_hh4 2.30: emp_money_hh5 2.30: emp_money_hh5a 2.30: emp_money_hh5b 2.30: emp_money_hh6a 2.30: emp_money_redux_a1 2.31: emp_money_revisited_r2 2.30: emp_money_revisited_r3 2.41: emp_moors 2.41: emp_moors_b1 2.41: emp_mvalley 2.30: emp_mvalley_232_b1 2.30: emp_mvalley_f1 2.24d: emp_nfescort2 2.30: emp_nfescort3_r1 2.12: emp_nomis 2.12: emp_noname 2.41: emp_noreturn 2.41: emp_nuclear_a1 2.41: emp_nuclear_a6 2.12: emp_nukedcity 2.12: emp_nukedcity_old 2.12: emp_oasis 2.31: emp_oasis_ob1 2.41: emp_octagons_b1 2.41: emp_palmbay 2.31: emp_palmbay_b2 2.12: emp_plunge_b1 2.41: emp_plunge_ob2 2.31: emp_provinggrounds_1_3 2.41: emp_provinggrounds_1_4 2.30: emp_provinggrounds_b2 2.41: emp_race_loop2_fix 2.41: emp_race_loop3_a 2.31: emp_race_map_ex1 2.41: emp_rage_b2 2.41: emp_raiders_b1 2.41: emp_railroad_ob1 2.30: emp_railway_a2 2.24d: emp_rainbowroad_b2 2.41: emp_rainbowroad_b3 2.41: emp_research_1_2 2.30: emp_shadows 2.41: emp_shadows_attacks 2.12: emp_shadows_rc7 2.31: emp_shadows_rc10a 2.31: emp_shanty_rc1 2.30: emp_silo_new_a4 2.31: emp_silo_rc3 2.41: emp_silo_rc5 2.41: emp_slaughtered 2.31: emp_slaughtered_2_21 2.30: emp_slaughtered_alt_rc2 2.30: emp_slaughtered_alt_rc3 2.41: emp_slaughtered_alt_rc4 2.12: emp_smokies_rc1 2.41: emp_smokies_rc2 2.31: emp_snowbound_1_2 2.30: emp_snowbound_1_f 2.31: emp_snowstorm_rc1 2.31: emp_snowstorm_rc2 2.30: emp_snowstorm_rc5 2.41: emp_snowstorm_rc6 2.41: emp_snowybay 2.30: emp_stalemate_rc2 2.41: emp_streetsoffire 2.31: emp_streetsoffire_working 2.41: emp_temple_b3a 2.12: emp_territory_b1 2.12: emp_territory_b2 2.41: emp_territory_ob1 2.30: emp_testmap_2a 2.30: emp_theinternetisforporn4 2.31: emp_tms_b1 2.41: emp_traders_a8 2.30: emp_trenchwarfare_a2v7 2.31: emp_tropicvendetta_rc1 2.30: emp_tropicvendetta_rc2 2.41: emp_tropicvendetta_rc4 2.41: emp_tutorial 2.41: emp_urbanchaos 2.30: emp_urbanchaos_232_b2 2.12: emp_valley 2.31: emp_valley_ob1 2.41: emp_vehicletraining_ob2 2.12: emp_vehicletraining_rc5 2.12: emp_vehicletraining_rc7 2.41: emp_ward_rc2a 2.41: emp_winterminigames_v1314 2.30: lighting_testmap2
Ok, now that's cool. Several maps on there I'd like to see again and others that sounded funl but I never got to. Sooooo where can I buy the DVD collection?
What is this madness!? People like my maps? This is truly the end of the world. EDIT: Found it in a dark corner of my computer. Here, enjoy. Also included is an old version of minigays, because hey why not. (It's the one with 9 games). The maps.
theinternetisforporn was fun, I never figured out how to play it but anytime it was on I had a good time.
You climb up the window, then parachute across the entire map dropping mines like you're a Flying Fortress.
Thanks LordDZ, that's the one. I think it may have been the very first map I ever played on Empires. Mass fun and why I came back for more. Is that your hammer map files in there too? BTW, am I the only one that thinks hammer is a buggy bag-o-crap editor? (At least running on XP_Sp3) After working with things like solidworks, autocad, rhino3d it's hard to believe folks make great maps with this thing. Maybe it works better on Win7.
Oh yes, I'm 100% certain hammer editor has made me insane in a way or two. You get random errors from time to time, crashes when you select an entity, the model browser freezes every second or third model selected and every patch Valve releases causes it to become even more unstable. Here's the vmf, don't judge my mapping skills too hard, it's pretty old.