I was kicked by Admin - who I assume is Big D from a game on a new map. It was the two bases facing each other COM's were in no mans land with completely screwed up controls. All I could do was shoot at the other teams vehicle. So Big D who was on the other team waited until our base was completely screwed then he moved the vehicle into our base from no mans land - which was a box about 100 miles from the action with two flags next to it. I wish I new the name of the map. Anyway - when everyone was dead - he moves the com vehicle into where they are located and they kill the COM vehicle. THEN HE FUCKING kicks me for griefing! Design a decent map that works and don't assume a player who has NEVER griefed is doing something without even asking him. I don't need this shit. I have plenty of other interests. And you wonder why you have no one playing this game. Vinnie
Emotions make people do stupid things. Let's try our best to understand that this happens to others and be aware that we are capable of similar behavior.
I removed you from my ignore list to read this because I was curious as to what was going on, whether you discovered some game-breaking glitch/exploit/whatever, and what you wrote here is just completely incomprehensible. First of all, what do you mean by "both comm's having completely screwed up controls"? How do you know what the other comm's controls were? Moreover, is this a feature of the map, or could it possibly be a glitch on your end? Furthermore, what do you mean by "all you could do was shoot at the other team's vehicle"? I've never heard of any glitch that... only allowed you to shoot at only the enemy vehicles. What do you mean by "when everyone was dead he moves the comm vehicle to where they are located"? Do you mean that he ungriefed the CV to where the enemy team spawned or something? To be honest, your description of the map doesn't fit any that I have heard of. It would be helpful if you would at least say whether or not it was a conquest map or not. Regardless, you should probably ask Craig why you were kicked (although being kicked is honestly not even a big deal, so I'm not sure why you appear to be so angry about it) instead of raging about this "injustice" on the forums. And if you truly believe you have better things to do with your life, then leave. No one is forcing you to play Empires.
No idea why but when I first read his post, I thought about Havoc (simply because it's a pretty new map). But Havoc doesn't have a CV, if I recall correctly, right?
I don't think so. Unless it's been updated, I think that emp_hobbes only has one flag, and the CV's are as far away from each other as possible--not exactly in "no man's land" if you ask me.
He probably knew you'd go on to the forums and write a signature at the bottom of your incomprehensible post, even though it's unnecessary AND we already have signature implementation. 10/10 admining, would approve of craig again.
First thought: Wow, Vinnie must have had a really fucked up dream. Second thought: Or his game was insanely broken/the server was dying. Third thought: Maybe someone tested a fresh map on the server and the whole thing was fubar, in which case Craigs behaviour would make total sense. Maybe not only you got kicked. Fourth thought: Anyone remember when we constantly had to kick etho, because every other time he connected to viper, the server started to spam the join message and etho was stuck at the loading screen? good times. kicking without reason in a broken game (that's how I read it) is nothing to brag about, just rejoin. Vinnie, you are a big contribution to our playerbase, don't run away just because you feel craig is an asshat.
Yes, I'm especially grateful due to the effort you put into joining the weekends test instead of sitting on viper server... oh wait, I remembered wrong, you didn't...atleast my memory is comprehensible...
was this on epic server last night on emp_gorge (which isn't new its just an old 2.12 map that was recompiled for OB)?
As far as I know trickster removed craig's admin powers on epic because of him teleporting the command vehicle constantly. YouzY can confirm craig does some dodgy shit time to time. Honestly I see dozens of people complain about the guy, and yet people keep giving him admin. Not everybody has the best intentions when they offer to help pay for something. The only people I would trust on viper is Steve, DaRip, AZK and occasionally w00kie. assuming he doesn't let his rage get best of his judgement.
I second BigTeef's post in its entirety, but I'll stop myself from bashing other people regardless of them deserving it or not.
To be honest, this makes me a bit happy, although for reasons other than what others have given. I remember you joining the game at first, having a decent sense of yourself and what to do. You didn't have much of an ego because you were a new player, but you still wouldn't take too much shit from people. Which is fine and all, I can understand that. But as the months dragged on, you, like many others, started losing your sense and gaining an ego. Slowly but surely, you got more aggressive and became more likely to rage. Empires hasn't gotten much worse nor has it gotten much better since you started playing, you just started paying more attention to the bad parts, in particular the forums and the rest of the player base. In the end, I'm happy that you're leaving. Not because you're a bad person, but because it'll definitely be good for you as a person. Take care.