=[KXIC]= KOLNTUS TENTH INFANTRY COMPANY The Kolntus Tenth Infantry Company is one infantry company in the Brenodi Imperial Army assigned with defending the homeland and taking preemptive actions against suspected incursions. Captain FN198, a former lieutenant of the famed Brenodi Sixth Infantry Division, leads the company. Despite being an otherwise unknown and recently formed company, KXIC is a formidable force. Recently, its members have been issued coveted combat honors more than any other active duty unit. In other words, if you want to be on the front line, apply to enlist with KXIC today. Visit the Steam Group for recruitment information. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/kxic-empires/discussions/2/540744299774141149/ Members as of this post: =[KXIC]= FN198 =[KXIC]= JK =[KXIC]= DocRabbit =[KXIC]= Gelatin Skeleton =[KXIC]= Paradox =[KXIC]= Dotpoint =[KXIC]= LT =[KXIC]= ImSpartacus =[KXIC]= NaokiP =[KXIC]= Tri =[KXIC]= KayossZero =[KXIC]= Snuffleupagus =[KXIC]= Guns and Wham-O =[KXIC]= Medicine =[KXIC]= Amatoxin =[KXIC]= Arial =[KXIC]= Metruption =[KXIC]= Mystical =[KXIC]= Bobiskris =[KXIC]= Craig.gates
If I applied and got rejected, will I get a nice big long prefabricated message going along the lines of "Dear sir or madam, we regret to inform you that..." or will it just be a "no".
sorry cant join you kicked me out 3 clans ago you should recruit thecreeper. i think he wants to join a clan
Wow you somehow managed to get many of the people I like to play with. Nice roster. But you'll never get me! I'm gonna be clan-less forever! ^ Before Teef gets butthurt
Fn is still upset with me and I can't even remember why that is anymore. I mudt have done something right in my life.
Any mission statement for this clan? I remember it was the first thing I asked when I first joined a clan, way back when. By mission statement I simply mean the general ethos of the clan, are you about fair gaming, being good at any cost, squad-based gameplay, teaching newbies, what?
We're about being a cohesive team and having scrims/playing in semi official matches as frequently as possible. That being said, we'll scrim anyone. Just let me know and we can work something out.
EPIC isn't disbanded but you're welcome to play for other teams in the meantime, I've always said that people can play for whoever they want as long as they side with EPIC when we're actually playing.
You are free to do what you want to do man. I you want to join another FN clan go ahead, I am just going to make fun of you constantly for it.