i really enjoyed the compact engine, as it was perfect for apc ugl combos... Anybody have any opinions on it? i rather liked the feel (a smoother 2.5~ gas engine)
I think he said when the scripter was changed back, due to too many complaints, a lot of the fun elements were removed.
What's the point? If heavy tanks didn't have 2 3slot weapons I think it would be a nice way to differentiate between factions, but I'm not seeing the greatest point to it. Not unless you added things which aren't tied to vehicles at all for super unique faction stuff, but I couldn't see that happening any time soon.
Yeah, faction-specific equipment is too complicated. Having asymmetrical tanks is fine because players see the tanks and they are visibly different.
it was a dumb engine and for some reason spartacus refused to make it 2 slots even when i pointed out that it bugs out and you can place 2 compact engines with no benefit.
You only shared that with me? Shit, I didn't mean to hoard that. My apologies. I never brought it up because no one ever brought it up and I assumed that others had it. It's definitely worth testing, but I feel like there are a lot of things worth testing, so my standards are atypical. I put the compiled model in the release and the uncompiled assets in the private repo. The files are tiny, so no one will care, but they will be there if anyone needs it. Use the Empires beta branch to quality check the assets. Let me know if anything is messed up.
New tank type, Beast Tanks, offers 2x3slot everything. Also 15 armor plates on each side, but it only moves at 5 mph.
no, but it's slowed down by weight and has really high heat tolerance but shitty cooling ideal loadout: 2x HIT 2x HEMG 2x plasmacannon 2x ugl 2x he arty 15 plates of reactive on every side bio engine people will reset it at repair pads to exploit the cooling bug that may or may not exist and i just theorized the existence of
Nothing productive, I just want to say that Heavy Tank looks great with the double barrels. It always needed a bit more beasting up, now at least the turret is as oversized as the rest of it :D
This could be the beast tank,next tier is mammoth tank with the ability to have 20 plates reactive everywhere,4x Nukes,8x HEMG,4xRail Gun,10x Plasma Cannon,40x UGL and 50x Nuclear Arty and 50x 3Phase. And next tier is hover mammoths with 4x the capacity,the ability to go on water,hovering,flying and going 10000x faster. Next tier is noclip tank.
AND THEN CALL IT TEH ARMAGEDON TANK. Is it just me or is the tank body used better textures? Need HQ/HD barrels