Infantry Wish List

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by DonMegel, May 10, 2006.

  1. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    In the old forums I had a "how to fix the infantry" thread ( Located here;f=3;t=453 ) I decided to halt it due to me not being able to edit my orignial post and the lack of interest in further infantry development by my teammates.

    And so I have taken these ideas from the last thread and placed them here for a "wish list" of things we'd like to see in the inf in later patches.

    I will be keeping a tight leesh here, no bickering, no debating, if you have a problem with someones sugestions take it elsewhere. I will edit or remove posts not appropiate.

    Personally I would like to see the NF lvl one SMG removed and the lvl 3 with a lower rate of fire.

    All tracers need to be reduced to one every three shots. Tracers removed for SMGs and pistols.

    Add shot gun to both sides

    the LMGs for both teams need to be deployable with thier accuracy increased while deployed and none otherwise. Untill we get prone we can have the deploy key lock the player in place and crouched untill the weapon is undeployed.

    EDIT: Deployable Morter, perhaps even make it droped like engy ammo box and then used like a vehical. Once done the morter is quickly "deconstructed" and can be moved.

    EDIT: Infantry research for com including accuracy upgrades, recoil reduction, damage increase, etc.

    EDIT: Make rocket only fired when shouldered, right click to bring up to view, held down when not.

    EDIT: Add satched charges to someone, enough of a blast to remove armor from vehic or use all of them to blow a building. Direct blast, not much area effect.

    EDIT: Remove kickback when hit by bullets

    EDIT: Simplify and streamline the HUD, its too big and cumbersome right now.

    EDIT: Add bf2-ish hit indicator so you know where you bing shot from

    EDIT: Add squad manager window at the spawn map ala BF2 for easier squad managment

    EDIT: Add 2 min timer after 1 ticket is reached so map wont last forever, hunting down last man.

    EDIT: Add mele weapon for Scout (I have a hatched mostly modeled)

    EDIT: Add second door to armory...somewhere...

    EDIT: Going prone reduces damage to infantry from morters and artillery by 25%

    EDIT: Make weapons accuracy more recoil based, elliminating cone of chance.
    - NF Heavy rifle should be like the Garand in DoD with similar damage, recoil and ROF.
    - Emp Heavy rifle have a 3 shot burst but with less damage than the NF Heavy.

    EDIT: Show visible evidence either on the minimap or in first person of the radar's range. Like a green ring.

    EDIT: Show engies own turret as white on mini map

    EDIT: Show number of mines have been placed by player or show how many can still be placed

    EDIT: Add ability to choose armor instead of item such as nades

    EDIT: For sake of saniuty, remove the freaking scout rifle and only allow SMGs

    EDIT: Add scout ability to sabotage buildings for short period of time.

    EDIT: Change mini map to be zoomed closer to the player and follow him ala BF2 or DoD. (Helps to see whats going on rather than the whole thing being a blob of arrows.

    EDIT: Scout acts as a mobil radar/camera showing enemy units on the minimap

    EDIT: Give Nader choice of nade launcher or his morter (Assuming the morter has become more stationary) allowing him a more anti-inf role.

    Last edited: May 30, 2006
  2. TheGreatHegemon

    TheGreatHegemon Member

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    Wait Meagol, do you have admin yet on this forum? ALl i see is junior member by yer name :P
  3. Bishop Gantry

    Bishop Gantry Member

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    Megel wouldnt it be possible to remove the girders covering the windows on the NF armory?

    Im against the idea of needing to crouch while using the RPG nothing could justify such a heavy nerf unless the RPG's power was seriosly boosted...
  4. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    Ill get my Admin when Krenz gets back, I had to sign up again :-)

    Oh right, I meant to fix the RPG sugestion, thanks (now reads "RPG must be shouldered to fire rather than cant be fired standing")

    What do you want the bars gone for?
    Last edited: May 10, 2006
  5. TheGreatHegemon

    TheGreatHegemon Member

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    *debate* *debate *debate*

    Muahaha! You can't stop us now meagol!

    On a more worthwhile note, i believe he wants them gone so he can shoot out of 'em.
  6. [RTFM]Major_Tom_CosmicBlu

    [RTFM]Major_Tom_CosmicBlu Member

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    I think, prone will never been added to this game?

    Research for infantry is replaced by the skills you can get.

    All satched charges one person can carry shouldn't be enough to blow up a building.

    Who wins after these 2 minutes?

    Second door to NF armory, because BE has it already.

    I don't think that a shotgun is a good idea. Which class should get it?
    And why only NF? Wouldn't get this the game imbalanced?
  7. Bobbus

    Bobbus Member

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    As a semi-sidenote, I'd like the RPG reload animation to NOT BLOCK MY ENTIRE GOD DAMN SCREEN! It's stupid that I have to try and take down a tank which I can't see because my arms are in the way.
  8. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    Krenzo@??? in thread: General Discussion: 1.05
    and I would like to highlight his suggestion

    Krenzo@??? in thread: General Discussion: 1.05
    Two suggestions-- 1: One, make this list prioritized for easy implementation and 2: fix jeep physics so infantry can be run over again
  9. dnc

    dnc Member

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    well what i hate is, the scouts rifle is realy inacurrate, could you please make it more accurate because its called a scoped rifle and the scope is pretty shit and you dont even get a proper crosshair. man, its supose to be a sniper rifle man...

    oh and the rpg should not bloxck the whole fucking screen, thats just stupid...

    could you please make these changes and i will stop flaming...
    Last edited: May 10, 2006
  10. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    Are you kidding me?

    Prone will be added when we can animated it

    Infantry research would give team wide boosts, but I see what your saying. However, I dont think I'll remove it, perhaps we can flesh it out more.

    The NF shot gun is already modeled, and I think the engy should get it.

    After 2 mins who ever has the most tickets or alive players win. If that is even then no one wins and its a draw.

    Thanks for pointing that out, shot pistol dmg increase has now been removed from the list. The most pressing issues are in blue now.
    Last edited: May 10, 2006
  11. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    This is for when prone comes into the game. When proned, the player takes 50% damage from explosions coming from tanks, arty and mortars. Grenades are not effected.

    Also a much more powerful mortar. Same range, but it has to be deployed (4-8 seconds maybe).
  12. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    I think in real life laying down only helps to protect you from shrapnel, not the blast itself.

    I would love a deployable morter and its on the list.
  13. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    Yes, but 70% of the damage from artillery IS shrapnel. Plus explosives, if dropped from a relatively high arc will direct most of the explosive power up, and not out. Laying down puts one beneath the blast effect. Which is mostly shrapnel anyhow.
  14. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    Behold, I am now Dev!

    Can you site me some research about the percentage of deaths from artillery fire being a result of shrapnel rather than explosive energy damageing internal organs?

    Added:Simplify and streamline the HUD, its too big and cumbersome right now.
  15. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    "With the advent of relatively insensitive high explosives which could be used as the filling for shells, it was found that the casing of a properly designed HE shell fragmented so effectively that additional shot was not required. For example, the detonation of an average 105 mm shell produces several thousand high velocity (1,000 to 1,500 m/s) fragments, a lethal (at close range) blast overpressure and, if a surface or sub-surface burst, a useful cratering and anti-material effect — all in a munition much less complex to make than the later versions of the shrapnel shell."

    From wikipedia:

    "The word shrapnel is used by the general public and media to describe munition fragments; however, this popular usage is not technically correct. The term is now used to describe all types of high velocity debris thrown out from an explosion, and makes no differentiation to the process which created or produced the debris. The Oxford English Dictionary documents that the term shrapnel is often used to describe fragments or shot included in explosive weapons."

    Shrapnel shells are no longer in common use, but the most lethal aspect of HE shells is the munitions' debris.
  16. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    That'll do, thank you.

    Added: Going prone reduces damage to infantry from morters and artillery by 25%
  17. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    but these are sci-fi nuklear powered fancy schmancy artillery, remember. Who says HE Arty shells arent concussion powered energy plasma blasts? You could justify the weapon by saying anything nearby was magically vaporised. Either way is fine with me, BUT I say do what makes the game most interesting/includes the most fluid gameplay.
  18. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    If it were "concussion powered energy plasma blasts", then the weapon would be called that, not "HE shells". Besides, going by your logic, the guns would fire lasers, wouldn't they? And hover? And, people could build giant walking robots from the vehicle factory, et cetera.

    It has been established that there is a rather wide range of futuristic technology, but most, if not all of it, is based on current, and realistic science.
  19. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    No worries, this isnt a Feature list, these are wishes.
  20. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    Oh, right. Sorry.

    Personally, I like the tracers as they are now.

    EDIT: And, from the other infantry thread, have deployable weapons (a wide range of them) researchable.
    Last edited: May 12, 2006

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