Ideas for infantry upgrades.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Awrethien, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    Engineer: Advanced construction that you let build things like bunkers, tank obsticles (dont know the name)

    Rifleman: I really love the idea someone mentioned bevor, big ugly armor for the rifleman that let him take more damage and let him carry heavy weapons.

    Grenadier: Mines that explodes when a target is near not only by contact. A weapon that uses shells instead rockets to take out tanks.

    Scout: give the scout a fake vehicle that he can use to confuse the enemy. He can choose by himself what vec he want. That vehicle takes only one hit and cant shoot.
  2. DeadlyDad

    DeadlyDad Member

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    Riflemen: 'Bouncing Betty' mines, fire a couple of seconds after triggering. Does damage to all infantry in ratio to their distance from the mine, out to 25-30 feet.

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