Well, this only tells how I dont read every thread anymore. So vinnie goes from a nice newb to a person who has a 0% approval rating without me noticing whatsoever. Well shit. Also, I dont know if being prone to rage and faking for lols/really having a big ego is a base for hate here. Those are basic traits of anyone that's been aroud for more than 3 months anyway.
You don't trust Vicky??? w00kie banned player BigTeef. Reason: "Enraging a wookie" just joking :dead_imp: am I?
Most of us was going to viper after we played gorge .. It wasn't personal. Everyone was spamming go to viper in chat. Then he kicked everyone off the Epic server
Admin's need to be careful or we lose more players. Kicking someone with a message that says something like "Admin Banned You from server" is just rude and should be rethought if that is not the intention. Wish I could tell you the name of the map - it's new. 101010 says "GORGE". Has two bases facing each other with a bridge between the two bases over a small amount of water (not deep). The VF's are in the center of the small home base with nothing but two bases and a bridge between the bases. Basse has two barracks, VF, and couple armories. There are no REF's on this map. Shortly after spawn the other team is ramming a jeep into your VF. You start with 200 resources and the only income (that I saw) is taking the flag in the center of the bridge. The VF's have a high shield left and right of the VF, but nothing protects center. There is a cool light coming from a hole in the wall protecting parts of the base, to a ladder which goes up to a grass cliff overlooking the base. You can jump down - cross the span under the bridge and climb to the other base via a ladder. The issue with the game is that it was like the game where the Admin is in the Balloon. But the COM instead is in some limbo location far from the map. It has both COM's next to each other. I drove every corner of that tight box and noticed that there were two flags directly in front of me so I rammed them and captured both. I couldn't get out of the box - but since I was damaging the other COM - it disappeared. I suspect the admin on the other team removed it to keep it from dieing. When I pressed F2 most of the game I couldn't select on the minimap and since the COM vehicle was in no mans land pressed E and returning to vehicle and F2 again was not helping. I'll just stay out of the COM vehicle and understand why no one got in it the first time playing the map. Also we did beat the other team the first time playing this map and I guess he didn't want to lose again. The Admin was not satisfied with our fair and complete annihilation of his team, so he restarted the game at which point I opted in as COM. When I press F2 - I was initially able to see the map but selecting anything was not happening. I couldn't drop anything. I couldn't research anything - maybe the tree was fully researched already. So being COM on this map was just one less player on our team. As for raging - yep, I try to keep my cool and can do it 95% of the time, but I can also be an ass hat. I admit it and regret some of the raging I've done on a few guys. The others can just go fuck themselves - HEXI. Geeze dude - you are like the king of the assholes. I first fucked with you just to get your goat and then you just turned into a friggin idiot. You blew up at me first when I jokingly said I was as good as you. YOU then started shitting on me after I said that, so Rage On butt munch. You have alot of growing up to do kid. I pointed out how one guy only speaks when he wants to shit on someone - boy did that piss him off. He sold everything and rage quitted. My bad. I'm starting to think this game is played in prisons and insane asylums. Ya babay - love it. Anyway - Rage off. Spring is almost here, which gets my ass out flying R/C and enjoying the nice weather. I'll continue to try and keep my cool - no promises though. Ya can't fix asshole overnight. I don't want to be a negative to this game since it really is the best game I've played in a long time and most of you guys are just great. You guys who rage quit know this game is very stressful and brings out the worst in us. Fucking Empires ! Gotta love it though. Go ahead and test me tonight. Shit on me all you like. I'll take it and eat shit since I know I deserve it ! I'll be on around 7pm EST. It's "Fuck JustGoFly up the ass night !" As for all the cool guys playing - Thanks for being cool ! You make the game 10X better just being involved. Vinnie
Yep - you owe me one (at least)! Cheeks being pre-lubricated for your ramming pleasure. Lets see how long I can take it before I fucking fuck myself. Vinnie
Craig is actually just a bad admin. I hate to rag on people and I wish he was in this thread so it didn't feel like I was bitching behind his back, but I've played too many games that have dragged on and on because craig keeps driving the cv around to distract our tanks, and when we have it stuck, teleports it back to base. Or dragging a match on by teleporting his teams CV to an impossible to reach location. I don't want to sit in the CV, not commanding, with my team just staring at the enemy comm for 10 minutes while we wait for craig to decide he's had enough. It's boring as fuck.
If I am that one guy who "only speaks when he wants to shit on someone" that you made rage quit, please, don't try to credit for that. If you haven't noticed I have about 440 hours of Empires logged since Steampires was first released, back in early 2011 or something. I have 200 of those hours from playing from Jan 2011-April 2011, another 200 hours from November 2012-February 2013, and then the other 40 is comprised of little Empires binges in between those two main periods. Your behavior both in-game and on the forums in no way contributed to my taking a break from Empires. I simply got bored of it; it happens to everyone eventually. Not to mention, my months of breaks (Thanksgiving in November, Christmas in December, and Winter Break in February) have since passed, and I now have to occupy myself with school work and the like. And whenever I should have time to play a few rounds of a game, I've lately been having some fun playing Dota (albeit casually), so I've been playing that over Empires recently. That having been said, I actually have yet to rage at you out-of-game, but Empires definitely can bring out the worst in all of us. It certainly has done that to me, and, I daresay, it has done that to you. I truly believe that if I were to meet you, or any member of the Empires community that I disliked, in the real world and have a conversation with him or her, it would probably be nothing out of the ordinary; there is a large gap between how we are represented through the medium of this game and these forums, and how we are in real life. If my memory serves me well, Trickster once said somewhere on these forums that in real life, he's actually quite a nice guy, and I believe him completely. In my heart, I have faith that everyone in the Empires community is actually quite well-adjusted (with the possible exception of *censored*mu/rho/delta/iota/epsilon*censored*). But Empires is a miasma that seeps into our every pore, clouds our eyes and clogs our ears and replaces our minds, such that we begin to project ourselves past who we really are, and we end up seeing not the actual person behind each persona, but equate the persona with reality. It's an intoxicating mist whilst it lasts, but people stop feasting on it eventually and snap back into the real world, and realize how they have both wronged others and been wronged by others whilst under its influence. It's both a blessing and a curse. And as you have said, Spring is coming. Ere long, I will be free of the depressing long nights and short days of winter, just as I will be saddled with the burden of a depressingly heavy course-load of schoolwork. But that's the just the price to pay, I suppose. So hither hies the dénouement. I'll probably resume playing Empires again in a few months, as this game calls to me like none other, but whether or not you'll still be playing by then remains to be seen. I second everything that Candles has said in his post, and I'll add that although I didn't like your in-game or in-community persona, I'll try to see past that and assume that you're a genuinely good person at heart, and I wish you all the best.
I read the first sentence Hexi. No you are not the one who rage quited. PS: I don't need your approval. My ridiculously great friends are the only ones I seek approval from and oddly they don't judge. But I wish no one any harm as I'm sure anyone who rages in a game really does. Someone getting peeved in a game just has a short temper and I know feels badly about pissing on people, so I don't take any notice of it. Individual attacks on people are a different matter and certainly taken personally. Vinnie
Gorge is not new. Gorge is literally one of the oldest maps in Empires, around 6-7 years old. It's not even cycled, it's just on the server, so I don't know how it got chosen as a map. Given the way the commanders spawn next to eachother I don't really think it's an appropriate map to be cycled. It was created as a training map for CW Clan (Hence cw_gorge), nothing more.
Is gorge the one with two apcs for each team, and tunnels that you could abuse on the top and bottom of the map?
If you've only read the first sentence, then there's not much else for me to say. And incidentally, I've never attacked you personally. I'll say that you're bad at the game, and that's pretty much true. But that's like someone telling me I'm bad at Dota 2, because I am; I wouldn't construe that to be an "individual attack". That having been said, if you don't need my approval, then you should have no problem ignoring my disapproval either. Which, incidentally, you haven't done, to the point where, even after I got bored of Empires, you decided to superfluously come here and call me the "king of assholes".
fuck you seriously, this is just pissing me off now. If you're desperate, go to User CP > Signature and add in 'Vinnie' This isn't even quality drama.