Current Progress: Original first post: So I made one too: I dno, got bored. This is the real afv replacement I'm working on: (turret is just there for reference)
empires meets tron :D either that or they hired mercedes for tank design studies hehe but i like it ... edit: after a bit thinking, it does look a bit too technological advanced tho ...
AFV does not mean Advanced Fighting Vehicle but Armored Fighting Vehicle. Looks too modern compered to any other tank in the game. Like a hover tank or something.
I like your model dizzyone but I dont like it as a AFV replacement. Its to futuristic to be the frist car in your garage i have no problem if it is used for a researchable tech but imo the AFV needs a model that reflects that it is a sucky tech-1 vehicle.
I think dizzyone wins... ...Just for showing wireframe shots. Oh, and making an awesome AFV. I think the turret is a little too far back though, reminds me of those little tanks from supreme commander.
Can it be mobile AA? Equipped with heavy Vulcano/Gatling/4 or 6 barrels gun [whatever you call 'em] and missiles? Would fit perfectly IMO
I love the new AFV. Of course the Brenodi are going to have more advanced tanks than the NF, who pulled theirs out of storage years after the end of the war. Sure, the medium and heavy tanks look like tanks, but if this were appropriately scaled, and its sleek stylings were attributed to being able to move quickly over rugged terrain, and its weapon was limited in power, then this becomes a great addition/edit.
IMO move the turret a bit farther forward and make the wing things on the front less futuristic but deff the best so far and looks low polly
looks like a inaccurate 1-2-3 slot arty cannon inf support tank to me , sth like german ww2 Brummbar or whatever it was called