It's been a while since we started tracking statistics for Empires. We use these statistics to help us balance maps and gameplay. Here are some statistics about those collected statistics: We have so far recorded: 322.479 kills 36.777 suicides 31.251 matches 5.544 scout on scout kills The top 50 most played maps are (in order): Code: emp_tutorial_2015_fix bottest2v9t emp_crossroads emp_canyon Unknown con_district402 emp_money emp_isle emp_coast as_escort con_urbanchaos con_glycencity emp_cyclopean emp_slaughtered emp_duststorm emp_streetsoffire emp_arid emp_bot_target_test emp_mvalley emp_palmbay emp_chain emp_canyon_232_b3 emp_bootybay_b6 con_eastborough emp_vehicletraining_2013 emp_midbridge emp_bush emp_drygulch_a6 emp_beachfront_b2 ctf_district402_wip emp_downfall con_boohouse_v7a emp_cod emp_minigames_2017c emp_glycenplains emp_cyclopean_wip emp_tropicvendetta_rc4 emp_nuclear_b8u emp_flushbowldone Mein map 2 emp_fury_rc1 tr_infantry emp_nuclear_b8u_xfix emp_blast_ob1 emp_homeland_b9 emp_fury_rc2 emp_iceberg_a4 as_crackdown_a4 emp_urbanchaos emp_forest_ob_2013 Have a good christmas!
This is not about time played, this is about times started. I see maps I single handedly put onto the list by way of private testing, and I heavily contributed to the tutorial being up there too, thanks to misclicking the create server button.
I know that, I'm making a joke here. Also I forgot you could actually go to the tutorial map on create server, I thought it was only through that play tutorial button. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if people actually start the tutorial when they first get empires, but seeing how no one knows how to do anything I firmly believe they quit the tutorial 1 minute in.
lol, bottest. Though I know a few play it, it's not fair to count since it's the only map I run for newbies/bots and is up 24/7. working on progress for open navigation for other maps.