Gun play.

Discussion in 'General' started by Lime, May 21, 2006.

  1. Lime

    Lime Member

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    First off, fantastic mod, great work.

    I have a question for the player base.

    How do you rate the gun play?

    I'm having severe trouble bonding with the weapon interface. I, as most of you have played FPS games for years and years (to many in fact) and have gotten very familiar with the various scenarios played out when two ppl from different teams come in contact with each other, but in EMP I'm feeling like I'm the biggest nub ever. Nothing wrong with being humbled by an others skill, but I don't feel this is the reality of the situation, most of the time. No offense to anyone who kills me :p

    I have my controls set just right, I'm getting my cross hair right on target and about 85-90% of the time I'll get iced, but iced from the first few shots from the enemy. I'v seen me put 2-3 mags from a the Scout rifle right on the button, and yet I'll killed between 1 to 3 shot from a Scout Rifle. That alone is not the problem for me, It's the fact I know that I'm on target and I'm not getting the kills I would normally expect too see from similar situations.

    It is not just the Scout rifle, all weps just feel a bit wishy washy. Even the space nazi's assault wep, I try not to use it cos of the balance issue, but even that seems I duno, just a bit wrong.

    Yeah, maybe it's me. I'm willing to except that, but I have played most FPS games and mods and struggle most with this one. I still play because I love the games vision and general game play. I reckon this mod will have a great future and have my fingers crossed for a tighter feel for the wep control.

    I know EMP is in beta stages and I wish I could explain myself a bit better with regards to the weapon control.

    So yeah, anyone else thinking this?
    Or can you give me tips for wep control?
    I do take my time to crouch, set up shots and use short controlled bursts, and yet not quite getting the results you would normally see from similar weapon systems.

    Thanks, Lime

    P.S. Keep up the great work. :)
  2. Aurora

    Aurora Radiating love, empathy and maternal instincts

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  3. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    I have no problems with weapons; I feel infantry combat could be better but it would help to mention what games you have played for comparison sake. Some games will have subtle differences but radical effects induced by them.

    There are also still a few problems with things such as hitboxes like the head not counting as a hit and no crouch hitboxes (the hitboxes remain in the standing position).

    There's also that knockback feature when hit that throws your accuracy way off making it near impossible to fight back at times.
  4. Gunnery Seargent Hartman

    Gunnery Seargent Hartman Member

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    Well i think it's the crosshair and Hitboxes, Lime
    Just shoot a wall an watch where the bullets hit compared to your crosshair.

    I do usually aim slightly higher and left than exactly on the target.
    Works pretty good for me.
    ... at least for the SMGs. The 2nd Imp Rifle f.e. seems to be almost pinpoint precise.

    And the crouching Hitboxes appear to be far off the model.
    Last edited: May 21, 2006
  5. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    The SMGs are the least accurate in the game but with the least kick. Rifles being more accurate but higher recoil (depending on what rifle you use) and scout assault rifle (NOTE: The scout rifle is not a sniper rifle) being somewhere in between for accuracy but is the most powerful rifle in the game.

    As for crouched hitboxes: clicky
    It can be fixed with a server side cvar but there's no way to know what servers have used it. I also believe it's being fixed for 1.06 or something :)
  6. Lime

    Lime Member

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    Really? Thats the impression that I'm getting. Most of you seem to think the weps (non vehicle) are fine, or need a little tweak. For me it seems like they are extremely inaccurate. Maybe I'm to used to other games.

    I guess I have always been looking for a game like this but with the wep setup like CS or CoD/HoB those for me have the wep control on the money. I'm looking for my Colt or MP44 in this game, but failing drastically to find the same fun in infantry combat that I would normally expect from a game that includes hand held weps. It's a grunts life for me and ya need the right tools for the job.

    This is my rifle, this is my gun,
    this is for fighting, this is for fun!
  7. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    when nearly everyone says something, its likely to be true. i cant count the number of people who i have heard say that the weapons need balancing. especially the be ar. that is just a death ray compared to nf ar. as for other weapons i dont play them often enough to say.

    I think we also experience a lot more lag in this game than usual and that will severelly affect your hit rate too.

    but no hearing that there are no crouching hitboxes is a great tip tbh. (should be fixed tho obviously)
  8. Jkun

    Jkun Ban Hammer Manor Ruler

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    As soon as the Brenodi rifles are brought into line with the NF's, I'll not have too many quarrels. I'd like to see adjustments to make the Scout rifle less of an AWP, but I could get over that. >;P
  9. Lock N' Load

    Lock N' Load Member

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    I agree with Lime, weapons seem so weak when I use them even in the best conditions, but when I fight someone useing them where I get the first shot and in a better postion, I'll still get pwned.

    EXP: I'm a BE Rifleman, I have Accuracy and Damage incrase with the HMG. I'm in the BE alley way. An NF Engie/Scout runs up to the corner I'm watching. I start firing before he turns to aim at me, and I have my aim dead center, but he swings around(STANDING) and bursts me with the NF SMG1 and I get killed. This happened at close range, near melee range.

    But any weapon, any range, I'll get pwned by the same class set up I used.

    And the Scout rifle is a bit messed up, I've put 6+ confirmed shots into one person(Standing, so don't even say Dig In) at a fair range(Buckshot pistol would be effective.) and they just stood there and took it, and I'm pretty sure there wasn't an Engie healing him(Out not near a corner an engie could of been hiding behind to heal him. ).
  10. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    That sounds like hitbox/reg than weapon... Malfunction? =o
  11. Lime

    Lime Member

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    Yup exactly, it's as if im a massive target and my weps do like 25% or less dam as my enemys. Just came out a map I was NF scout and had good range and aim on another sniper..... 4-5 mags and nothing, he was engaged with someone else he finished and turned and hit me 2 shots and im dead?????

    I even just did a fresh install of my whole PC from formated hard drive (it was really needing it anyway) just to see if it was my pc running like a dog, but nope same thing as before. Very frustrating.. I know that some shots can stray off target,but I'm really quite a good shot in every FPS game I play, normally ranking in top 5 on scoreboards at the end of maps. Still it's as if my shot to hit ratio was of someone that never played a FPS lol. I'v seen my 8 year old kid do better on CS that I'm doing on here :p

    /shrugs at room
  12. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    You REALLY have to crouch to have any sort of aim with the scout. If you stand and fire, you're gonna have problems, every time. That's the first issue you have to realize. I also feel like pointing out to lime that the BE AR is super effective right now, and not at all inaccurate. The massive kick it gives you probably makes it FEEL inaccurate- Frankly, I'd rather it had less kick and more spread, but that's off topic. If anything, the BE AR is TOO good. The NF AR is also pretty good, and you can outshoot anything but a scout with a RR. HOWEVER the reduced mouse sensitivity on the rifles may be what's throwing off your aim. I find that the reduced mouse sensitivity makes it really tough for me to hit things when I'm not using the scout rifle.
  13. Angry

    Angry Junior Member

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    Actually its more like a scout

    But still I think its just that there isnt much feel to the weapons, the sounds don't seem right, and theres not reload sound.
  14. Lime

    Lime Member

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    Thanks for your input, but if you read my posts you see that it is not the lack of trying, or understanding about crouching and general wepon control. I can handle myself very well in other FPS games. The issue seems to be that when I shoot at my target aint getting hit, even whan its statioary and I have the perfect shot, and not cos im spraying or jumping about while shooting, crouching and short bursts were hard wired into me more than 5 years ago with the CS addiction I had lol. I very rarly fire from standing, only when I'm surprised or its a try for a lucky shot type situation. I'm just constantly thinking why did that not hit my target, I dont understand. I'm not that bad at FPS games lol. The weps just dont feel right.... Imagine the gunplay from CS or CoD jeez I'd even settle for the accuracy from DoDS, that accuracy in this game,,,, Oh!!!! how good would that be. Like I say, as a grunts we need tools that do the job.. So much effort has gone into this mod, would be ashame to see it not reach that level of fun from all aspects of the game, be it Comm, tanks, Planes (soon?) and ground combat. Im a grunt at hart and I'm resorting to Eng for gameplay :(

    I wana get out there and have a good old scrap, not be thinking hmmmmm oh no there is the enemy get to cover.... I should be thinking Where are they, they are gona pay Grrrrrrrr!!!! Like I normaly play :p

    Bah, but still Great mod..Im not complaning as such, I just think the devs are missing a really great opertunity to make a mod that could go into the gaming history books. It's soo close and still in beta .... I can't wait for the finneshed product.. Go Devs GO!!!!!

    Just give me a decent gun one that handles like the Colt form CS or MP44 from CoD (MP44 from CoD1 and HoB are the best weps in any game ever, in mt humble opinion), thats all im asking :)
  15. Geogriffith

    Geogriffith Master Debater and Conflict Resolutionist

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    Don't be fooled by bulletholes! Those ARE NOT an accurate measure of anything. It has to do with the way Valve coded it, bulletholes are just a best-guess approximation of where the client thought your bullets were going. But the spread is hardly accurate in the least. (There's gotta be some coders who can back me up on this.)

    Moving right along... WOW! That screenshot with the crouching hitboxes is damning, to say the least.

    And I am always in favor of recoil-based bullet spread over arbitrary spread. People, as in "futuristic biomechanically enhanced soldiers", should be able to line up their first shot. What happens after that is fair game. :p
    Last edited: May 22, 2006
  16. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    I do feel as though they could sound better. Right now, they sound rather weak... Like cap guns and animations would probably help a lot but I know they don't have an animator yet :P
  17. cpugeek

    cpugeek Member

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    Heh, i remember testing them without any sounds at all. It was amazing how much better they felt once there was some kind of audio response. I imagine if we could get a beefier sound, it would improve the overall weapon feel. Of course, we have not had a reliable sound guy to do this.
  18. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    To the thread starter:

    I have no idea what it that you think is wrong. You haven't really stated in specific terms. Of course, if you don't know what is wrong.....

    But anyway, I for one, have no problem with the weapons in Empires. They (for the most part) sound good, feel good (except for the NF AR for some reason...), and act good. The only advice I can give is always, ALWAYS aim for the centre of the body. No matter what.
  19. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    I've had this problem too sometimes. NF engineer with SMG2, put 2 and a half magazines into someone crouching still trying to demolish my turret. I was crouching still at the same time, and firing in bursts. Crosshairs were dead centre on the body, and nothing. He turned around and in a few seconds i was dead (from full health). I had to just watch as he finished off the turret and ran off.

    Situations like this are very frustrating and leave you thinking "What the hell am I doing wrong?" Needless to say this was enough to spoil the game for me. I think the only explanation must be a hitbox issue, and this really needs attention. As it is, it is simply making the game not fun to play.
  20. Jkun

    Jkun Ban Hammer Manor Ruler

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    Not if you're at all close to your target. 1 hit kill.

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