Late Game Infantry

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by polaski, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. polaski

    polaski Member

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    I didn't want to necro any dead threads and I don't want to hear wait for 2.0 I would also like constuctive thoughts about the info i posted no flamewar thank you.

    So I was reading the wiki and went down the list to scout and read that they had better rifles back before the rifles they got now. So I started thinking late game infantry probly rank 6? So that means more guns for the classes, and a littile modifacation to the ones we have. Like make the scout rifles semi automatic a little bigger clip less damige, and when you rank up enough you get an anti material sniper rifle. It does hardly any damige to tanks but it gets there attion confuding them at the same time but dont make it a 1 hit kill weapon like 2 to body and so forth you get the point but don't make it a noob cannon. Allow it to scratch the paint on tanks and bio armor should negate most of the damige the bullit does abs is impervious to it and reflective at the correct angle.

    Rifleman I don't know how I could make him late game uber but ballanced probly somthing like the mini gun he had in bf1942 if any one remembers that, larger clip, horid accuracy, faster rate of fire, eat at tank armor like an apc but weaker.

    I figured for grenaders the could get the smg1 to replace the pistols or some anti tank gun to replace the RL but I think the smg is fine but im just at a lost for this class.

    And finally the enginer i gues give him their faction assult rifle or a special smg3 don't know what else to do with this class either.

    I am pretty sure if this stuff gets implemented it would be abused in some way lol. I tried my best to think of balancing these suggestions
  2. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    scouts can equip themselves with sticky stun grenades that will deal some damage to vehicles and overheat them instantly. (added in 2.0) Their scoped rifle has also had some improvements for the new version.

    Riflemen can already choose from the stand rifle, heavy rifle and HMG. In 2.0, they'll also be able to swap their explosive grenades for sticky bombs which can do a great deal of damage to tanks if they get close enough to throw them on. Their weapons have been tweaked across the board to make them the best infantry killers.

    Engineers already have the ability to build 2 personal turrets when they increase in rank. I believe the rank required for this has been lowered in 2.0? I'm not sure about that one.

    As for grenadiers. Well, the mortar works pretty well as an anti infantry weapon as is :)
  3. polaski

    polaski Member

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    i know engis get 2 turrets and 2 survailance at either rank 4 or 5 but i was thinking more of a reason to rank up than just engi stuff so far i havnt been able to get any info from official sorces about scout hijacking. I havnt been able to figure out what the rifleman or grenader gets at higher lvls so I was thinking why not add to them.
  4. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    We have been looking at some of the things we can add for the other classes for late game infantry, but so far we haven't been able to come up anything on par with what engineers get. I don't think we really want to swap up weapons because they will make the game unbalanced, and also people tend to switch classes alot, except on infantry maps.

    I know I myself am looking for something more elusive and class specific to add to give the game more flavour, rather than just a weapon/ammo upgrade. I think we can do better...if we spend more time on it :)
  5. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    One things that have been juggled across the board is

    Infantry Ressearch: much like the tank engines and weapons; but for infantry
    As how you get that benefit that has been argued from free to skill points to squad points to res points...
  6. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    i've always welcomed the idea of HE shells for mowtars :D .. lol can you imagine
  7. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    you know, this isn't a horrible concept IMO. Something to make use of the 50+ rank points other than cool lil bars and leafs.
  8. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Pro for using skill points to buy "Upgrades" in Empires most of the time you dont feel the need to survive; because like in any RTS; more units thrown at enemy = win (Usualy :p) and so by dying quickly respawning and mowing whats left of the enemy down can actualy be seen as a valid tactic...

    Now imagine you spent an entire game gaining enough skill points (Yes the ones used to promote you in rank) to equip yourself with the hoover 5000; sure you eat infantry like candy, and able to kick tanks in the shin; but I dont think you will want to be cannon fodder anymore; you will want to retreat; wait for a team and other goodies like that....
  9. SwampRat

    SwampRat Member

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    I'm taking it you don't mean a vacuum cleaner there? (Hoover is synonymous with them here even though they do other stuff like washing machines etc, well I think they do)
  10. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    that whole wait for the team crap is good for about 10 mins, then my A.D.D kicks in and its all run n gun from there.

    But seriously though, the scout rifles are sorta blandish, and wtf a minigun? you had a minigun and didn't go with it?

    Main idea here though more guns more guns,people love more guns more options, customization is cool.
    I would love to see dropable/pickupable weapons or something in that line.
    Would also be neat to be able to hijack vehicles. Maybe not so easily as Mercenaries does. Anything to free up the game play a bit.
  11. KILLX

    KILLX Banned

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    minigun would be a pain to balance. the whole point of a minigun is to fill the air with so many bullets (it needs multiple barrels because if the same one was used twice in a row it would explode) that anyone that is stupid enough not to hide gets mowed down. its one of the worlds heaviest classes of suppression weapons. if its not like that ingame, it would be better to create a new weapon, since people that are new would think that either:

    a. the balancing is shit because my minigun wont omgwtfpwn like a minigun should.

    b. i hate this mod, i cant leave my f***ing spawn, this sucks donkey balls, kthnxbai
  12. polaski

    polaski Member

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    Some how this thread didn't go as I planed i just posted what I would like to see in game and have people expand on it by posting what they wanted while critasizing some of the other stuff posted. we need to have the option to as different classes of infantry late game im sure the stuff that we want will change as 2.0 gets realeased and when 2.+/3.0 is realeased with air craft is implemented and probly 3.+/4.0 with boats if were lucky. We realy need a reason not to just hop into a tank and im just trying to suggest stuff to be implemented to give us a reason the stuff could also work as speacial pick up kits in armorys/bunker type buildings. so post your ideas and try to keep it ballanced.
  13. KILLX

    KILLX Banned

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    polaski, its not just about your suggestion. if you post here, expect people to expand upon it.
  14. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    Usually to the point where it doesn't even remotely resemble the original suggestion and several things have been nerfed to accomodate them >.>
  15. nhammen

    nhammen Member

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    im pretty sure that scouts get something special at rank 4, as well as engis... or so ive been told. I think that gren's weapons need to do more damage to vehicles once they reach rank 4. At this point, grens become fairly useless as the tanks they are fighting are too powerful. As for riflemen... I guess making their armor better would work...
  16. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    engys are the only class that get a special upgrade with the final rank

    but usally by the time the enemey has upgraded tech/tanks you should to so if your forced to stay on foot(no res or paper tanks) then you should lose because your commander fucked up along the way
  17. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    just because i'm anal retentive like that, I would like to see all the other classes get at least SOMETHING for their final 2 ranks.

    but it would be easy to go over the top with this stuff, way way too powerful. Special rifles, super powers, HE mortars, that would all be too much. Anything they get, it should be minor, no more then the engie stuff. (which, granted, is pretty damn good.)

    also lol @ dubee with HE mortar shells.... god help us.
  18. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    late game infantry get utterly killed by even skill-less people in tanks. it's not really fun for either team when the only thing that can take out tanks dies against tanks really quick.
  19. L3TUC3

    L3TUC3 Member

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    Tank > infantry.

    Sorry, not going to change. Maybe infantry research items as a quick buff, but I don't think there's going to be a lot more focus on making infantry more useful late game as the whole point is to roll out better tanks.

    (Also, the minigun for the rifleman was primarily for AA defense).
  20. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    upgraded inf would fuck up the balance.. A skilled team would just get upgraded inf and be able to hold off massive tank rushes with out spending any res on tanks..

    maybe it would work on conquest maps only

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