Get rid of Plasma and Nukes, Weaken Rails, Allow admins to disable research items

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by recon, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    I think Plasma should be removed from Empires. It ruins tank fights. It isn't any fun to kill a tank with plasma or get killed with it.

    Nukes are completely ridicules. They overheat everything in their blast radius, do a huge amount of damage and are regularly abused.

    Rails should be weakened, as they are way to powerful and aren't matched by anything except nukes (which should be removed).

    One other suggestion. When you are driving a heavy tank, APC or AFK, and a LT rushes you, you can't shoot it while it's ramming into your side. The tank turret should be able to aim lower.

    Server Admins should be able to disable certain items in the tech tree from being researched by adding something like

    emp_sv_disable_research_item "Item Name"

    I know that there's an emp_sv_unresearch_item, but that doesn't what I'm suggesting.

    From a programmer's stand point, I don't think any of these ideas would be very hard to implement.

    Possible Solutions

    For the disabling research item, you could do something like

    const int TOTAL_RESEARCH_ITEMS = 51;
    const string[TOTAL_RESEARCH_ITEMS] researchItemNames = {"item1", "item2"};
    bool[TOTAL_RESEARCH_ITEMS] researchItemsEnabled = {true};
    void OnEmpSvDisableResearchItemCalled(string item)
       // Stores the index of the item to be disabled
       int index = -1;
       // Search the array
       for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_RESEARCH_ITEMS; i++)
          // Check if the current item is equal to the item we are looking for
          if (researchItemNames[i] == item)
               // Store the index and break from the loop
               index = i;
       // If index >= 0 we have found the item so disable it
       if (index >= 0)
          researchItemsEnabled[index] = false;
    For brevity's sake, I didn't include the code for a binary search, but a more efficient searching method should be used.

    If my memory serves me correctly, Source based games are coded in C++, so those examples should be pretty close to "compile ready" C++ code.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  2. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    I don't see any reason why I should do that. So, no.
  3. Mr.Bungles

    Mr.Bungles Member

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    and while your at it, remove all weapons and vehicles and replace them with flowers and VW vans, so we can all run around saying "peace man" and "save the trees" in our hemp trousers etc,etc. Theres no need to get rid of plasma and nukes, i do however feel that rails is overpowered, but it can be easily dealt with.
  4. Superlagg

    Superlagg Member

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    No, No, No, and Sure, why not?

    Just balance plasmmiers so that they are fun, make nukes more accurate, give NF a good endgame weapon, and yay!
  5. Lollum

    Lollum Tester++

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    Gief plasma-mls.
    And reduce the heat that plasma adds to your own tank by 2 or 6.
    I agree with the nukes-part though. The actually only annoying thing with them is the insta-overheat.
  6. CobaltBlue

    CobaltBlue Member

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    I disagree with initial idea and hope the training server never figures out how to restrict thhose things.
  7. petemyster

    petemyster Member

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    nukes? Bio engine anyone?

    *slap* "what the hell you doing man, don't use bio, use 3 phase!"
  8. CobaltBlue

    CobaltBlue Member

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    I like the nuke, I like the overheading. It is a very good defensive weapon. It has proper weight cost for its infantry destruction. The only thing I personally don't like about it is it nearly makes artillary useless.

    Plasma cannon overheats the shooter too much. Plasma MG is nice as is, although most APC MGs have two benefits, and the plasma MG only has the one. A crappy 1 slot version of the Plasma MG would be a nice addition.
  9. Binboy

    Binboy Member

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    Nukes are fine, I say more damage but less overheating as well as acctually fix the explosion effect to the set radius of the blast, also make nukes have a longer cooldown 3-5 seconds extra.

    Railguns, carry more ammo, slightly faster shooting but less damage by any chance I like to see Quake 2 railgun effect like stuff :D

    Plasma is fine as it is just overheat self a little less like what Lolum said.

    Advance Coolant is my counter against nukes :D
  10. Lollum

    Lollum Tester++

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    Try to fight 5 nuke tanks.
    Even bio/advanced coolant-engines won't help.
    (and you want to actually have a chance to shoot the enemy, don't you?)
  11. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Now I don't like overheating at all either and it actually made me suggest something crazy like fuel for tanks instead of heat.. But this might be an issue for the training server because of the upped res and fast research.. A normal setting game will usually not last long enough for nukes or plasma unless it becomes a stale mate(emp_money)

    But I could of swore there was a research thing like your asking about.. I think it was implemented to disable nukes from escort.
  12. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    Its actually a command for researching things. So if you have a comm/radar the command is no good. I'm fully for getting rid of heat myself TBH. Engines could be differentiated by speed and weight capacticy. Be kinda interesting. You could have big heavies decked out with crazy amounts of weapons slowly rolling everything over but me at a disadvantage with the enemy doing small tactical strikes. Theres alot of stuff that would have to go along with this like only allowing 1 of each weapon type for slot ie no 6xsc. But IMO it would improve the game. But yeah.... doesn't really seem like its too viable of an idea for 2.2. Also, I think engineers should repair tanks redic slow. Like none of this oh lol I park my tank in nme lines and i'm at full health in 10 seconds despite all my armor being gone.... would nerf tanks alot and make repair bays and frontlines more useful. Anyways I'm just rambling on now.
  13. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    I totally, 100% agree. heat is just a fun sucker, in that it sucks the fun out of playing. there should be a better way of getting ammo too, because having to use ammo boxes puts more pressure on the player to be engineer.

    i totally agree that it sucks when you can jump out and repair; in the middle of a tank battle i know that if i jump out i'll be able to repair before he can kill me.

    BUT at the same time, it feels really nice and tactical when other players that ARN'T in a tank repair me. so what's the solution? well, it may seem a bit contrived at first but: double repair speed when the vehicle has a driver in.

    tanks repairing too fast wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the repair upgrade skill. i honestly think that empires would be better if that skill had never been added; and people wouldn't complain about it being boring to build because they wouldn't have known of any other way. and at the same time, it isn't altogether

    and how come engineer grenade box is the fastest way to take down a building... faster and stealthier than a grenadier even, the guy you should be relying on, working as a team, to take down enemy buildings. yet also tanks have so much health that the grenadier is generally fairly average against them, but to make up for it he's got a grenade launcher (aka mortar, though it's really a grenade launcher. what kind of mortar would you ever fire DOWN? and don't you have to drop a mortar into the tube and then it fires imidiately?) so the grenadier isn't exactly unbalanced because he's fairly good against infantry but that's beside the point; he's totally lost his role. that dude should suck vs infantry and whoop ass vs tanks and buildings. I sometimes get the feeling that if something is put in one way and people get used to it then they assume it's the best way empires could be, and often when you do change things, because you may have to go back a step in gameplay before you can go forwards, nobody's willing to risk upsetting people. and then i worry that empires isn't even being developed at all.

    i just felt i needed to say that stuff.
  14. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    I agree that repairing tanks on the battlefield sucks but i disagree that
    heat sucks ^^ its another layer that makes the game more tactical.
    I dont even think that heat (beside nukes) is a problem because its really
    easy to handle.

    If you want to make grenadiers good against tanks than you have to make
    middle game tanks devastating against infantry because esle you have the
    battlefield series problem that a single player can, as infantry, rape tanks.

    I like the grenadier as it is, yes bla bla conservative bla bla, but its a effective
    anti turret/light vehicle unit and thats how i see the grenadier. And btw its
    the really unique class in empires (because of his mortar :) ) that u wont
    find in any other game :)
  15. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    Uh, if you're fighting enemy tanks 5-on-1, your problem isn't nukes...

    Anyway, there's already another thread about disabling plasma. I can see the issue with it being really frustrating, but I don't really see either it or nukes as being particularly powerful in most cases...
  16. Binboy

    Binboy Member

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    Double NUKES, It's painful.
  17. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Nuke overheating is rather annoying, they aren't an effective combat weapon against tanks but they are very good at stopping your tanks from working on a map with confined areas, like streetsoffire, crossroads, or some parts of cyclopean.

    They don't actually kill tanks, they just make them kinda useless unless you use the shitty bio engine which at least lets you nudge them to death. Bio in itself is a kinda shitty engine for tank battles because it doesn't perform very well, and it reduces tank combat to just building big tanks with many guns on because you can't go fast enough to use a medium for speed based fighting, which is something we already have too much of in empires.

    Plasma does a similar thing, but I haven't seen it used much.

    Personally I'd just like to see both have the heat transfer knocked down some, and the damage upped to compensate, having plasma as a high-dps high-heat cannon would be fine, and having nukes be more destructive would also be fine as long as they don't disable any attacking tanks in the process.
  18. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    Ok what does Maksalot/Sonecha all time?
    He rushes nukes on maps like Canyon or Slaughter and walls every
    chokepoint completly off. If you restrict vehicles and only wait til you
    have bio/nuke heavys you roll out 10 of them or more and crush the
    enemy without any effort. It works against every team no matter how
    experienced they are. On slaughtered it even works (but not so effective)
    with plainarmor standartengine nukeheavys. With that rushtactic you
    make infantry worthless in midgame even bevor a standart research gets
    he cannons and you dont care how big the enemy tanks are because
    you nukespam them to death with your nukeheavyswarm. Biodisal dosnt
    help cause you always fight against 3 or more.

  19. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    that was just emp_sv_unresearch_item nuclear warhead in the map cfg, it doesnt stop it from being researched, unless theres no commander
  20. Mr.Bungles

    Mr.Bungles Member

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    give nukes less reload time,more damage,bigger radius, and make it a 1 slot ml.

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